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José Ramos
José Ramos has a really strong accent and some difficulties with English. He used to live in Spain before deciding to turn into a Contractor.

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by jalber2002 in Maelstrom

This character is dead. RIP

José Ramos was a loved friend. He fought for what he believed in until the end of his days. He was always willing to risk his life to fight injustice. Even though he was a wanted criminal, his morals were the most important thing in his life. May he rest in anarchy.

José Ramos is a anarchist criminologist who will risk his life to become the ultimate shapefhifter fighter and destroy capitalism.

He is 23 years old, lives in a small and messy apartment in chicago, and often appears as a tall man with a shaved head except for a black mohawk. his skin is tanned and his eyes are electric blue. he often wears ripped baggy pants, a white tank top and a cool red jacket. he also wears round sunglasses and has 3 piercings on his right ear.

José Ramos lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. His journal has 2 entries. His Questionnaire has 7 answers.













0 Alertness

0 Animals

3 Athletics

4 Brawl

0 Crafts

1 Culture

3 Drive

2 Firearms

0 Influence

4 Investigation

1 Medicine

2 Melee

2 Occult

0 Performance

2 Science

1 Stealth

2 Survival

0 Technology

0 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


groin bite
(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(José Ramos has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


6 Mind





(José Ramos has no Traumas)



Finances: Average
From Assets and Liabilities
You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
Respected Expert: Crime
From Assets and Liabilities
You are highly respected and influential within a given field or industry. Just about anyone in _____ will know of you and respect your status and ability within that field. Social rolls made against anyone in your chosen field receive +2 dice.
Illicit Supplier: Firearms
From Assets and Liabilities
Through some illegal means, you have reliable access to a certain type of material others don’t. Choose drugs (narcotics, prescriptions, poisons), explosives (grenades, dynamite, c4), or armory (any firearms or armor, even if illegal where you reside)


From Assets and Liabilities
Less Than Human: Fascists There is some particular class of person that you consider wholly deplorable and undeserving of compassion. If you have the Limits Murder, Atrocities, and/or Life-Saver, they do not apply to your chosen class of person.
Bounce Back You heal incredibly quickly. Whenever one of your severe Injuries is Properly Stabilized, reduce its Severity by 1. Your stabilized Injuries heal 4 Severity levels per month instead of the standard 2.

Loose Ends


Contractor Timeline

1 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 0 (Earned: 163 - Spent: 163)
An itemized record of every Contract, Reward, Experience change, Condition, Circumstance, and Move
Latest 1 of 2 entries


José Ramos has made 0 Moves.
Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Maelstrom can post Moves for José Ramos.


José Ramos was born and raised in Spain, where he pursued and completed a degree in criminology. His education, guided by the influential teachings of Professor Isabella Morales, provided him with a deep understanding of crime, justice, and the complexities that lie within. José’s academic journey instilled in him a strong sense of empathy and a relentless pursuit of truth.

During his time in Spain, José joined a revolutionary group driven by the desire to combat systemic injustice and inequality. Initially inspired by the group’s ideals, José’s commitment was tested as the organization began to deviate from its original purpose, becoming increasingly violent under corrupt leadership. Witnessing the rise in unnecessary violence and the loss of innocent lives, José and others initiated a coup to replace the corrupt leaders with fair ones. However, internal conflicts and betrayal led to a devastating raid by the army, resulting in the deaths of many comrades. José and a few survivors managed to escape, eventually fleeing the country.

José relocated to Chicago, seeking to continue his fight against capitalism from within one of the world’s most capitalist countries. In Chicago, he lives a modest life in a small, messy apartment, maintaining a low profile to avoid drawing attention to his past. José works as a clandestine private detective, utilizing his criminology expertise to solve various cases, from minor thefts to complex murders, while also offering services such as package deliveries and delivering warnings for the right price. His job, though not ideal, allows him to sustain himself and continue his mission against the systemic injustices he vehemently opposes.

José’s experiences have shaped his anarchistic ideology. He believes that the world is fundamentally corrupt, dominated by a wealthy elite who hoard power and wealth while the masses suffer. For José, morality should supersede law, as he views many laws as tools to protect the rich rather than uphold true justice. He advocates for a world where crime, when driven by moral imperatives, is a legitimate form of resistance against an oppressive system.

Assets And Liabilities


-0 Finances: Average
-3 Less Than Human
Type of being: Fascists
-6 Illicit Supplier
Stockpile Type: Firearms
-3 Respected Expert
Field: Crime
-9 Bounce Back