SCP-999 to be kept in Site [redacted].
Containment Procedure: SCP-999 is to remain within their cell at all times unless they are being removed for an experiment, interview, or shower (showering to be once weekly under heavy supervision). The cell is to have padded walls, a door with no hinges or knob, and no windows. The walls are to remain bare at all times. The cell is to have a mattress pad on the floor, a safety sink and toilet (no physical faucet or flushing mechanisms, and no water within the toilet bowl), and to be kept at 65° Fahrenheit at all times. Food and water will be delivered through seamless slot in door three times per day, and SCP-999 will have 15 minutes to eat and drink before being expected to place the food and water back into the slot. Mealtimes are to be heavily monitored, with the usage of a sedative gas approved if there is any suspicious activity happening. SCP-999 is never to be given any utensils.
When removing SCP-999 from the cell, there must be at least two armed guards present, in addition to any Researchers. Extreme caution must be taken in order to prevent violence on the part of SCP-999.
SCP-999 has been shown to be incredibly homicidal and volatile. Any experiments involving SCP-999 are to go through rigorous approval of safety measures before they can be undertaken.
<summary of interview 999-81>
Today, we discussed the concept of money and goals with SCP-999, as part of our objective to understand their personality and desires better.
We first asked SCP-999 what their favorite possession was, and received only a confused look in response. When Researcher Trent elaborated that this could mean "a stuffed animal, a piece of clothing, a book," they only shook their head.
We asked SCP-999 if they had ever been paid. Their only response was "food for blood."
We asked SCP-999 what they would do with money, and received only a confused look in response. When Researcher Trent elaborated, using verbiage such as "coins," "bills", and "cash", SCP-999 only shook their head blankly and said "not for you."
We asked SCP-999 if they had ever had a gift. They replied "life."
As of [redacted], aka 1 year in containment, SCP-999 has attempted to harm and/or kill Foundation personnel a total of 7382 times (not counting the events of their acquirement). SCP-999 has successfully killed 237 Foundation personnel, and harmed 962 more (not counting the events of their acquirement).
There has only been 1 recorded instance of a time that SCP-999 was potentially able to act in violence against the Foundation, and chose not to do so. During a containment breach for a neighboring SCP (incident [redacted]), the guards who were picking up the remnants of SCP-999's meal were temporarily distracted. As proven in incident 999-[redacted], SCP-999 is capable of harming others through the mealtime slot in their door. Instead of doing so this time, however, they continued eating to finish the rest of the food they had been given. By the time they were done, incident [redacted] had been secured again, and the guards were able to use the sedative gas to neutralize SCP-999, who had almost finished the food.
SCP-999 has shown an intense desire to kill Foundation personnel, even doing so in instances where their own life was out at incredible risk. They have dislocated, sprained, and broken their own limbs in attempts to do so, as well as denied themselves food and water in attempts to use them against Foundation personnel.
The reduced caloric diet has made great strides in reducing their ability to harm Foundation personnel.
SCP-999 was acquired on [redacted] during a Foundation raid of The Serpents Hand. According to the two surviving witnesses of this event (see incident [redacted]), SCP-999 had been kept in a small crate meant for large dogs, and had witnessed much of the carnage as Foundation agents and enemy agents fought. When the tide was clearly turning in the Foundation's favor, an enemy agent opened the crate and unlocked the chains around SCP-999, then ordered "hey you, help finish them off." SCP-999 joined the fight, killing indiscriminately, until the Foundation was able to employ sedatives and neutralize SCP-999.
SCP-999 has grown more withdrawn, quiet, and perhaps sad while in containment. The discussion of giving SCP-999 more entertainment opportunities has come up multiple times, however incidents 999-22, 999-34, and 999-41 have made this an impossibility due to the security risk these opportunities pose.
Researcher Darun, primary researcher assigned to SCP-999. Has been with the Foundation for 20 years, specializing in working with SCPs who have an intellect level that is low, but still existent, and who prove particularly dangerous. He has been harmed by SCP-999 seven times, and is now missing an ear as well as an eye. SCP-999 has attempted to harm him a total of 95 times.
Assistant Researcher Trent, co-researcher assigned to SCP-999. Has been with the foundation for 13 years, and continually applies for higher-ranked Researcher positions. Annual reviews have always found this a non-ideal promotion, due to Assistant Researcher Trent's tendency to find SCPs more compassionate, intelligent, or rational than they truly are. He has been harmed by SCP-999 only once, and was not left with long-lasting injury. SCP-999 has only tried to harm him twice more since then.
Security guard Pilter, who is commonly assigned to SCP-999's hallway and frequently oversees mealtimes. SCP-999 has attempted to harm her 1893 times, and has never been successful.