These days, i spend a lot of time asleep. Too much, in fact.
It helps me remember how things are, how they're supposed to be. What everything means.
So, i carved a little spot for myself, way out on the edge of The Dreamsphere. A moody little cabin where i can have all the info i'd ever want.
The Waking World...Doesn't really interest me any more. It's so loud. So bright. So many people, and screens, and life. But in The Dreamsphere?
It's quiet. Rustic. A little lonely, maybe, but that never hurt anybody. It's an escape. But...I'm not really sure what from.
Topside, i've got a nice, big house, all to myself. My family was frankly loaded, i've hardly had to work a day in my life. Don't know where else i'd go but into my dreams.
I inherited every last dollar.
Money doesn't really matter here anyway. You could wish for whatever you want, and eventually it'd come to you.
We don't really have paper currency down here, i don't think. I guess you could say the closest unit of transactional tender is a bartering system, or the good will of others. Or maybe you pay with your mind. Stuff i've bought is mostly just for fun. Toys and the like, books, novels, encyclopedias, pens, cameras...Just...So much.
I can pursue the stuff i like in The Dreamsphere, and i like that. You should see my plushie pile, aha...
...It's...Kind of embarrassing actually. It's like i'm a kid again. Just a kid with big responsibilities.
At least, that's what i've been told. I've yet to actually do anything important with my status as a Dreamer.
It's kinda simple, actually. This place is so...Amazing. So new. Almost nobody knows what they're doing here or where they are. I've met a few fresh Sleepwalkers and guided them on their way, but they probably only know about as much as i do. I just want to learn about everything, you know, um...Understand this place, i guess. Understand what we are, what we're meant to do. It feels like a sort of destiny thing.
I mean...I'm no stranger to scuffles, maybe the occasional tussle, but...Another Dreamer? Even if we wake up right after, i think i'd be pretty bent out of shape. Death doesn't seem to mean much down here, sure, but...That's still a person. It's like finding the guy who stole your lunch while he's eating it. If we bumped into each other afterwards, man it would be...Awkward, to say the least.
As for dying myself? I don't know, you could say i'm averse to the idea. I don't really *want* to die, down here or up there, so i'm just gonna try and be as tough as i can be so nothing can ever kill me. It'd be awful to wake up after that, too. Ugh...
Oof, uh...
I guess it would be inheriting the throne?
I mean, so to speak, of course. A lot of money requires a lot of responsibility, and i'm not evil, so i can't just throw all that to the wind.
The Waking World doesn't matter much in these questions, but for this one? I mean...I guess it does.
I had to grow up really, really quickly when that happened. Shackled me with a lot of stuff i wasn't ready for.
I just wanted to write in my books and stuff, not this.
But hey! I'm doing great now, even done some good! I donate money pretty often and i even get some good income through my parents' businesses. I trust all those guys to run things themselves. Oh, my god, there was this one time though, i was way out of time, and i showed up to a board meeting in my pajamas! Isn't that funny?
Um, anyways, yeah. I'm an important gal. As much as i don't want to be.