Yuria Beatriz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Yuria Beatriz's first Contract.

Coventry is a beat-up old city in the heart of England. She has lived there most of her life, finding a job in a music store upon reaching adulthood and dropping out of college. It is not the largest of cities, and Yuria prefers that, as she finds crowds uncomfortable.

Coventry is an old city with a lot of history - it has three seperate cathedrals, two of which are ruined. It was specifically targeted in the Blitz, and has a long history of engineering and manufacturing. Located in the centre of England, it is only a short distance from Birmingham, an important english city, and even closer to Nuneaton, the town where Yuria was born.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Yuria Beatriz's first Contract.

Yuria works in a music store on the outskirts of the city centre, selling records and instruments. A lot of her paycheque gets dumped straight back into the store as she buys albums and guitars. Most of the rest gets spent on rent for her small flat, and other bills. Occasionally, she will take gigs from pubs and bars to play live music; she doesn't have a band, but she sings passably well and has an old electric guitar that she plays along with.


Yuria enjoys drawing and painting in her spare time, and has quite the collection of warhammer models, which is what the rest of her pay is spent on. She occasionally takes painting commissions for extra cash.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Yuria Beatriz's first Contract.

Yuria wants to see the universe. She aches to be out there among the stars, but believes that she will die long before such travel becomes commonplace. She blames billionaires, CEOs, and politicians for hoarding wealth and being corrupt, as she is convinced that if humanity works together, it can rise to the stars.

Pre-contract, Yuria is resigned to dying of old age before ever seeing her dream come true, but with the promise of the Gifts, now has the ambition to live long enough to explore the universe. She will claw over anyone in her way, though still has compunctions about killing. Though exceptions could be made for the corrupt elite.

Yuria is not willing to die, as that kind of defeats the purpose of her ambition, but she will take risks if there is no other way.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Yuria Beatriz's first Contract.

Yuria dropped out of college when she was 19, after being kicked out of home by her abusive father for her rebellious ways. He didn't like how she dressed, how she spoke, the music she played, or how she'd take revenge whenever he was too free with his fists or belt.

After spending a year homeless and working a few jobs under the table, Yuria managed to score her job at the music store, and start renting a small flat. She was helped by a woman she met at the hostel, who recommended her for the job after many a night spent talking about music genres.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Yuria Beatriz's first Contract.

Kate is the woman from the hostel who managed to get Yuria back on her feet. She works as a cook at the hostel, and met Yuria when she was assigned to the washing up in the kitchens. Tall with blonde hair, Kate is in her mid-40s, and has a quick sense of humour.


Luis is Yuria's father. Quick with his temper, he evicted her from their home after one-too-many arguments. She has since broken off all contact.


Sabrina is the manager of the music store where Yuria works, and is currently her closest friend. Shorter than Yuria, with a pop-rock aesthetic and pink hair, she is a party animal. Yuria isn't really one for crowds, but will happily follow Sabrina on her nights out, due to what she believes is a well-hidden crush. In reality, Sabrina knows about this crush, but doesn't mention it as she's unfortunately straight.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Adventures in babysitting

Yuria's mother died at a young age, and her father, Luis, descended into alcoholism and violence. Every time he beat her, Yuria would get revenge in small ways, but eventually when she was 19, the arguments between them went too far, and she was kicked out of her home with only the clothes on her back.

She never had many friends at school or college, and none who were close, so when she was evicted, she had no-one to turn to. Yuria had to drop out of college just to make enough money by begging or doing under-the-table jobs that she could survive from day-to-day.

Her time at school was characterised by authority issues and detentions; many of the other kids shunned the lone weirdo who listened to loud music whenever she could get away with it. In college, she did reasonably better, as her chosen subjects - music and art - were more individually learned.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Adventures in babysitting

Yuria has never been in love, though she has a crush on Sabrina, her manager at work. They are close friends, and naturally feelings started to develop. She knows that Sabrina is straight, however, and thus tries to hide it. Sabrina of course, realises that Yuria has a crush, but doesn't say anything as she doesn't feel the same way. So long as Yuria doesn't make a move, she is content to leave things as they are.

Yuria is gay, and realised this whilst watching episodes of Xena, Warrior Princess on the television as a teenager. It contributed to her father's disownment of her, but wasn't the final straw.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Storage Woes

Before her first contract, Yuria's worst fear was to end up homeless and unwanted again. After spending a year on the streets, she swore that she would never allow herself to be placed in that position again. Cold, rainy nights, uncertainty as to where her next meal was coming from, and even things like lack of basic hygiene and feminine products made that year a living hell. If it wasn't for the hostel that she was able to stay in occasionally, Yuria fears that she could have died out there, alone and unmourned. She refuses to ever let that happen again.


After her first contract, her new greatest fear is forced mutation. After seeing what Vivian did to both Steven and the random guy they carjacked, Yuria now has a deep and abiding terror of ever falling under the lawyer's tender care, or other sources of forcible mutation. Yuria isn't against flesh-crafting in general - she considers shapeshifting a cool and useful power. But she needs the control of when and how said shape-changing occurs.


These are Yuria's main terrors. She has other minor things, such as Sabrina realising that Yuria has a crush on her, or being forced to live with her father again, but they are trifles in comparison.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Storage Woes


Clementine is the name of the guitar that Yuria received as her Gift following the loss of her instrument during her first contract. A flying-v style electric guitar, it hums with repressed energy as she holds it, and she can instinctively tell that she has unlocked a mere fraction of a percent of the power it holds.

Able to produce top quality electric guitar sound without the use of external equipment such as an amp or a pedal, Clementine feels like a gift from the gods. And, like the gods, it can be destructive.

So far, Yuria has figured out how to cause a blast of thunder and lightning in a radius out from herself, that judging by the devastated trees in the woods where she tested it, is incredibly powerful, and becomes more so the better she is at playing. She knows there are further powers to unlock, but hasn't been able to make that breakthrough just yet.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Sugar & Spice

Yuria's biggest problem is keeping her new status as a Contractor from her friends. She isn't sure whether or not she's allowed to tell them. She's constantly having to duck out of work or away from hanging out to perform her duties, and it's making her a little stressed.

She's having fun completing the contracts, and gaining power, but this latest contract really sunk in for her that these things are dangerous - she nearly got eaten by a shark and melted by lava. After being injured herself, and having to patch up another contractor who got injured in the same event, she's had to put some of her sparse free time into learning all she can about first aid. Sabrina, her boss, is confused but pleased that now she has a qualified first aider on staff, but has questions that Yuria finds herself unable to answer.

And now her guitar is clingy; Yuria finds she cannot relax if her guitar, Clementine, isn't in the room with her at all times.