Diary Voice recording #1:
Well, I live in a cardboard box in an "alley" in "Slum". I don't think I know all the way what those words mean...I've never heard those words until I got out of The Lab, but I think it means that there is at least one place that is not "Slum" and "alley" is the spaces between buildings. Oh, I found The Magazines in the newspaper stand, the people are so beautiful and colorful in them! They don't look like anybody over here or from Big Bio, they must be from other places that are not "Slum". They wear Clothes and I wear Clothes now too. I always thought the Scientist's clothes were part of their skin but nope, it's Clothes and Makeup! I hope Evea is there somewhere with the beautiful people in the Pretty Clothes. Sometimes they look dead inside though or very serious in the pictures, not sure what that's about. Everybody in "Slum" looks... realer than the magazines though, but also more beaten up. I'm in "Slum" because Evea told me I needed to get myself somewhere Big Bio couldn't find me if I wanted to escape, somewhere I couldn't be tracked. I remember I heard The Scientists in the Lab say "better than being in the Slum" a few times so I thought Big Bio wouldn't want to come here anyway since the people there seemed to hate "Slum" so much. It's not so bad here. People have been pretty nice to me so far, but people who've been really helpful have always warned me to be careful and watch my back.
My home just fits me, my blanket, and my pillow. It's small it smells musty It gets wet in the rain but I don't really mind, It's mine, and I've never had anything that was mine before. Everything at Big Bio was Big Bio's. I was Big Bio's too, but not anymore.
Diary Voice Recording #3
I'm one of the oldest of my siblings, most of us experiments don't live that long, and honestly most of them die within their first month as babies. We're expensive to let grow too long and it's dependent on lab funding. The oldest is Grace, nhen there's Evea, then it's Jack, then me then Emily. Those are the names we gave ourselves when Joanne was here. Gus was after Emily and we also helped Todd choose his name but after Gus died and Joanne went missing, we started waiting on helping the littler ones choose names; they keep dying too fast and it seems like they've started dying and getting replaced faster than ever before. And, it hurts more to lose someone with a name. Even if we did name them all, there would be too many names to remember anyhow after they're gone.
There are 30 others in our lab right now. Grace can hear really well and she told us there's at least 10 other labs on our floor alone.
I want to break everyone out, I want all us experiments to get to be free. Maybe we and The Forgotten could work together! The Scientists tortured and killed so many of us, I think it would be really satisfying to kill some of them. I don't want to kill innocent people though so I'll try to avoid that. I'm ok to die for this. No matter what happens, I got to the outside world outside the Lab and I would have gotten to help keep the people I love safe.