I live in London of course, it's the highest concentration of people in the country therefore the highest amount of people who will need my help. Makes sense if you look at it like that. In all honestly though I hate it here. The whole city is suffocating and congested. No if I truly lived where I wanted to live I would be about a hundred miles away, in a small village in the country where I grew up. Nice and peaceful.
This isn't about me though, no its about those suffering. The people we try to ignore as we walk by everyday, doing nothing as they starve and we wonder why they turn to crime? The world is rigged and theres nothing I can do to change it so here I am in London, to give as many people as possible what little help I can.
I may be focusing on Pro Bono work to help those who need it but I am still a lawyer and that pays well. I have at least one rather well off client each month who helps pay the bills, and trust me when I say I have no qualms about ensuring they are charged for my time. As for what I spend it on? Have you seen housing costs in London? The price I'm paying for that shoebox I call an apartment could get me a castle anywhere else.
As for less vital purchases I make sure to get my hair done every month. It can get wild without regular care and if I've learnt one thing over the years its how much the courts appreciate a well kept appearance.
Honestly at this point I don't even know if what I want is possible. End poverty? End Hunger? No doubt they are nobel goals but I'm not an idiot. I can see the writing on the wall and I'm almost certain nothing I do will make a difference but you know what? I'm gonna try anyway, after all if I do nothing they win, if I do something they will almost certainly win.
How would I do it? Well whatever is in my power. At the moment its helping defend those given trumped up charges with no means to fight their accusers because they don't have money. Do everything I can to stand for those who can't and stand up to those who would target them.
You ask if I would kill? Well legally I say no I wouldn't but between you and me? Hmm, well best not say anything I would regret. Now would I die for it? Thats a question I can answer far more clearly. Yes. For if that is what it cost to achieve my goals then it is a cheap cost indeed.
Probably my third case as a lawyer. A relatively simple eviction case or so I thought. There I was, representing my client thinking we would be in and out in no time when all of a sudden I find myself being bombarded with so many bizzare and elaborate loopholes in the lease aggreement along with what I am convinced to this day were fabricated complaints from my clients alleged neighbours.
It was that day I fully realised that those with power would eternally use that power to keep those without down. I did the research, my client had been a model tennant for over five years. Not a single issue raised. Yet mere days after my clients eviction went though a new family were in the place. A family who, after some digging, I discovered to be paying nearly double the rent my client was. I knew then that nothing I ever did would actually make a difference. Shame really, I quite liked believing.