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Warren Feratu
A veteran who has been to hell and back, scarred from an IED explosion he has retained his combat abilities though his scars make social life a bit difficult.

A Newbie Contractor played by NumerousCrowsInADress in Maelstrom

Warren Feratu is a Homeless Veteran who will risk their life to become a superhuman and end all war.

They are 27 years old, live in an rundown car usually under a railroad crossing, and often appears as a lanky half latino person with dyed blue hair, their left eye is missing, the left portion of their jaw remains exposed.

Warren Feratu lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.













3 Alertness

0 Animals

2 Athletics

0 Crafts

2 Culture

1 Drive

4 Firearms

2 Influence

0 Investigation

0 Medicine

3 Melee

0 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

2 Survival

1 Technology

0 Thievery

2 Brawl

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Warren Feratu is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Warren Feratu has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


4 Mind





(Warren Feratu has no Traumas)


Circumstances describe your situation.

Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.

Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

Point of Contact: First Sergeant Valentine
Given by NumerousCrowsInADress
You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from First Sergeant Roman Valentine . Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.
Point of Contact: General Valentine
From Assets and Liabilities
You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from _____. Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.


Conditions describe your state of being.

Examples of Conditions include curses, diseases, and impactful personality quirks.

Conditions are granted by Assets and Liabilities or by GMs based on the events of Contracts and Downtime activities like Moves, and Loose Ends.

Because Conditions may have GM-created systems, they also record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

From Assets and Liabilities
Defective Sight You have trouble seeing things accurately. All Perception rolls which involve sight are at +2 Difficulty, and rolls which involve aiming at a target are at +1 Difficulty (this includes ranged combat, as well as called shots in melee combat).
Lanky You are particularly tall and have long limbs. Your "touch" range is ten feet instead of the standard five.
Trained Reflexes Your life has been filled with tight situations and violent encounters, so when the fighting starts, you act quickly. You get +3 dice to all Initiative rolls.

Loose Ends

Loose Ends will cause problems for you if you don't tie them up.

Examples of Loose Ends include enemies, debts, evidence, and promises.

All Loose Ends have a Cutoff that counts down each time you attend a Contract. When it hits zero, the Threat of your Loose End manifests, causing issues for your Contractor.

You cannot see the current values of your Loose Ends' Cutoffs, but you can take initiative and make Moves on your Downtimes to deal with them before time runs out.



0 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 0
(Earned: 150 - Spent: 150)
An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more

Warren Feratu has not written in their journal yet.


Latest 0 of 0 answers


Warren Feratu has made 0 Moves.
Contractors must have participated in at least one Contract before they can make Moves.


Left at the steps of an orphanage Warren struggled for most of his child, an anger he worked hard to get his under control and a penchant for violence that seemed to be the only thing he was good for. It didn't take long for the Military to get its claws in young Warren and gave him a purpose even though temporarily.

He served all over for sometime until four years ago when during a patrol one of his squadmates stepped on an IED, the ensuing shrapnel tore the man apart and tore up Warren's face. After the explosion the squad found themselves immediately under fire from enemy combatants though despite his injuries Warren managed to drag two of his squadmates behind cover after being also wounded and engaged in the firefight which the squad managed to win.

Warren was given the nickname War Dogs and one of the men he saved went on to become First Sergeant Valentine who even after Warren was honorably discharged continues to pay back his debt to him.

After the mitary though Warren struggled to keep down a job for long, his aggression coming back after his discharge for sometime and resulting in numerous arrests. After being rendered homeless Warren began to find himself on the streets, his aggression lessening once again when he was approached by a harbinger, his abilities would be of use for their contracts and so he became a contractor officially.

Assets And Liabilities


-9 Trained Reflexes
-6 Point of Contact
Contact: General Valentine
-3 Lanky


+6 Defective Sight