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Mikhail Sokolov
Future Death God

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by DuckStew as a Free Agent

This character is dead. RIP

Help yourself only. Don't help others, or else you will die—like me.

Mikhail Sokolov is a Professional Killer who will risk their life to become the ultimate Death God and Become the Ruler of Death.

They are 36 years old, live in Cairo, Egypt in his apartment, and often appears as A Cowboy Gunslinger wearing the iconic cowboy garb (jeans, belt, hat, scarf, cloak, coat, vest, gun vest, gun holster, and gloves). They also appear as 6 ft tall, facial and fully-body scars, black hair, black eyes, and trimmed nails.

Their Questionnaire has 3 answers.













2 Alertness

0 Animals

1 Athletics

1 Brawl

0 Crafts

1 Culture

1 Drive

2 Firearms

1 Influence

2 Investigation

1 Medicine

0 Melee

1 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

0 Survival

1 Technology

2 Thievery

2 Anatomy

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


shot by police
shot by police
shot by gansters
(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress
  • Tongueless (You cannot communicate verbally beyond grunts and shouts.)
  • Right Missing Fingers (You are at a -1 die penalty for any roll utilizing the affected hand.)
  • Disfigured (You have a face that reminds people of death. All social rolls are made at +1 Difficulty. The Beautiful Asset is suppressed as long as you have this Battle Scar)
  • Body 7


    7 Mind



    Near-Death Experience


  • (Liability) Nightmares Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares of Brich and how my family died.
  • (Maddening) Delusions of Grandeur You believe yourself to be the very best, one of the elite, superior to anyone else you meet.

  • Death Energy


    Finances: Average
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
    Point of Contact: underworld fixer
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from _____. Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Bane: Gold You are weak to a specific material or type of attack. All Damage you take from your weakness is increased by 2 and ignores any non-material Armor you may have.
    Additional Language: Russian You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.
    Nightmares: The day my family died Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
    Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.
    The Hunger: Human Flesh (A Pound of Human Flesh.) You have an insatiable urge to consume something unusual. You have an insatiable urge to consume something unusual. (You no longer recover Mind through restful sleep--instead, you recover 1PT of Mind per day by consuming the subject of your hunger.)
    Additional Language: Arabic You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.

    Loose Ends

    Individual Enemy: Brich (Assassin I have double-crossed multiple reasons)

    Imminent Dangerous Given by a Liability
    Whether through misfortune or deliberate provocation, you have made a lifelong enemy out of someone, and they will stop at nothing to take you down.



    1 Victories - 1 Failure
    Remaining Exp: 5
    (Earned: 163 - Spent: 158)
    An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more

    Mikhail Sokolov has not written in their journal yet.


    Mikhail Sokolov has made 0 Moves.
    Only Contractors in Playgroups can make Moves.


    It is because of their fear of death they manifested powers similar to death The only way to beat death is to be it. So, they used their powers to become it. Yet, as they get more and more powerful, more and more similar to death, they find they are still afraid of death They can try to cheat it, but it is so ingrained in the core mechanics of the universe they live in, that they cannot escape it no matter how hard they try.

    Character's Physical Characteristics: Facial and fully-body scars. Scaring reminiscent of those from a car crash and fire. 6 ft tall. Otherwise normal features: Black hair, black eyes, and trimmed nails.

    Background: That their face is covered in scars and appears ghastly, deathly, even a bit spooky. Their whole body is scared like this. This is due to the car crash they were in when they first developed their powers. Their car swerved onto another car, killing its driver, and from the deadly wreckage came out Mikhail. By killing someone, the first person in their life, by either divine intervention or the unlocking of latent potential, Mikhail developed extraordinary dexterity in all manner of tasks—including crawling away from a deadly car crash.

    Assets And Liabilities


    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Russian
    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Arabic
    -15 Gifted
    -0 Finances: Average
    -6 Point of Contact
    Contact: underworld taskmaster
    -0 Imbued


    +3 Nightmares
    Subject: The day my family died
    +6 The Hunger
    New Food: human flesh
    +6 Individual Enemy
    Name of Enemy: Brich (Assassin I have double-crossed multiple reasons)
    +6 Bane
    Weakness: Gold