Earth Unveiled

A world where we learned the supernatural's real; but carefully controlled by Conspiracy.

This Playgroup has open memberships. But you must Sign up or Log in to join.

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Latest World Events

A Contractor made a Move (Author GMed) 3 hours, 22 minutes ago. View Move


[The following video has made its way around the internet: originally thought to have been an attempt at making a "found footage" video, now confirmed weeks later to be a genuine video of a pair of hiker's presumed final moments.]


The video begins with a brief adjustment of the camera. The footage shows two young men hiking through a dense forest, dressed in standard hiking gear and walking along a narrow trail.

"Alright, all set."

The camera captures the pair as they cross a small stream. The person holding the camera talks with the other, who is leading the way.

"Man, it’s been ages since we did this. Remember when we used to hike all the time?"
"Yeah, those were the days."

They climb over rocks, and their conversation continues. One of them points out features of the forest while the other remains mostly quiet.

"Check out this view. Not bad, huh?"
"Definitely not bad."

As the sun begins to set, the forest starts to darken. The camera records occasional rustling in the underbrush and brief glimpses of movement.

"Feels like it's getting darker faster than I remember."
"Yeah, and it all really brings me back."

The second person chuckles.

"Alright, alright. We get it, you’re all about ‘the good old days.’"

They set up camp, and the camera captures them preparing a meal over a small campfire. Their conversation remains light, with occasional jokes and playful banter.

"Bet you can't guess how many times I’ve burned my dinner over the years."
"More than I care to count. But at least you haven’t spent the whole trip talking about ‘the good old days’ this time."

Background sounds include the snapping of twigs and rustling leaves. The quiet, yet sudden sound of movement in the brush interrupts their conversation. The camera shakes violently as it is dropped, capturing a chaotic view of the ground and surrounding forest. Brief, unclear images show shadowy figures, resembling various animals with upright posture and elongated limbs.

"What the fuuuuck?!"

The audio picks up multiple sets of rapid footsteps passing by the camera, as screaming can be heard fading into the distance. The camera, now on the ground, records the forest floor and occasional movement above. It continues recording for several hours, capturing ambient forest sounds like distant growls and rustling leaves.

The video ends as the camera battery dies, resulting in a black screen.


[The video seems to have been recorded on the 10th of June, 2024, and was only posted a month later, assumedly the time it was found and recovered.]

Takara Hikaru made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 3 days, 22 hours ago. View Move

Latest Journals

13 hours, 12 minutes ago: Jei Connors wrote a Downtime Journal for San Ventura Tales 1: There's a Light...

Guess what I found in the fucking mail.

I'm gonna end the suspense here, I got like.... a large chunk of Alex's body, guess they died in their own contract... Maybe if I was there I could've done something, maybe I wouldn't have to deal with the fact that I have an entire Gem person... Or what's left of him... How unfortunate. Guess I'll make a little grave or shrine for him.... I'll go with a shrine. Guess I'll make a necklace too.

Sigh... And I thought I could see them more. Welp, life goes on, gotta get stronger, gotta get better and gotta win the contracts no matter the cost now, It's not like anyone I care about is in danger anymore... So I suppose that's that for this week's update on my life. except that that my body has continued to grow in strange ways now, I feel stronger and I suppose I have begun practising martial arts again, I like muay thai, so I went with that. Anyway, why are you still reading this, fuck off already.

2 days, 5 hours ago: Jean Crevier wrote a Downtime Journal for "Fishheads

Ségolène Bocuse

I've finally decided to do it. I can't push on alone anymore, not with the things that are out there. I've become better - level-headed, calculating, compassionate, and no longer prejudiced, but I can't heal the scars that I have, or will have, in my mind. Even as I close my eyes, imagining the view of Toulouse from the clouds, I can only shudder to imagine what it would be, to have vampires roaming her streets, mutilating the helpless. To see the city turn on herself should I fail to protect her from the unnatural. I cannot afford to fail. I must keep preparing myself, to turn my city into a bastion of hope and prosperity. To clean the streets of the rabble that wish to abuse her.


I needed to start somewhere. Have someone help ease my mind from my own thoughts. Madame Bocuse was as welcoming as always, having spent almost the whole evening with me. She is a kind soul, and her words carry a soothing warmth of the gentle spring sun. I always knew her to be so. When she heard my story, she was surprised, as expected, though quickly she pushed through her shock and showed me sympathy. She understood that I never meant harm to anyone, that I had done what I did because there was no other way. She particularly seemed happy to know there are good para-people out there like Thistles. I hope the two can meet one day.

5 days, 16 hours ago: Gray Lin wrote a Downtime Journal for Our Sweetest Basilisk

Faking It

I practiced my movements, hiking through the woods, but not hiking, gliding and gallivanting. And I found something.

A gateway, or a door, made of thorns up high in the mountains, where those sorts of plants aren't supposed to grow. I stepped inside.

I knew immediately I wasn't on the mountain. I slipped back into my act as quick as I could, and tried to return, but my foot sunk into the green. I stayed there for a while, quiet and still, focusing on my act, remembering everything I had accomplished. I did not struggle, and I did not call for help. I knew better.

I used all my vocal training to mimick a birdsong. It seemed ridiculous, but a part of me knew it was the best idea I'd had all afternoon. Soon, the birds came. I pled my case, I think, in returned song. I expressed what I could, and when they had heard my pleas, they set to releasing me. They dove right into the thicket and plucked. With their help, I slid free, and I gave them what was left of my granola.

I visited the place again a few days later. It was dry, and the gate was nowhere to be seen.

1 week, 1 day ago: Iván Smirnov wrote a Downtime Journal for Our Sweetest Basilisk

Back Home

After the contract, I went back home and contemplated everything that went down. It was a very difficult day as I still had to go to classes after the whole ordeal, but I persevered through. 


