A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Author in Harmonia Tenebrae
He is 12 years old, lives in the Chesterfield's expansive home in LA Heights as their adoptive son, and often appears as a young boy with black hair, vaguely german/asian heritage, and in a grey-tone school uniform suit?.
Grayson "Bradley" lives in Harmonia Tenebrae, a setting where the strange and supernatural hides under a veil of normalcy. His journal has 2 entries. His Questionnaire has 7 answers.
4 Alertness
0 Animals
1 Athletics
1 Crafts
2 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
3 Influence
4 Investigation
0 Medicine
0 Melee
2 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
4 Stealth
1 Survival
1 Technology
2 Thievery
Latest 3 of 7 answers
Grayson is an orphan cursed by a dark entity from Hebrew folklore named Rahab, but Grayson just calls him "Rabby". It appears as a red or black aura or smokey being with eyes and mouths, or sometimes as a centipede crawling on Grayson. Usually, if it's feeling lazy, it will just appear as an eye or mouth in smoke.
Grayson sees Rabby as his imaginary friend of sorts. I mean, nobody else really ever sees him, he let's Grayson do things that others can't, and Grayson still doesn't quite believe he, or anything else in this world, is real. Don't do drugs, kids.
Speaking of drugs, back when Grayson was 6, his parents tried to sell him to a group of drug dealers to pay for their addiction. What ended up happening is the drug dealers gained a moral high ground, refusing to buy the kid, but refusing to let him leave with his psycho parents, either. This resulted in a conflict between the two (soon to be three) groups, and that made Rabby mad.
After that, Grayson was officially an orphan, one who actually did try to live in an orphanage for a bit, but once some of the other children started screaming "monster" at the sight of Grayson's imaginary friend, that plan went out the window. Now, Grayson had no choice but to live on the streets and try to find a way to scrape by day by day. It was a little easier with the help of Rabby, not that Grayson didn't wish the thing would go away already.
The pros of Rabby's existence were greatly outweighed by the cons, one of which is that it caused him to grow up a lot quicker than he would have liked. His self-awareness, among other abilities, is already on-par or better than many adults. Usually he would be deemed a prodigy and pampered by society for having such skills, but a jealous demon(?) creature stalking your every move kinda prevents anything like that from ever occuring.
It may seem like Grayson isn't afraid of the thing, and that's not entirely untrue, but the things he has seen it do are, quite frankly, monstrous, even for a monster. It's not that it doesn't have the power to do things when it wants to. But it's just too damn hard to control. It seems lackadaisical and even kind of cruel at times, but jealous and overprotective at others. One thing is certain and that's that it doesn't want Grayson dead. It has made sure of that. But what it DOES want, even Grayson doesn't know.
If only there were a way to harness control of the damn thing...
(Gifts to get: Investigate Individual, Injure [or equivalent],