A 5-Victory Novice Contractor played by SP4DEZ in New Edenia
He is 27 years old, lives in Greece, and often appears as a 6'1" well dressed Caucasian male with jet black hair, brown eyes.
Victor Setalvo lives in New Edenia, a setting set in a parallel universe to Earth, where the chosen few are gifted with the unknown. His journal has 8 entries. His Questionnaire has 13 answers.
4 Alertness
0 Animals
3 Athletics
2 Crafts
0 Culture
2 Drive
3 Firearms
4 Influence
4 Investigation
2 Medicine
3 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
3 Stealth
0 Survival
3 Technology
2 Thievery
Latest 3 of 13 answers
Victor was outcasted from his family at a young age and was sent to live with his grandmother for the remainder of his life. The village of where Victor stays is underdeveloped and poverty stricken, his main goal for the profit he gains is to fund any construction or upgrades that the Village may need and Ensure the inhabitance is well taken cared for.