Completed Contract

CertifiedWeeb ran Something Super Sweet

This Contract took place in Earth Unveiled on Sep 01, 2024 at 1:27AM

Earth Unveiled House Rules

A full list of rulings, errata, and further nuance, can be found on-server.


Earth Unveiled is a "High Power High Speed" variant of The Contract RPG.
Contractors have the potential to be much more powerful, much earlier on, and generally are able to begin making Moves towards their Ambition and/or challenging the Status Quo, much much sooner then they normally would.

Earth Unveiled's Rules Reference can be found here.


Below are some core concepts.

Earth Unveiled is a High Speed High Power Playgroup that reimagines The Contract as less Oceans 11, and more The Boys, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and so-on so-forth.

We have a "soft" Citizenship Requirement.

Contractors are not Portable.

You start with a free Gift.

Seasoned Gifts (and Parameters / Enhancements) are available from the start.

Veteran Gifts (and Parameters / Enhancements) are available starting at 20 wins, after a Contractor passes their Vet-Gate (19 Wins, solo game / test).


Brackets are strictly systemed / maintained.

  • Newbie: 0–3 Wins.
      • Capped to 4 Players from here on out.
        • 3 is recommended, however, especially for newer GMs.
      • Seasoned Gifts available from the get-go, along with a single free Gift Point.
      • Harbingers generally must transport Newbies to, and from the Contract (upon a safe completion).
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a team of Police Officers, or similar.
      • Novice Rework unlocked at 4 Wins.
  • Newbie-Novice: 3-6 Wins
      • Newbie Novices generally must transport themselves to and from Contracts. Harbingers generally must provide an option for those that literally are incapable of transporting themselves--though it needs not be pretty, or fair.
        • Failure to show up at the given deadline, or at all, typically results in a Declined Harbinger Invite–and sometimes, Loose Ends.
        • Information about the Objective typically should be reserved for when / if the Contractor is able to arrive at Briefing by the Deadline–if at all.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a SWAT Team, or similar.
      • Novice Rework unlocked at 4 Wins.
  • High Novice: 6-9 Wins
      • Capped to 3 Players from here on out.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a Squad of Soldiers, or similar.
  • Low Seasoned 9-12 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a special ops squad, or similar.
      • Seasoned Rework unlocked at 10 Wins.
  • Seasoned 12-15 Wins
      • Capped to 2 Players from here on out.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a squad of supersoldiers, or similar.
      • Seasoned Rework unlocked at 10 Wins.
  • High Seasoned 15-18 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a specialized squad of supersoldiers, or similar.
  • Vet-Gate Test 19 Wins
      • Strictly solo, one Player from here on out.
      • Generally, should be specifically oriented to test the Contractor themself. 
      • Winning this, and each game past it, unlocks one Veteran Gift Slot per win. 
      • Vet-Gate Rework unlocked at 20 wins.
  • Professional 20-23 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by your average country’s best. 
  • Vet-Test 24 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by a superpower nation’s best. 
      • Veteran Rework unlocked at 25 Wins.
  • Veteran 25 & 25+
    • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by the world’s finest. 



Jake Daniels - Victory
Played by August

Parried a wasp with his mouth!

Grayson - Victory
Played by Author

Author has not yet used their Improvement from this Contract.

Grayson has not yet spent their Gift for this Contract.

Rahab is a hungry boy!

Seok-ju - Victory
Played by WintrFate

Seok-ju has not yet spent their Gift for this Contract.

"does beautiful apply here?"

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