If you’re asking where my spawn location was then that would be fairly ordinary dungeon. Dark, foreboding, surprisingly damp… I don’t really remember a lot of details about it. Didn’t do very much thinking back then. Queen says that’s not really what a home is. Apparently being somewhere and living somewhere are two different things. I’m sure I spent more time in that dungeon than a real person would in their house. So what’s the difference? Maybe I’ll go back there one day once I’ve gotten rid of her. For now though, I’ll keep wandering like I always do. Living somewhere… A home… Why would you ever want things like that?
Money is pretty much useless to me. I don’t even know what I’d spend it on if I had any. I have no need for “necessities” like food and shelter and clothes. More importantly if I actually did need something why would I work to get money just to give that money to another person to get what I actually want? It’s stupid. Maybe I should get some just to throw it away… Queen would be so annoyed. Her obsession with it confuses me, like most things about her do. You’d think that someone so in love with money would have more of it.
All I want, is to go back to how I was before. Before whatever happened that caused another persons mind to be jammed into mine. Before I realized how… complicated everything is. I was never meant to be able to think, and I can tell. It’s horrible. So I find it difficult to think of things I wouldn’t do to fix myself. Of course, that’s made much more difficult by the voice in my head screaming at me whenever I commit even the slightest unpleasant action. Real people are so sensitive about things. As for death… even I find the idea unpleasant. I don’t want to stop existing, just stop being how I am now. And despite everything, I don’t want Queen to just be destroyed. It’s not like she asked to be stuck in me. So I’ll do what I can, and hope that it’s enough.
Gaining consciousness. According to Queen that was more of the start of my life than an event in it but I disagree. I existed before that, before her. It wasn’t the same and saying it was more peaceful wouldn’t exactly be true. Because it wasn’t really any emotion. I simply was. Like when a rock is thrown into a lake, it doesn’t feel anything about it. It just is. Then… Then everything. What I knew as my existence was completely changed in a single moment when she appeared. Queens mind being stuck in my own did something. Made me what I am now. I’d still say I’m similar to how I was before. Just with a lot more feelings and thinking.