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Stewart "Stew" Hughs
The Guard

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Coolbartok in Them.

Stewart "Stew" Hughs is a Ex-British Armed Forces turned Royal Guard who will risk his life to become the ultimate Mutant and To take revenge on the the group who stabbed him in the back and caused him to be discharged from the military.

He is 37 years old, lives in A downtown apartment in old London, and often appears as A medium sized English, Walrus Mustache, Buzz Cut, draped in Royal Guard Vestements.

Stewart "Stew" Hughs lives in Them., a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. His journal has 1 entry. His Questionnaire has 7 answers.













2 Alertness

2 Animals

3 Athletics

4 Brawl

0 Crafts

0 Culture

1 Drive

1 Firearms

3 Influence

2 Investigation

2 Medicine

3 Melee

0 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

3 Stealth

3 Survival

0 Technology

0 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Stewart "Stew" Hughs is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Stewart "Stew" Hughs has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


5 Mind





(Stewart "Stew" Hughs has no Traumas)



Finances: Average
From Assets and Liabilities
You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
Respected Expert: English Military Services
From Assets and Liabilities
You are highly respected and influential within a given field or industry. Just about anyone in _____ will know of you and respect your status and ability within that field. Social rolls made against anyone in your chosen field receive +2 dice.


From Assets and Liabilities
Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.
Unshakable You're hardly human anymore, and actions that once troubled you hardly seem to matter at all anymore. You are at -2 Difficulty to all Trauma rolls. You receive this automatically upon reaching Veteran status (25 victories), and cannot take it prior to that.
Seen Things Your exposure to unspeakable horrors has hardened you. You are at -1 Difficulty to all Trauma rolls. Requires Seasoned status (10 victories).
Tough You can function under intense pain. Stress from Injuries is reduced by 2.

Loose Ends

Group of Enemies: The inner circle (The uppermost echelon of the military)

Imminent Deadly Given by a Liability
Your antics have attracted the attention of a powerful group of beings, and they are willing to commit whatever collective resources they have towards destroying you.



1 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 1
(Earned: 162 - Spent: 161)
An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more


Stewart "Stew" Hughs has made 0 Moves.
Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Them. can post Moves for Stewart "Stew" Hughs.


Sergeant Liam McAllister was once one of the UK military's finest operatives, renowned for his exceptional skills in hand-to-hand combat, covert operations, and survival tactics. Born into a family with a long history of military service, Liam was destined for the armed forces. From a young age, he exhibited a natural aptitude for combat and strategy, quickly rising through the ranks to become a key member of an elite special operations unit.

Liam's unit was often called upon for the most dangerous and sensitive missions, ones that required absolute precision, stealth, and the ability to operate under extreme pressure. His codename, "Ghost," reflected his ability to move unseen and strike without warning. He was respected by his peers and feared by his enemies, a soldier who always completed his mission, no matter the odds.

The Betrayal:

During a high-stakes mission deep in hostile territory, Liam's unit was tasked with eliminating a dangerous warlord who threatened UK interests. Unbeknownst to them, the mission was compromised from the start. Their intel had been deliberately falsified by high-ranking officials within their own government, who had made secret deals with the warlord for their own gain.

As the mission unfolded, Liam and his team found themselves ambushed, heavily outnumbered, and outgunned. It became clear that they had been set up. Despite their best efforts, the team was overwhelmed, and one by one, Liam watched his comrades fall. He was left critically wounded and presumed dead by the enemy.

But Liam wasn't ready to die. Drawing on his training and sheer willpower, he managed to survive, using his extensive survival skills to evade capture and eventually make his way back to friendly territory. When he finally returned home, he was met not with the hero's welcome he deserved, but with a cold, bureaucratic response. His superiors, eager to cover up their treachery, labeled the mission a failure and dishonorably discharged Liam, blaming him for the loss of his team.

The Royal Guard:

Stripped of his military career and honor, Liam was offered a position in the Royal Guard as a way to keep him out of the public eye and under tight control. It was a role meant to be a quiet exile, a place where he could be kept in line and away from any potential for revenge or exposure of the truth. Day after day, Liam stood motionless outside royal residences, a living statue for tourists to gawk at, his mind consumed with thoughts of betrayal and vengeance.

The once-proud soldier now felt like a caged lion, his skills wasted as he played the part of a ceremonial figurehead. He despised the tourists who treated him as a mere spectacle, oblivious to the fire burning within him. The betrayal he had suffered at the hands of those he once trusted gnawed at him, turning his sense of duty into a desire for retribution.

The Plan:

Liam began to quietly gather intelligence, using the connections he had made during his years of service. He discovered the identities of those responsible for the betrayal and started to plan his revenge meticulously. His time in the Royal Guard provided him with the perfect cover; no one suspected that the silent guard was anything more than a relic of tradition.

He trained in secret, honing his combat skills to a razor's edge, preparing for the day he would strike. Liam knew he had to be patient—revenge, after all, was a dish best served cold. He used his position to his advantage, listening, watching, and waiting for the right moment to bring down those who had wronged him.

Now, every day spent standing still is a day closer to his retribution. The once-loyal soldier has become a ghost in a different sense—unseen, unheard, but always watching. And when the time comes, those who betrayed him will discover that the Ghost has returned, not as a soldier, but as a force of vengeance.

Secretly listens to girlypop music. (chappell roan, olivia rodrigo, clairo, taylor swift)

Assets And Liabilities


-15 Gifted
-0 Finances: Average
-3 Respected Expert
Field: English Military Services
-6 Tough
-0 Unshakable
-0 Seen Things
-0 Imbued


+12 Group of Enemies
Name of Group: The inner circle (The uppermost echelon of the military)