After spending some time thinking about what I should do next, I understood that I am now embroiled in a new complex world. A world in which people have Supernatural powers, where one can make someone do something even if they don't want to do it. Therefore, I need power, real power, perhaps even political power. 


I thought about becoming a Senator from my region, the Kaluga Oblast. 


I thought up a plan to allow me to first gain investors, individuals who would invest in my political career. In exchange for changing laws or policies to be more aligned with their agenda I would be given money, money I would use to fund my political campaign. 


I will be running with the United Russia party as they are the largest political party in Russia and have had the last nine presidents seated in the presidential office. Although I wish there was another way to go about this, I believe that my particular set of skills such as my Political Science degree and 9 years of working in the political scene, as well as my Supernatural talents, have led me to believe that this is the most suitable course of action for me to gain power, and Power quickly. 


Individuals like Mr. Fox and Mr. Black are both insidious and extremely dangerous for my current level: as they have fame, many skills, tremendous influence, and great wealth. I have none of these things, so I believe I should spend my month or so before the next contract to accrue some of these things so that I may compete against these contractors or even more powerful contractors in the future.

1 week, 2 days ago: Maxwell Fawkes wrote a Downtime Journal for Suckin' Air

After the Trip

Back Home,

After i made i back from whatever that contract was... i managed to talk to my boss and get back to working, well, after i took a nice rest and actually ate some dinner. Contracts are just going to be that disruptive, aren't they, well good thing i got benefits from it all, i found a strange cross necklace in my glove box, it looked odd, white with gold accents, however when i pressed on it, it somehow shifted into a full-blown gun… Guess that was my new gift, nothing to load in, but still fired rounds, will be pretty useful. No races coming up, but i saved up a lot of money and cash that i feel like i could buy some amazing stuff sooner or later, maybe a new laptop would be nice to have around, i'm still thinking on it. I don't talk to Jei much, managed to get over my fears and insecurities at this point, well, most of them, just hoping i'll still be okay after all this.

Here, Forever
Maxwell Fawkes

Latest Completed Contracts

83 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup
5 days, 11 hours ago: Monday ran Safe House
6 days, 5 hours ago: DuckStew ran Our Sweetest Basilisk
1 week, 1 day ago: Ravvie ran Suckin' Air
1 week, 2 days ago: emoprincess420 ran Sugar & Spice
1 week, 4 days ago: emivvv ran Our Sweetest Basilisk
1 week, 6 days ago: badtzmaruboy ran Let It Go
1 week, 6 days ago: Ravvie ran Suckin' Air
2 weeks ago: Ravvie ran Suckin' Air
2 weeks, 2 days ago: Monday ran Calm Crumbs
2 weeks, 4 days ago: JHoneyz ran First Date
2 weeks, 4 days ago: Author ran Djinn Delivery
2 weeks, 5 days ago: Ravvie ran Hat Trick
2 weeks, 6 days ago: badtzmaruboy ran Let It Go
2 weeks, 6 days ago: Author ran Sugar & Spice
2 weeks, 6 days ago: Ravvie ran MKULTRA Victim
2 weeks, 6 days ago: SCP_049 ran "Fishheads
3 weeks, 4 days ago: Ravvie ran Sanctuary
3 weeks, 5 days ago: Author ran Home Invasion
4 weeks ago: Monday ran Sugar & Spice
1 month, 1 week ago: Author ran The Most Fun You'll Ever Make
1 month, 1 week ago: Ravvie ran Where's my Water?
1 month, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran (EU) Bobasaurus
1 month, 2 weeks ago: JHoneyz ran The Bet 1
1 month, 2 weeks ago: WintrFate ran Mushroom Hunt
1 month, 3 weeks ago: JHoneyz ran In The Sky
1 month, 3 weeks ago: HeihachiGaming ran untitled
2 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran To Dust
3 months ago: badtzmaruboy ran Pearl Diver
3 months, 2 weeks ago: JHoneyz ran Feral Whispers
3 months, 2 weeks ago: OffBrandOreo ran Some-Thing’s Wrong…
3 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) "Oh Nuts!"
4 months ago: JHoneyz ran Feral Whispers
4 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) "Time Flies"
4 months, 1 week ago: JHoneyz ran See Me Not
4 months, 2 weeks ago: jjkilla234 ran "Extraordinary Machine"
5 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran Passing the Hours
5 months, 2 weeks ago: emoprincess420 ran Mushroom Hunt
5 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran "Fishheads
5 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran Mushroom Hunt
6 months, 1 week ago: OffBrandOreo ran Out to Lunch
6 months, 2 weeks ago: JHoneyz ran 404 Error - Data Not Found
6 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) Hello Vietnam!
6 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) Hello Vietnam!
6 months, 2 weeks ago: OffBrandOreo ran Dirty Business
6 months, 3 weeks ago: OffBrandOreo ran Dirty Business
6 months, 3 weeks ago: OffBrandOreo ran Dirty Business
6 months, 3 weeks ago: jjkilla234 ran ANOINTED
6 months, 4 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) Homesick
7 months ago: emivvv ran Animal Farm
7 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran Sanctuary
7 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) "Fun Guys"
7 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran (0-3) "Fun Guys"
7 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran MKULTRA Victim
7 months, 3 weeks ago: emivvv ran Loser's Panacea
8 months, 1 week ago: emivvv ran Special Production
8 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran Hat Trick
8 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran Hat Trick
8 months, 2 weeks ago: emivvv ran The Rook's Seal
8 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran Something Super Sweet
8 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran RUNNING OUT OF TIME
8 months, 2 weeks ago: emivvv ran The Cauldron
8 months, 2 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran RUNNING OUT OF TIME
8 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran Where's my Water?
8 months, 3 weeks ago: emivvv ran Bobasaurus
9 months, 1 week ago: badtzmaruboy ran A Critical Role
9 months, 2 weeks ago: Monday ran The Hospital
9 months, 2 weeks ago: JHoneyz ran 404 Error - Data Not Found
9 months, 2 weeks ago: emivvv ran The Rook's Seal
9 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran Where's my Water?
9 months, 3 weeks ago: badtzmaruboy ran Where's my Water?

