My home is a humble cottage in Galloway Forest. The largest forest in the United Kingdom located in the senic countryside of Scotland. Not my home but a place that was peaceful, away from all those who would threaten my peace and my work. Yes I admit there are some inconviences, supplies aren't the easiest to get and require some travel to get. Additionally modern amenities aren't the best, mobiles lack signal and the internet is slow even on a good day. Still all these a of little concern when compared to my privacy and peace.
The cottage itself is rather compact but has a large garden with an annex containing my workshop. I've made efforts to ensure it is secure of course. It contains many of my finest works and whilst I doubt thieves would try it never hurts to be safe.
I am currently a self employed jeweller focusing on finely crafted items set with gems and the like. I pour my soul in to each and every piece and they are worth the price I ask for them. Whilst not my main job I also spend time crafting swords, amour and other archaiac equipment as a hobby. That too can bring in some money and if you take as much pride in things as I do can make them a beautiful craft all their own.
Do not take me for some common craftman though, I am a woman of perfection, purity, skill. When I say I pour my soul into something I mean it. Each and every object takes a place of extreme pride and if you do not respect that do not fool yourself into thinking you are worthing of said creation.
My ambition? The word ambition exists purely to describe me. I will craft a Kingdom for me and mine, and none will stand against me. If any try? Death will be too good for them. The first step in my path to power is to gain this supernatural power offered to me by these contracts. Then I will gather those who have things to offer and enthrall them into my service, willingly or otherwise.
Once I have my loyal servants, and only then can I begin to carve out territory for myself. They shall have a Queen bathed in glory and crimson flames so brillant none will be able to look at me. All for the fear of being blinded as if they are looking at the sun. My visage will be that of the divines and none beneath these heavens will ever compare.