A Newbie Contractor played by Contracted_Pyre in Maelstrom
Julia never got the chance to do much. Last anyone heard from her, she was going to New Orleans for some sort of job. Not too out of the ordinary, she goes out of town for weird jobs she doesn't talk about all the time. What people weren't expecting was the call from a New Orleans Hospital. Their daughter turned up dead of blood loss. Ambulance never even had a chance to get there in time. They mourn her for years, but eventually they move on, as we all do. Penelope watered Julia's plants for as long as she could, making sure they got the best care possible. She never had the chance to confess, and she'll regret it for most of her life.
Julia never got the chance to tell Penelope she felt the same way.
She is 26 years old, lives in Small Apartment in Seattle, Washington, and often appears as a punk skater girl with a mean grin.
Julia Keys lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. Her Questionnaire has 5 answers.
3 Alertness
0 Animals
3 Athletics
1 Crafts
2 Culture
4 Drive
3 Firearms
1 Influence
1 Investigation
1 Medicine
0 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
1 Science
0 Stealth
0 Survival
0 Technology
1 Thievery
3 Car Maintenance
Latest 3 of 5 answers