Lance Drakon's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Lance Drakon's first Contract.

Lance lives in the outer central area of Las Vegas downtown a few miles east of the Las Vegas Convention Center where he rents a terrible, infested basement. Originally, he'd moved to the area in pursuit of his passion and talent for professional fighting game tournaments, but after his embarrassing public defeat during the finals of his last tournament, he finds himself living there purely out of habit and residual love for the scene. Despite his sore feelings, he will often use the close locale to attend gaming tournaments and keep up-to-date on the scene. He reasons that one day, once he's proved his strength, he might return and dominate the scene for real.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Lance Drakon's first Contract.

Despite his obsessive pursuit of martial power, Lance is tragically aware of the need for funds to feed, clothe, and house himself. As a result, he has continued to participate in low-stakes fighting game tournaments online under an alternative pseudonym, which brings in a paltry but livable sum every month. As sad as it is, the vast majority of his money goes directly towards merely funding the rent for his tiny basement and the cheap fast food crap that he puts on the table every day. What little other money he has goes towards his fund for contract 'necessities' and emergency costs.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Lance Drakon's first Contract.

Lance Drakon is nothing but ambition. From as long as he could remember, he aspired to climb the ladder of power within the Fighting Game scene and prove to the world that he was the most powerful, most skilled gamer that the world had ever seen. In his mind, it was the quickest and surest path to demonstrate his innate superiority and achieve incredible popularity and recognition. Like everyone else in the world, he eventually learned about the reality of supernatural powers and creatures, but it didn't dissuade him from his obsession of reaching the top and dominating the competition. Until the day that he, in the finals of a tournament, was so completely defeated that his ambition crashed down around him, leaving him mentally scarred. From the ashes of that defeat, a new ambition emerged; if he could not ascend the Fighting Game ladder, then he would instead use these supernatural abilities to become the pinnacle human instead and rule the world through his own innate power. Surely that was where his superiority would shine through. To prove that, he would sacrifice anything. Kill for it effortlessly, and risk his life for scraps of power.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Lance Drakon's first Contract.

From as long as he could remember, he aspired to climb the ladder of power within the Fighting Game scene and prove to the world that he was the most powerful, most skilled gamer that the world had ever seen. In his mind, it was the quickest and surest path to demonstrate his innate superiority and achieve incredible popularity and recognition. Like everyone else in the world, he eventually learned about the reality of supernatural powers and creatures, but it didn't dissuade him from his obsession of reaching the top and dominating the competition. Until the day that he, in the finals of a tournament, was so completely defeated that his ambition crashed down around him, leaving him mentally scarred. From the ashes of that defeat, a new ambition emerged; if he could not ascend the Fighting Game ladder, then he would instead use these supernatural abilities to become the pinnacle human instead and rule the world through his own innate power. Surely that was where his superiority would shine through.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

My father, Estoc Drakon, is a complicated man. To him, all of life is one big fight, and it's a lesson that I've taken to heart too. When he was growing up on the tough streets, he fought back. When he needed a job to pay his way through life, he fought through it. When he found the woman that he loved with all of his heart, he fought for her love. When he found out she was pregnant with me, he fought to care for her.

To explain my father further, I gotta talk about my mother a bit, too. Her name's Cecilia Drakon. Some kind of college professor or something. Really, really smart. I never really went into much detail about it, honestly, but she studied stuff back in the day that'd make my eyes roll back into my head. Super nice. Like, the nicest person I've ever met, probably.

Anyway. When she got cancer, my father fought that, too. It was the first time my father lost, I think, and it broke the poor man. He's still alive, but I sometimes I think he doesn't want to be. When he sees me, I can tell he sees my mother, and...

Yea, anyway. My parents are a touchy subject.

Other than them I've only really got one friend--somebody I met online through the gaming scene. The one dude who didn't ditch me after I lost in the big tournament. Their tag is just NewE, but their real name is Neal Ersten. We hang out IRL a bunch these days, too, when we've got the time and the money, but obviously shit's been rough since I fell out of the tournament scene. Neal's a real wise guy, doesn't take my shit, but he knows I'm the best, so it works out.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

My father, Estoc Drakon, is a complicated man. To him, all of life is one big fight, and it's a lesson that I've taken to heart too. When he was growing up on the tough streets, he fought back. When he needed a job to pay his way through life, he fought through it. When he found the woman that he loved with all of his heart, he fought for her love. When he found out she was pregnant with me, he fought to care for her.

To explain my father further, I gotta talk about my mother a bit, too. Her name's Cecilia Drakon. Some kind of college professor or something. Really, really smart. I never really went into much detail about it, honestly, but she studied stuff back in the day that'd make my eyes roll back into my head. Super nice. Like, the nicest person I've ever met, probably.

Anyway. When she got cancer, my father fought that, too. It was the first time my father lost, I think, and it broke the poor man. He's still alive, but I sometimes I think he doesn't want to be. When he sees me, I can tell he sees my mother, and...

Yea, anyway. My parents are a touchy subject.

Fortunately, that happened later. My childhood was pretty sweet, honestly. Both of my parents were all onboard with my gaming interests, so I was able to dive into the pro gaming scene pretty quickly and make a name for myself. Well, and of course I attended school. Went great. Had a bunch of friends and stuff, though obviously now that I'm grown up it's obvious they weren't real friends. Just hanger-ons that were interested in my skills.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Ashes to ashes

No, I haven't. I mean, not unless you count being in love with Fighting Games, or in love with Fighting itself. Or maybe in love with being strong

...Okay, maybe I had a crush in high school on this one goth girl with dyed red streaks in her black hair, but that probably doesn't count either. I asked her out, she said no, and I'm a fucking chill dude so I did what any self-respecting guy would do and left her alone to go cry in my basement back at home. Easy.

I mean, that is what any self-respecting guy would do, if we're being real here.