Curious about joining Earth Unveiled?

Earth Unveiled is a 16+ high-power high-speed Playgroup for the Contract RPG that reshapes & reimagines the system for play in a setting that incorporates the best of Deltagreen, Jujutsu Kaisen, The Boys, Peacemaker, Suicidesqaud 2, and Chainsawman.

EU Contractors start extraordinary; they begin with free Gifts, access to any and all Seasoned Gifts / Effects (Enhancements and Parameters too), and access to custom Assets and so-on so forth that reshape the way Contractors are played. The High Novice (6-9) Bracket is capped to 3 Contractors total, Low Seasoned (9-12) to Duo Games, and High Seasoned (12-15) to Solo-By-Default games where in order to bring at most 1 other Contractor along--you have to approach them, brief them, and Reward them yourself. 16-24 n up in Earth Unveiled is the "Vet-Gate" for unlocking Veteran features.

Earth Unveiled's setting summarized; specifically the Superstate Agencies of the world that popped up after 911 & the Supercrisis saw planes hit the CIA HQ & Superterrorists attack Washington. In the modern-day; the Supers that came out to play for a decade have all been conscripted to the clandestine or criminal, to Supermedia or otherwise, and all manner of religious extremists & paramilitary partisans have popped up. Secularism has begun losing ground to spirituality; religious institutions have gained and harness genuine power both politically and actaully. The world's in a Super-Cold War.

And a Select Few are chosen to win it.

Earth Unveiled was created by badtzmaruboy 10 months ago

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Playgroup Member

Lou the laid-back summoned devil Hellhound
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Justin Chien the moody chef Ghost Hunter
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
S the doctor saviour
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Maxwell Fawkes the Street Racer Hell Rider
A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor
Cinnabar the DSP Agent Gemoid
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Lozzotum Farengi the Gamer Immortal Wizard
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Ivan Keller the geneticist apex being
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Jasper Kellerman the Arms Merchant sorcerer
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Mark Christ the Pastor Psychic
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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John mokman the hitman lord of the stars
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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TBD the Captured Soldier Super soldier
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Arisa the street Urchin summoner
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Rory Baker the Youtuber cult leader
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Ozzie Blair the master con artist thief
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Albie Aristae the Entomologist living hive
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Sigma Jones the matured fetus god among men
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

a the a a
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Zack Xymen the college dropout Plague-Lord
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Ramona Cortez the esper esper
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Sibel the cait sith queen of cats
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Aria the half-spirit lich
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Darien Ruiz the doctor alchemist
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Don the depressed powerlifter vampire
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor
Sato the corporate engineer android
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Taki Shichiro the doctor Sorcerer
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Richard Armstrong the Politician demigod
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Damien the monsterhunter master hunter
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Playgroup Member

Gabriel Tudra the righteous Pyromancer
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

William Gemson the Gambler God of Wealth
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Uzoma Hansha the thief catboy
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Henry Advent the Actuary transcendent being
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Cool John the Bank rober trickster god
A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor
Marcus King the Wrestler people's Champion
A 3-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Playgroup Member

Earth, Modern-day.

Today, it's the Modern-Day and life is largely as we remember it. Beneath the surface though, Conspiracy is afoot: the Supernatural has been spectacularized. Nobody doubts the supernatural exists, but Seekers of the truth are smirched, only covered as they become crackpots well off the deep-end. And despite a short decade of "Superheroics": Supers today have become extraordinary escorts to the rich and/or powerful, servants of the "Super-State", paranormal personalities of the paranormal pop culture, co-conspirators of criminal conspiracy- so forth.

They help to control the world: but their grip is slipping, cracks are forming. 

And through the cracks an opportunity of a lifetime presents itself to a select few: as Earth Unveils

House Rules

Contractors from Earth Unveiled Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
Earth Unveiled grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

A full list of rulings, errata, and further nuance, can be found on-server.


Earth Unveiled is a "High Power High Speed" variant of The Contract RPG.
Contractors have the potential to be much more powerful, much earlier on, and generally are able to begin making Moves towards their Ambition and/or challenging the Status Quo, much much sooner then they normally would.


We do not have a citizenship requirement!


Games are a "Bracket Up": (Seasoned Games are "Solo", Professional Games are True-Solo.)

You start with a free Gift.

Anything (Gift-Related) that requires "Seasoned" status, no longer does, anything that requires "Veteran" status now instead requires Professional.


Welcome to Earth Unveiled!

While you are making your Contractor, abide by these terms.


Contractor Criteria

1) No Rips

Can't be anyone who exists as a real person, or otherwise in fiction: the exception is caricatures, "impostor" concepts, and similar... if you aren't sure, ask.

2) No Stock Powers

If you aren't going to put the effort in to write your own Gifts, then we aren't going to put the effort in to run games for you or otherwise approve your sheet.

3) No "Shock Sheets"; use Common Sense for Contractor Concepts. 

Obivously; you cannot play a KKK Klansman or a Neo-Aryan Knight. You can play a CIA Agent who kidnaps & tortures terrorists--you cannot play concepts that are pretty obviously centered & geared around hating particular races or minority groups. This is a pretty obvious "common sense" rule.

4) Cool Characters Only

No "Crashdummy" Contractors, no low-effort garbage, there are no "Feeling it out" characters... if your character isn't cool, is lame, and cannot stand on their own two feet as a believable character by their first game... they shouldn't be a Contractor. Flesh it out!

5) Take Criticism

Be ready to take criticism on your Contractor, we don't care if your OC "wouldn't have an Ambition" or "does things just cause"..., be ready to take criticism, and be ready to make changes if and when nessecary.

