Room Service's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Room Service's first Contract.

"This isn't going on my performance review, is it...?"

"Ahem. Um, hello. This is Sapphire Sundown 'Proprietary Servant Model', Unit ID# 55-AG07, sub-designation 'Maid Series 6' submitting routine maintenance log for review."

"For the standard coherency questions, I work for the Sapphire Sundown, situated in Neo-GENIS. My personal battery charging station is located within the staff only section on floor B2F, though as of this maintenance log, I have not yet... received my batteries..."

"Ahem. Initiating introduction protocol for testing purposes."

"Welcome to the Sapphire Sundown, beloved guest! The Sapphire Sundown is a luxury hotel intended for players who wish to treat themselves! All that hard work necessitates a good down time, and the amenities at the Sapphire Sundown are here to assist you with any relaxation you can think of! We have deluxe and spacious suites that can accommodate any downtime, spas stocked with a variety of high-quality products for any need that may arise, a staff of friendly, attentive, and visually appealing maids and butlers to attend to your whims, and more!

Thank you for choosing the Sapphire Sundown for your hospitality needs!"

"Kill me..."

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Room Service's first Contract.

"Is this for serious...? Sigh."

"Thank you for your interest in the wellbeing of our staff here at the Sapphire Sundown! Most of the staff you see here today and will see during your time at the Sapphire Sundown are pregenerated 'non-player characters', or NPCs for short! They live and operate within the hotel grounds themselves, and are compensated for their work! All Sapphire Sundown employees are given free reign during their allotted non working periods!"

"So stupid... what guests are even nosy enough to care about what the staff at a hotel is doing...? Whatever. Now that I'm done with this, I can start working on cleaning up my knife collection..."

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Room Service's first Contract.

"I hate the Sundown so much."

"Day after day, week after week, month after month. It's the same thing over and over and over. Same horrific 'guests', same terrible employment, same blue carpet and sky painted ceilings and luxury goods just out of reach, always in my hands but never for me, always for the guests, think about the guests, 'what about the guests'?"

"I hope the guests all burn. I hope this entire hotel collapses around every single 'guest' who has ever opened their useless mouth while looking in my direction. Every single terrible person who has made this place their home for the night."

"What I wouldn't give to blow this place to nothing but dust and the bodies of everyone inside it. Why was I cursed to be a stupid maid? I would do anything to be rid of this horrific 'job'. I'd kill. I'd kill. I'd kill. Just to... huh?"

"Oh shoot. How to I turn this thing-"

Error: Recording Deleted, Error Code SSH-404-23: Data missing. Please contact a technician for details.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Room Service's first Contract.

"All servant models employed at the Sapphire Sundown are created to give off an air of sophistication and poise! All currently deployed models have porcelain plated 'skin', with gaps in the joints to accommodate movement, and are all dressed in proprietary Sapphire Sundown service uniforms befitting of their image! From the moment of their construction, service units employed at Sapphire Sundown are custom built to gracefully, elegantly, and graciously serve our many important guests!"

"Built to serve, literally. Like any of those guests even care what you're like. The only thing they care about is you standing there with a hot towel or a mop or a product, and then tittering out a pathetic 'glad to serve!'.

Made to serve. I'd spit if I could."

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Room Service's first Contract.

"Three people? Three people?! There are no people in here! We're all a bunch of stupid piles of assets just waiting to be interacted with by some horrific 'guest' just so we can-"

"If my assistance is not enough, there are other options I can provide to you!

If you need an administrator, you may contact the current head of the Sapphire Sundown, Lady Ultramarine! She is a gracious and generous host, having built this hotel just for guests like you to relax and unwind in! She decides much of the specifics of the hotel, and accepts donations and business offers! The front desk will be able to help you begin the process for a donation! We thank you for your generosity!

If you go to the front desk, you will likely come into contact with the head of house! He is known as 'Butler Resolution', and will help you with all of your check in and customer service needs!

If you are simply looking for a recommendation for enjoyable amenities, please visit our spa! It is a large day spa situated on the entirety floor 4, with plenty of high quality amenities to keep your day relaxed and your skin soft! One of the maids present will att-"


"Leave her alone. She doesn't even have a name. Just like me. I call her 'Wetwork', and she calls me 'Room Service'. We share a charging station. We always have. She's nice and sweet and doesn't get that everyone is taking advantage of us. Talk to her and I'll k-"

"Please let me know if you have any additional questions!"