Completed Contract

Havi ran The Cerda Siege

This Contract took place in The Continent on Oct 14, 2022 at 3:45PM

The Continent House Rules





Lily Tanner - Victory
Played by niceping

Lily Tanner has not yet spent their Gift for this Contract.

This character had been since the start silently following around what others decided. However, when shit really hit the fan she showed the importance that a silent workhorse can have, for had it not been for her (and partly for her charitable actions), chances are that her companion would have died from the fatal gunshot going through her gut. Furthermore, it is thanks to her charity that the group managed to take on a new friend, even if he was severely wounded.

Avril Elyes - Victory
Played by SomeGuy142

Wrong person, wrong place and wrong time. This character experienced the sudden drop from a luxury vacation to a refuge in a basement. She struggled for survival, and in the end, she managed to after much effort.

Emma Augustine Sauveterre - Victory
Played by NetherBoats

An avid revolutionary, this character arrived in the frontlines eager to fight for her country and ideals showing the initiative to be in the frontlines. However, as she faced the true face of war and even almost death itself, her resolve faltered and ended up abandoning her comrades for a safe refuge in the forest.

Read Emma Augustine Sauveterre's Journal entry for this Contract

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