6) Everything must mean something.

You must be able to explain everything on your sheet... it must all add up: nothing can be there "just cause" or for non-narrative reasons.

7) Make it make sense.

It must all connect in some reasonable or logical or flavorful way... Do not use randomized concepts.


Going Forward....



Or more accurately what is their occupation? This helps define what their abilities, attributes, assets & alike are.

Supernatural Paradigm

What kind of -mancer are they? How do their gifts characterize them? Are they a Super? are they an Esper? a Fairy? a Psychic? Or are they a Vampire or Werewolf?


What do YOU want to do in the world, how do you want to change it, how do you want to challenge the status quo? However you answer this... should be what a character's Ambition is. YOU, have to want to do it, to play it.


On any given day (or Contract) what do they typically look like? include ethnicity / race, clothing, what they carry, etc... define them!


Dice Scaling.

When determining how "skilled" your Contractor is in a given field, the following metric is used.

0-2 Dice = "Minimum"

2-4 Dice = "Hobbyist

4-6 Dice = "Employable

6-8 Dice = "Professional

8-10 Dice = "Leading Professional

10-12 Dice = "Elite" 

12-14 Dice = "World Class" 

14-16 Dice = "Legendary"


In terms of Ability Ratings

0 - No Competence (Never done / not competent or trained at all)

1 - Basic Competence (Atleast a singular shooting session)

2 - Minimal Training (Taught to shoot by Parent, or has had a shooting session or two in the past year(s)

3 - Novice / Hobbyist (Irregular Range visits or Hobby Hunting)

4 - Baseline Professional Training (Police Academy)

5 - Leading Professional Training (SWAT Training)

6 - World-Class Training (Special Forces Training)

(6 is unobtainable Pre-Seasoned)


How much should I have?

For newer players, spread your skills out! Do not hyper-specialize.

Generally, you want 8 Dice in 1-2 fields you are "Specialized" in.

You want 6 Dice in 2-3 fields you are "Skilled" in.

You want 6-8 Dice to "Self-Defense".

Concepts may vary... but the above is a rule of thumb.


Assets & Liabilities

You are limited to 39 points of EXP from Liabilities: new players are recommended to take even less! The exception is liabilities "core" to a supernatural concept.

See in the Expanded System on-server for custom Assets, how to do them, and clarifications on existing ones.

Animal Liability is banned.



You start with a free Gift.

Anything (Gift-Related) that requires "Seasoned" status, no longer does, anything that requires "Veteran" status now instead requires Professional.

You may Spend Improvements to a max of (Wins * 2) + 1)

Meaning your total Gift value can only be...

0 Win = 3 (Gifted, Charon Coin, Houserules)

1 Win = 4

2 Wins = 5

3 Wins = 7

4 Wins = 9

5 Wins = 11

6 Wins = 13

7 Wins = 15

8- So on.

(You may not spend Improvements on taking entirely new Gifts, this requires Gift Credits, which are earned from winning Contracts (or charoincoin,gifted,houserule)





A rework allows you to change and/or modify your character's sheet and such, so long as it stays true to the "core". You must get permission and/or notify of such in your character-sheet's thread on-server.

You get to rework your character prior to your first Novice Contract. (4)

You get your second rework at Seasoned. (10 wins)

You get your third rework at Professional. (17 wins)


Homerule Giftless

We use a special version of the "Giftless" Liability (30 EXP)

"Giftless (30) : Due to a preexisting seal, limiter, curse, or condition, you have been deprived of your latent Gifts. (You may not start play with any Gifts: you may spend these Gifts when this Liability is bought off.)


"Buying Off Liabilities / Buying Assets"

Spending EXP to buy off a Liability may only be done as apart of Rework processes at GM Discretion.

Spending EXP to purchase an Asset may be done as apart of of Rework processes at GM discretion: you must get GM permission past that. 


Does the Government know? Are you a public or private paranormal?

Answer this, and questions like this, during character-creation in either your Biography or Questionnaire by Novice: have it fleshed out!



0-3 Newbie (You, probably!) - You are transported to and from Contracts; you may access Seasoned Effects, Enhancements, and Parameters from the get-go, as well as a free Gift. Contracts and their mandatory obstacles must be solvable by a group of skilled and/or suited individuals such as Police, Mercenaries, or Monster Hunters.

3-6 Low Novice / "Newbie Novice" - Must now transport self to and from Contracts; unlock Source Regen, and you may do a Novice Rework to keep until 10 wins at Seasoned. Contracts and their mandatory obstacles must be solvable by a group of highly skilled and/or suited individuals such as Federal Agents, Marines, or similar.

6-9 High Novice - Contracts strictly limited to three people now; Contracts and their mandatory obstacles should be solvable by Superagents, The Boys from hit-show The Boys, Special Forces, and similar.

9-12 Low Seasoned - Contracts are now solo by default; you must be able to "call" other Contractors into the Contract and provide your own rewards / promises to them. Only YOU receive a Gift Point for the Contract. At 10 wins you unlock a new Source Recharge condition, and your Seasoned Rework you'll keep until Professional (17 wins). Contracts no longer required to be solvable by mundane of highly skilled folk and their mandatory obstacles may not have built-in solutions any more.

12-15 Seasoned - Contracts still solo by default and use the above rules ^.

16-24 Professional - Contracts are now strictly and systematically solo; once you hit 17 Wins (Professional) you may, for each win, spend a singular Gift Point to obtain a Veteran Parameter, Enhancement, or Effect; starting with your first at 17 wins. Your Source Regen drops to an hour; and you unlock your Professional Rework that you will keep for the rest of your career. 

25 & 25+ Veteran - You may retire and immortalize your PC into a Harbinger if they have not yet completed their Ambition at your leisure; once they become a Harbinger they may have no direct effect on the world except through the Contracts and the Contractors they call into the Cosmic Conspiracy. 


