Your eyes catch the light in the dark like a cat or dog's, granting low-light vision.
You suffer no penalty to rolls in low-light situations. You cannot see in pitch blackness.
Born Runner
You are built specifically for running.
+5 feet of free Movement, +2 dice to all-out sprint rolls.
Clear Conscience
You have a special knack for shrugging off traumatic experiences.
All Trauma rolls you make are -1 Difficulty, and Stress does not apply.
Your reading and writing are rudimentary at best.
If you are capable of reading or writing at all, it is restricted to 5-6 year old level.
You are very short, 4’6” at most.
You have difficulty reaching or manipulating objects designed for normal adults, and your move speed is reduced by half.
Your mind is a sieve, and while you can recall broad strokes, committing anything more detailed to memory is quite difficult.
You must roll Mind Difficulty 6 in order to remember any details (locations, names, address, where you left something that you set down, physical descriptions of things, bits of information you were told, etc…) If you fail the roll, you may Exert your mind to remember, but if you botch the roll, you are stuck.
Animal (Dragon)
You have the body of an animal.
You are not capable of fine object manipulation, using equipment made for humans, or speaking a human language. You have no human legal status. Your form may impart other benefits or drawbacks depending on your species. Benefits are limited to a +3 dice bonus to one or two Actions your species is specifically adapted for (Digging, Swimming). You use your sheet’s stats as normal.