A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by bubblesmctroubles in The Odysseus
She is 18 years old, lives in a cardboard box in an alleyway, and often appears as an adorable tough young lady with a shock of white hair, alabaster skin, and bright blue eyes.
Snow Saurian-5 lives in The Odysseus, a setting Earth has died, and all of known humanity is on a generation ship too somewhere. Her Questionnaire has 3 answers.
4 Alertness
4 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Crafts
2 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
0 Influence
0 Investigation
1 Medicine
3 Melee
0 Occult
0 Performance
1 Science
3 Stealth
3 Survival
1 Technology
1 Thievery
Latest 3 of 3 answers
Snow is a genetic experiment that escaped from the Big Bio lab a month ago. She used to be in the Biogenetics Department, but now she's a member of The Forgotten. She wants to find her older 'sister' Eve, who escaped about a year ago. What she wants most in the world is for all her siblings to roam free. There's someone who's paying her to do contracts. They say "it's an investment in your future", whatever that's supposed to mean. What is really happening though is that Big Bio let her escape on purpose once they found out she is eligible for contracts (she doesn't know that though) and are hoping that she can become an even more powerful resource at their disposal