Full Setting Description

It was the Turn Of The Century, when the world and it's peoples ushered along by a new age of advancement unveiled for themselves a truth: the Supernatural is real.

And as the years went by: Earth Unveiled.


Today, It's the Modern-Day: and life is largely just as we remember it.

People still go to their 9-5s, to school, to buy overpriced coffee, to fund fighting in foreign countries with overpriced coffee; all while tweeting "progressiveness" and "progress" from the comfort of their couch, with the convenience of a cameraphone. (which ironically, is made from the very exploitation their "against"). It's the same ol' Earth as we know it, with the same legends and lore, the same people and places, the same politics and powers, the same present and past: everyday life is just as we remember it being in the real world.


Beneath the surface though, things have changed: Conspiracy is afoot.

It's been two decades since the public became privy to the existence of the truly extraordinary and yet progress, atleast according to the public, is miniscule. The supernatural & super-science has been stratified by state-governments (The "Super-State"), commodified by corporations & celebrity charlatans (Paranormal Pop Culture), and cracked wide open by criminals & cults alike to squeeze whatever profit from the paranormal they can. In the modern-day, due to a variety of dynamic factors: the supernatural world has become less a science and more a spectacle, it's become a "controlled conspiracy" rather than a truth of the world to be unveiled to the public and it's people.  


The supernatural has been spectacularized

By a modern-day paranormal pop culture: a complex web of paranormal personalities, platformers, politicians, and providers who exist to align the public to an agenda. An agenda which simply put: serves to keep the public from asking questions, to keep them from the search for truth, to keep them from seeking out the supernatural and/or unveiling conspiracies. Conspiracies, which are, the core of Earth Unveiled: they are the mysteries at the root of the world which the powers-at-be and similarly secret-societies have long struggled to sustain. 


Nobody doubts the supernatural exists:

But thanks to the purchasing of the public's perception & position by the paranormal pop culture and it's patrons, people have their doubts when it comes to everything else about the supernatural. The public at-best cosigns conspiracy away to those responsible for covering it up as they go about every-day life but beyond at-best: there are those amongst the public who go past a mere passing interest in the paranormal. These are your fringes: people who stockpile weapons, join up with paramilitary groups, pursue "monster-hunting", become indoctrinated into cults, pursue parasocial relations with paranormal personalities, or otherwise wind up commiting direct-action persecution of the paranormal whenever their paranoia becomes too great. 


Seekers of the truth are smirched, only covered as they become crack-pots well-off the deep-end.

As they are purposefully ignored by the paranormal pop culture, and sometimes even actively encouraged and/or incited by it into action. There exists a sizable portion of the world, some fraction of 1% of people, who possess actaul paranormal powers that defy the laws of psychics & reality: these are "The Gifted", "Supes", "Abhumans", the "Paranormal" people, and/or just about any other title one can conjure. The public is aware of their existence and so is the Super-State which some think created them in the first place: as they didn't begin to appear at-scale until just about a year after the turn of the century: at the beginning of the Global War on Terror. 

Despite their short decade of "Superheroics": Supers today have become extraordinary escorts to the rich and/or powerful, servants of the Super-State, paranormal personalities of the para-pop culture, co-conspirators of criminal conspiracy- so forth.

They help to control the world: but their grip is slipping, cracks are forming. 


And through the cracks an opportunity of a lifetime presents itself to a select few: as Earth Unveils


World Events

A Contractor made a Move (Author GMed) 3 hours, 22 minutes ago. View Move


[The following video has made its way around the internet: originally thought to have been an attempt at making a "found footage" video, now confirmed weeks later to be a genuine video of a pair of hiker's presumed final moments.]


The video begins with a brief adjustment of the camera. The footage shows two young men hiking through a dense forest, dressed in standard hiking gear and walking along a narrow trail.

"Alright, all set."

The camera captures the pair as they cross a small stream. The person holding the camera talks with the other, who is leading the way.

"Man, it’s been ages since we did this. Remember when we used to hike all the time?"
"Yeah, those were the days."

They climb over rocks, and their conversation continues. One of them points out features of the forest while the other remains mostly quiet.

"Check out this view. Not bad, huh?"
"Definitely not bad."

As the sun begins to set, the forest starts to darken. The camera records occasional rustling in the underbrush and brief glimpses of movement.

"Feels like it's getting darker faster than I remember."
"Yeah, and it all really brings me back."

The second person chuckles.

"Alright, alright. We get it, you’re all about ‘the good old days.’"

They set up camp, and the camera captures them preparing a meal over a small campfire. Their conversation remains light, with occasional jokes and playful banter.

"Bet you can't guess how many times I’ve burned my dinner over the years."
"More than I care to count. But at least you haven’t spent the whole trip talking about ‘the good old days’ this time."

Background sounds include the snapping of twigs and rustling leaves. The quiet, yet sudden sound of movement in the brush interrupts their conversation. The camera shakes violently as it is dropped, capturing a chaotic view of the ground and surrounding forest. Brief, unclear images show shadowy figures, resembling various animals with upright posture and elongated limbs.

"What the fuuuuck?!"

The audio picks up multiple sets of rapid footsteps passing by the camera, as screaming can be heard fading into the distance. The camera, now on the ground, records the forest floor and occasional movement above. It continues recording for several hours, capturing ambient forest sounds like distant growls and rustling leaves.

The video ends as the camera battery dies, resulting in a black screen.


[The video seems to have been recorded on the 10th of June, 2024, and was only posted a month later, assumedly the time it was found and recovered.]

Takara Hikaru made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 3 days, 22 hours ago. View Move

Marcus King made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 3 days, 22 hours ago. View Move

The Xtreme Fightnights; The King of Kings!

The Xtreme Fightnights; The King of Kings!


(The following is collected from fight magazines, Detroit news, a few online platformers, and is at one point covered in a Moist Kritikal video, amongst other youtubers reviewing fight footages)


Marcus King Brings Home The Belt!


