Tara Taylor's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Tara Taylor's first Contract.

Boy's voice
"Interview your parents tape 1"
Woman's voice

"... damn mosquitos..."
"Now where were we? Ah right, current living situation!"
"I live on this god-forsaken piece of the earth..."
sounds of finger tapping a globe
"... Homestead, Florida. 80,000 souls and a few more without. Larger Miami area. Elevation: 1m, average temperature: 24.3 °C"
mosquito buzzing
"Why here? Close to the Everglades, good place to hun uh research animals"
"It's close to where I grew up and honestly I'll probably never leave these swamps for good until the day I die."
"What do you mean you need more on the tape"
"Was never a woman of many words, but what else can I say. Born and raised, nourished and fed by the swamps and one day I'll become part of them, the way my life's currently going. "
"Now come on, don't look at me like that, it was just a joke. I'm gonna be around for a while to take care of ya"