Anastasia "Luck" does not have a home Playgroup despite completing 6 Contracts. They should not play in any Contracts until they have a home.
A 4-Victory Novice Contractor played by Enkidu as a Free Agent
Never fast enough
She is 20 years old, lives in safehouse in Minsk, Belarus, and often appears as a slovic woman with silver eyes and Brown hair with blonde highlights. She has a winged arrow tattoo on her left hand.
Her journal has 10 entries. Her Questionnaire has 15 answers.
3 Alertness
0 Animals
4 Athletics
0 Crafts
2 Culture
5 Drive
3 Firearms
2 Influence
4 Investigation
0 Occult
0 Science
0 Survival
1 Medicine
2 Melee
3 Performance
2 Stealth
1 Technology
1 Thievery
2 mechanic
Latest 3 of 15 answers
Anastasia is a Belarusian street rat who lives in Minsk. she grew up picking pockets and begging on the streets. That is how her life when until she thought she caught a brake hearing about a job to steal this prototype motorcycle from a research facility. The job went smoothly and she got the bike. Little did she know that facility was mob property and she quickly got tracked down. She got ambushed and would have gotten away if not for the supernatural quality of her hunter. Amused by her attempt to escape and proficiency with prototype he gave her a choice she could have a bullet or she could keep the bike and use it to serve the mob until its cost is paid.