The Regional Tribunal of this Playgroup is ShadyTradesman, Leonvanderblight, and Serpentail. They have complete control over the setting and contractors but cannot home any Contractors in the Bay Area.
Membership requires an invitation, but you may ask for an invitation. Players in Illuminated San Francsisco will be held to a higher standard of play and conduct and may be removed at any time for any reason the tribunal sees fit.
Rules for Contractors
SF Home: All Contractors homed in Illuminated San Francisco must reside somewhere in the California Bay Area.
Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Gifts must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.
Canonical Contracts: All Contracts set in the California bay area must be canonical. They can be run only once.
In addition to the Contracts officially recorded in this Playgroup, the following three Scenarios have already been canonically run and cannot be run again: Coit Tower Couriers, Stoned in Kampong Som, and Avengers Assemble.
Rules for Players
Citizenship: Active Players in Illuminated SF are expected to GM Contracts. You cannot play in more than five Illuminated San Francisco Contracts without running one.
GMing: All members are encouraged to GM, and no approval is required. Custom Scenarios likewise do not require pre-approval, though you should feel free to ask a Playgroup Judge if you have concerns about your Scenario’s content.