Marcus King, formerly known for his heroic act in which he saved dozens of trapped attendees at a cramped indoor wrestling event...

Recently made an appearance at the Xtreme Fightnights Circuit in Detroit, Michigan where, with the help of a former WWE Talent Scout apparently temporarily-out-of-retirement, he managed to not only secure a spot amongst the 11 other wrestler-fighters attending... but in a spectacular display take home the gold belt & win his way into the WWE's next batch of upcoming wrestlers.


In his first match against the "Beefcake"; he demonstrated an almost back-breaking performance which led to Refs having to step in for safety reasons... Luckily Beefcake is okay, but it's been announced he won't be returning to Xtreme Fightnights for... sometime.


In his second match against "The Wizard", which some say may have been scripted, the Wizard seemed to pass out after just six seconds of being pinned against the floor--repeatedly struggling against the man's muscular mass & beating against his chest with the tension and tenacious toughness of flesh against ferrous metal.


In his third match against "The Beast From The East", a over-enthused-about-japanese-culture Italian man from New York, there was a surprise event from Xtreme Fightnights in which a "boss fight" where 3 ninjas appeared out of nowhere on stage in puffs of smoke, seemingly from trapdoors set up on the matts, appeared to jump The King of Kings himself--and were thrown at the Beast From the East--quickly dispatched. In this finale of the 20-second fight; someone threw a real, sharp, lethal samurai sword into the ring! Which The Beast From The East "unknowingly" picked up, believing it to be a stage weapon, and attempted to decapacitate The King!

In a remarkable display, having weakened The Beast From The East by throwing his own ninja accomplice at him prior--The Beast grabbed the man, slammed him, and knocked him out cold, completely evading and deflecting the Katana's strike!


Since then; the WWE Agent responsible for "The Beast From The East" has denounced and let go of the former WWE upcoming Wrestler, and has decided to abdicate & adopt the Marcus King as his new WWE pick.

Marcus King / "The King of Kings" will be joining the next season of WWE'S "SUPERSTAR SUPERSLAMMER!" Series.



(If you would like to see what your Contractor would know about this event, or would like to get involved, DM Badtzmaruboy.)


A Contractor made a Move (JHoneyz GMed) 4 days, 12 hours ago. View Move

Red Flash Out In Iowa!!!

Red Flash Across the Entire State of Iowa!
(This Broadcast is seen in WHO13)
A man in a tacky suit sitting at a desk next to his anchor proceeds to prop his papers up and clears his throat, "Hello Iowa! Seems like we had a wild night huh? A rave one might say! Now we have a report coming in from Minneapolis saying that from the South, there was a, quote, 'Bright flash, resembling what the red glow would look like in your stove when heating.' Wow, how descriptive. It is reported that it happened roughly 100 miles South of the city, practically in the middle of the country. Now, was it aliens, or simply was it another negated report from the US Military Weapons Testing Team? Our sources will investigate the area and bring the hottest news in the State! Stay tuned in for the weather, as well as the weekly Lottery drawing, as well as more localized news, as we switch over."

"Gigglegrin" made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 1 week, 2 days ago. View Move

Russian Boxer "Novikov Abram Makarovich" Shot Dead in "Mob Assassination!"

(The following is collected from tabloids, a Bay Area News Report (East-Bay) & a particular statement by the FBI in response.)


Russian Boxer "Novikov Abram Makarovich" Shot Dead in "Mob Assassination!" 


Russian Boxer killed on the Amtrak to Seattle; Mob Assassination?


A Russian Boxer meant to compete in the upcoming Seattle international circuit was attacked during a sleepy ride on the Amtrak during a particularly sleepy midnight ride. The Boxer was apparently, as eye witnesses claim, "just minding his own business" when a disheveled & strange ruffled-looking homeless man walked up to him, started saying "some cryptic shit in Russian, I think", and then the man started shoving the homeless man off. Ongoers claim that it felt "very much like some sort of shakedown / mafia warning type deal?" & report that the altercation turned violent, dangerous & deadly quick as the homeless man produced a pistol from his person (his bag) & began firing at the boxer.

Notably, prior; the Boxer made VERY CLEAR & VOCAL ATTEMPTS to push the would-be assassian off; his ONLY lines include...

"Hel-lo, Can I help yoo?"

"Old man, yoo shood bak awf." (After giving "warning" headshot combo punches) 
"Hee's gat uh guhn!"

"Sahm-bah-dee help mee soo-doo!"

The Boxer then attempted to fight back, landing rather notably placed shots against the homeless assassin's head before unfortunately succumbing to his injuries as the Homeless Assassian ran off; this part, is on video & includes the homeless man's face.

The last words from the homeless man before fleeing & apparently, according to the sounds of the video from behind a closed bathroom door--throwing himself off the Amtrak & killing himself on the tracks (as the Amtrak was still going at this point)

"Why would you charge a man with a gun you lunatic? Why?!"  

A Statement From The FBI

"Yea we're aware; we're under the belief that this is apart of ongoing criminal conspiracy--and we will, get to the bottom of it."

The FBI has not made any official statements since & assumedly, has begun investigations. The boxing international circuit in Seattle is scheduled to still continue, however, though the Russian Boxer from Vladivostok is due to be replaced. 



(If you would like to see what your Contractor would know about this event, or would like to get involved, DM Badtzmaruboy.)


