Sage's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sage's first Contract.

It's not a town or a city, but it's a similar size. I live in a private section in a theme park, the one I helped my grandmother build in Canada. There are tunnels to the edge of the property, where you can take a local passenger train all over the area. If I can't get a direct personal lift at home, I can take that to the airport and go anywhere else I need to go from there. From my rooms I can go directly into the park, or to any of the 'hotels' (really guest quarters, since staying there is covered with the cost for being at the park long enough to need sleep), or to private passages only my grandmother and I can access.


My rooms are comfy, and other than just my personal stuff they include a small gym, a large pantry, and a dining area for company. I'd have a personal library, but that's already covered. There's three grades to that. The common library for permitted guests, the research library, and grandmother's personal library. She only allows myself and who she calls 'contractors' in there. Apparently she expects me to become one eventually, but won't tell me much.


I still can't make sense of her alchemy and enchanting books, maybe one day.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sage's first Contract.

I get most of my money from grandmother, but not all. What I get myself I keep for myself, which honestly means I'm building a savings from that. She pays me for all my work at the park, as she has since she taught me how to use her gadgets and recruited me to help build. It went a lot faster with just the two of us and her building device than it ever would have with construction teams and non-magical equipment. Once we got everything in place, I mostly just design new effects and help oversee the stunt workers. Eventually I'll be overhauling the old effects, once they get old.


Apart from the generous pay from that (which honestly feels like having an allowance), I get money from movies made "up here" in Canada, and go to the US when I'm needed. I'm not the best effects designer out there, or the best stuntwoman, but if I don't know how to do anything I know how to steal from the best.


I don't really think much about what I spend money on, I already have easy access to most stuff. I guess most of it goes to travel and expendable stuff like food, or whatever else I need outside the park.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sage's first Contract.

Well, it's just not safe out there. Even for an otherwise 'normal' person like me. If people knew I can move things without touching them, at the very least people would try to take advantage of me, and plenty of people would be scared. Even without knowing about any of the stranger stuff out there (I barely know any of it), they'd speculate about what Could exist.


I need to change that. Make it not just safe for people to come out, but encourage society at large to do more than tolerate us. Society needs to embrace our existence, just like they need to do with all minorities and disabilities. The real danger is the 'normal' people who think anyone who isn't them shouldn't even exist. We'll exist no matter how they feel, whether it's hate, fear, or jealousy.


No, I don't intend to kill or die for it, but not because I lack conviction. Because if a non-supernatural person dies on this, it would set everything back, and it's almost as bad to have a martyr. Martyrs just make the gulf between us larger.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sage's first Contract.

I'd like to say all sorts of things that make for one specific event that put me on my path, but of all the interesting answers, only one really feels right. It's when I felt so sure that I could make a difference, I could do something beyond simple things like teaching, entertaining, or making people smile. (and believe me, smiles are so very important) What could I do? I could give people magic.


Stories, special effects, and not just disguising things to Feel like magic, but keep the wonder alive when they know how it's done. That's what's really special, and difficult. Stage magic is disappointing to most when they know how it's done, but theme park stuff can be fascinating at every step. When I first got fascinated with that myself, I told my grandmother, and she told me something that changed my life forever. She'd help me.


That's when I found out we're both different, and there are more like us. My perspective grew, I would bring mundane magic to the world, make things safe for real magic, and let everyone grow and build a better world.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sage's first Contract.

There's Susan Mitchell, she's the head of the stunts department at the park. I think she's better than me at it, but technically I'm her supervisor. I followed my grandma's lead and picked someone who can manage herself.


Then there's the guy who keeps introducing me to amazing food, the head chef at the park David Harker. He really knows how to make anything taste amazing, especially if he already knows what you like. The biggest reason I prefer to eat park food is his recipes, so much tastier than the stuff I make for myself.


The other person most often in my life is of course my grandmother. I don't know what I'd do when she's gone someday, emotionally at least. Practically, I'd take over as head of the park. We maintain enough ownership to keep it from being taken over by corporate greed. Luckily, she's tough and ages, um.. gracefully.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

I guess it was a normal childhood, I was girly enough to not be teased and enough of a tomboy that the boys treated me like another boy. I spent a lot of time alone at school, but liked to entertain the younger kids when I was out. My mom encouraged me to do things on my own, even though most of that was either climbing everything at the park, reading everything at the library, or buying stuff at the comic book store.


I never knew my dad, and grandmother didn't want my mom to work too much, so she picked up the slack financially. So mom worked while I was in school, and we had enough to pay for housekeeping and cooking. That's part of why other kids liked to visit. Sure, they liked my storytelling, and our playground of a backyard, but most of them never had that great of food at home. I think that's why mom preferred to hire culinary students.


I bet me taking care of little kids is why I get protective of people now.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

Nope, that's not something I have ever wanted to focus on. There's so much else to do in the world, I wouldn't have time for it if I spent that on romance. Sex feels like a bit of a waste too, but I'm really not sure if I'm asexual or just don't want the sweaty sticky mess. I'll get sweaty and/or sticky doing stunts instead, they're more exhilarating.


I don't know what else to say about it, not even sure why anyone would want to know.


Besides, romantic partners just cause trouble for superheroes. Not that I'm one, I just expect I'll make the same sort of enemies that they do.