He is 9 years old, lives in Iceland, and often appears as A small, 4’0 child with blond bobbed hair and a gummy smile. He wears shorts, long socks, boots and a red blazer alongside a cross necklace. Upon his chest there are seven visible scars and a slightly-faded imprint of what seems to be a key.
Lucius Emmanuel Jóhannesson lives in GA5-1921, a setting where the paranormal work for the government. His journal has 17 entries. His Questionnaire has 13 answers.
2 Alertness
3 Animals
5 Athletics
2 Crafts
0 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
0 Influence
0 Investigation
0 Medicine
5 Melee
5 Occult
3 Performance
0 Science
2 Stealth
4 Survival
0 Technology
2 Thievery
Latest 3 of 13 answers
Lucius, is a young and gifted boy, he can play the recorder, though terribly and can even paint somewhat not splodgy paintings.
He can also break apart metal and solid wood, lift things many times his bodyweight, all things slightly out of reach for a mere six year old boy.
A creature beknownst to him only as ‘Michael’ has been with him for over a year or two now, and ‘Michael’ likes him very much. ‘Michael’ was the creature the pastor couldn’t quite tame, despite his efforts, and he was soon replaced in the church after his absence.
Lucius enjoys dancing, magic tricks, fruit and skittles. ‘Michael’ enjoys Lucius, dancing, magic tricks, fruit and skittles.
Michael makes sure Lucius is happy and does not remember his sad past.