Mr. Fox made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 1 week, 4 days ago. View Move

Posted by badtzmaruboy, 2 weeks, 5 days ago. Permalink









地元警察は、目撃者の証言に基づいて、3人の男がビジネスマンらと高級車「G-WAGON」に乗っていたところ、突然黒人外国人が3人に歩み寄って口論のような状態になり、黒人男性が射殺されたと発表した。そして男性のグループに殴られました。戦いが活気を帯びるにつれ、 2人が飛び込み、そのうちの1人が剣を使って男性のグループをバラバラにしました。 その後、グループは残りの男(最初に発砲したとされる)を捕まえ、高級車に乗り込み、走り去った。その後、海岸を渡って唐津市の中心街に向かうところを目撃されるが、車は唐津市の神社の外で発見されたが、盗んだと思われる人々はいなかったため、最終的には警察を逃した。 地方と連邦の法執行機関は、この問題の真相を解明するために協力しています。



(契約業者がこのイベントについて何を知っているか知りたい場合、または参加したい場合は、Badtzmaruboy までDMしてください。)


Posted by badtzmaruboy, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

San Francisco Mass-Strike following illegal search on boba-shop "Bobasaurus Rex"; owner still missing.

[From a report / address done by ABC-7, also done by newspapers, tabloids, and anywhere that might cover such a thing: easy to find. Contains also video-footage captured from multiple perspectives, many witnesses, etc.]


Yesterday morning, June 14, at around 8-9 an incident that, as we've been informed by SFPD, "resulted from a young woman attempting to break into a car" on Valencia went horrifically wrong. A short-tempered Scotsman, allegedly the would-be robber's father, blew up on an Officer Jonas Corden who was responding to the sound of the car's custom door-alarm: a hot new fad of SF's tech urbanite population.

Here's Jonas Corden now with his account of what transpired.

Police officer san francisco police hi-res stock photography and images -  Alamy

[The person giving this report is in a hospital bed, almost full-body cast]

"See, I was gettin' coffee at the Starbucks on the street corner of Valencia during my usaul patrol when I heard a car alarm... I didn't even drop my coffee, I just got up and got to work. I see someone breaking in across the intersection, I wait for the light to turn; and I see this man comin' up and start saying and yelling something at me. I've got my hand on my hip'olster at this point since Im somewhat expecting something to happen here, it's a nice spot of town but... these days, ever since that time with the Coit Cuirasser riding through town, can't be sure. But anywho:"

"I walk up, I ask about what's going on, gun's not out yet, real civil: guy says he's the girl's dad, looks old enough to me, look similar cept' they got weird accents: I assume its like a divorce-custody kind of thing I don't pry but... I ask for license and registration and then... the guy tries to bribe me. Pulls out some 100$ bills saying something about "I have something for you" and then I feel my mind splittin' and I realize oh shit! See, we cops are trained to spot this kind of stuff since we livin' in a extraordinary time and all: if you's suddenly get a headache like that talkin' to someone it means mind control and I'll bet my heart and soul that this man tried some strange spiritual shit on me because next thing I know I've got my gun out and im arresting him for Unlawful Use of Supernatural Gifts, specially' on an Officer, and Im real civil about it. He keeps flailing about, im right in his face aaand.."

"His daughter's just sitting there, hands on the car; not saying a word... So Im thinking this is a normal thing I guess, Im just going to arrest this guy, go home, im an average cop you see. It's right then that while im looking to the side he pulls something out of his bag and im about to shoot but... he fucking nails a gold-colored bowling ball right into his foot and starts screaming. His shoulder pops, think his dislocated it or something, and hes SCREAMING! Im trying to figure' what the fuck to do so I can continue with the arrest, the man screams and relocates his shoulder and then throws the ball like a bullet above the buildin into the sky, the daughter tries to runoff; I tell her to stay put while I cuff her father who'se starting' to comply now and... well god damn, the daughter just runs off. I tell her to stop at the count of 3 and allat' because I don't believe in police brutality and despite her rough punk demeanor im sure she'll go to school for sumn' nice like liberal arts or nursing or something but... she gets away, I didn't have the heart to stop her.

She runs off, and this suity-spook type comes up to me trying to pull something out his pocket and starting to say something out of nowhe; real weird-like and at this point I point my gun at him and tell him to back up because you can't do that! He pulls out a DSP badge though, agent on patrol 'parently, and starts talking some shit about remanding and procedu- im too old for this! I hand the guy over, radio in what happened, sigh, and go to my car to go get some donuts. Next thing I know im chasin' some fuckin' varmint speed-racer and then their friend pops on me and we both spin out and... now im here. What a weird morning that was...

[Video footage plays on-screen depicting multiple perspectives of the incident, starting from the violent altercation. The people's faces are mostly clear and visible.]

[Back to the reporter]

What Officer Corden left out that we've now been informed: the DSP Agent that intercepted Corden and was remanded the suspect, yet-to-be-identified yet, a "Agent Thirston" from the Miami Office... all the way in San Francisco. We haven't been made privy to the details of what Agent Thirston was doing, but what we do know is that according to a Jenny Horbega: he conducted an illegal investigation & search on the Bobasaurus Rex after bringing the suspect in. He asked questions, detained two young japanese tourists seeing San Francisco with their family, and coerced the store into closure... allegedly. Here's her now.

[She's a clean girl in her 20s; white, obviously Hispanic, and she's on the street outside what looks like a bar.]

"So like I told the police he... he just, he was lurking in the store the whole time and he and that scottish guy were harassing these two girls and... they kept trying to ask them questions and translate and then he left, then the agent left, and then... they came back, except he had him handcuffed, after the alarm and... well geez, he started getting all federal and asking questions and talking about the law and things and... My manager went on break and just, what can i do? Eventually he asked me to take him into the backroom and its like: do you have a warrant? He convinced me he didn't need one and that something was happening so I just, let him back there... my Manager was gone, went on lunch, or in his apartment upstairs and... I just left, I went on break; from there on it was between my manager and him. I did hear some whispering about letting the handcuffed guy go or something but, I don't know... That day's a blur for me."

Seemingly not long after the incident; a large-scale riot broke out of nearby Bobasaurus stans who attest to being "immensely angry" of the illegal search and closure, storming the shop, the streets, and causing general damages before being subdued and dispersed by police later. The agent was later found dead outside the second floor apartment of Bobasaurus's manager and owner; police report he died of asphyxiation... likely from being choked to death.

Police report that the daughter of the super-scot, and the father super-scot, are both missing, as well as the manager of Bobasaurus: a Alex Vasquez. Aside from the scottish man's super-strength and gifts of suggestion; no obvious supernatural phenomena has surfaced since, and a statement from San Francisco's DSP Field Office suffices that Agent Thirston acted likely in confidentiality and while they were not aware he was present, they will confirm that his actions were in breach of multiple legal protocols, regardless of exigent circumstances or probable cause... if, there was any to start with. 

The search is on for the missing people, and the murderer of Agent Thirston.

Next up; an elotera man has been hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury due to a rouge "golden bowling ball bullet" flying out of the sky. 


(No real video evidence or footage has surfaced of the Valencia street riot; video evidence of the police encounter & Agent Thirston's takeover of the arrest is widely available. Officer Corden has been hailed a local hero of sorts, and is currently blowing up on super-tok & super-twitter as well as cop-tok and cop-twitter.)


(If you would like to see what your Contractor would know about this event, or would like to get involved, DM Badtzmaruboy.)


Posted by HeihachiGaming, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Viktor "The Gremlin" Babka Missing from Cell

An Infamous information trader disappeared from his jail cell overnight in what witnesses are calling a supernatural event. Eyewitnesses claim that a clown was seen at the scene!

Simon Wesker made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 3 months ago. View Move

The Last Mald: Streamer Simon Wesker SWATTED admist self-published film release, Super-Sympathizing, and steps towards small-time Self-Publishing.

[From a Live Stream on Twitch by Simon Wesker, beginning with 250k viewers Live, moving to a peak of 600,000 viewers.]


During a Friday morning livestream on Twitch, in which enigmatic and often-eccentric & loud streamer Simon Wesker made a comeback after a hiatus, Simon Wesker appeared to have a breakdown admist a QNA session in which he was asked extensively about The Paragon (A Super who he recently starred in a short self-uploaded film with). 

"Y'all being dead-ass right now?" "Dayum. A movie? My cinematography isn't good enough to be a movie, but cool thanks Daveydowner15." "Mods unmute chat because now I need to know, you all think this is a film or something?"

The "Film" Wesker talked about was uploaded some short-hours prior to the Stream: and is a few hours of somewhat-cut & edited Content akin to an Analog Horror film such as SCP Overlord. The film saw Wesker approached by a mysterious person, offered powers to do a job, accepting the job, and being teleported in a jump-cut to Alaska where he teamed up with The Paragon & other faceless / "off-screen" actors. The group then fought a Yeti, scaled a Alaska mountain, ran through some science facility, and rescued said scientist, before a jumpcut returned Wesker home.

The Paragon's significant involvement in the film, prompted heavy questioning due to recent events.

"Hehe, funnily enough, he's very much a bona fide Superman wannabe instead of a terrorist." He laughs and snaps a smug smile "Total goody two shoes, that spandex-wearing guy is." "Any more questions? I got lots of time to answer."

Despite initial faith, Wesker was asked and questioned extensively thereafter by harassing-donators, culminating in what has been dubbed:

"The Last Mald"


"OH FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD!!!! COMING IN HERE JUST TO ASK ME ALL ABOUT THAT SHIT, EXCEPT FOR THE GUY RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA YOU FUCKING RET*RD" "MODS BAN THIS SON OF A BITCH. TAKE YOUR FUCKING MONEY BACK TOO! I DON'T NEED THAT USELESS ASS SHIT FROM A NOSY ASS FUCKER LIKE YOU." "we just started stream, no asking how I've been, or if I'm alright from the same bitches that watched the video yet nooooo, you don't fucking care about me huh, HUH!?" "Should I just fucking end stream, since you're all gonna ask about the damn Paragon huh!"

Wesker then takes time to cool down, as his Moderators handle the chat, before resuming.

"Well, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me I guess. shit. I'm calm...I'm calm....." He lets out a loud groan "That's definitely getting clipped and going everywhere huh. Welp, welcome back to the shitshow folks, we're staying live." He says semi-sarcastically "yay." "And to answer that other question, I know as much about the supe as you guys do, probably slightly more, but I digress."


Wesker then answers another set of questions: answering largely to the tune of:

"Not gonna lie, only did that when I got home today. That definitely looks bad on paper for him huh."


"Silly bastard, still running around all willy-nilly when folks think you're a terrorist. Welp, he has my support until there's damning evidence, in an age of AI videos, audio and fakers running about, why would I ever 100% trust the news. Gotta find your own way to observe and make your own informed decision these days."


Following that Wesker stepped away for a second checking through his window-blinds, quickly shutting it, and heading off-stream abruptly. Soon after, a crash & bumps were heard, as off-screen yelling & a louder crash sound occurred. This off-screen yelling and indescript tense conversation continued, before eventually, SWAT-Officers stormed into the room in a searching sweep with weapons-drawn. After confirming the room, they left, and Wesker soon reappeared: quite upset-looking, and ended the stream without a word before..

Wesker was shortly-after banned from all major streaming platforms & since has been seen self-uploading small-time "Super-Media" / "Super-Streamer" content to... small success, ontop of his usaul W/L content.


(While a sizable majority of Wesker's fanbase is disappointed in the sudden shift towards "Super-Media", he has begun slowly picking up a small base through self-uploading, springboarding off his (more successful) Streamer career, and is gradually making progress as the first "Super-Streamer" in an industry mostly dominated by state-approved "Super-Shows" & "Super-State" addresses.)

Many ask, what is Wesker doing? Is his sudden shift coincidental? What role does The Paragon have in this? Are the two connected? Is the government trying to shut him down? Is he being controlled by The Paragon? 

The public will have to wait and see...




(If you would like to see what your Contractor would know about this event, or would like to get involved, DM Badtzmaruboy.)


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