Legendary Artifact

Dragonic Tome

Created and held by Igon.
Thick book adorned with Dragon imagery and filled to the brim with draconic secrets.

I read an incantation from my tome, becoming enwreathed in a redish orange energy and expel dragonic fire from my mouth

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. Select a Location no further than 40 feet from you and in your line of sight. The area within 25 feet of the chosen Location immediately and obviously becomes imminently dangerous. Roll Intellect + Occult at Difficulty 6. Targets inside the radius may attempt an appropriate Reaction at GM’s discretion. Finding a physical barrier to use as cover will cut total Damage taken in half (applies after Reaction roll but before Armor).

If the Outcome is positive, your blast hits everything within 25 feet of the chosen Location with Damage equal to your Outcome + 4.

Any flammable Objects within the radius during the blast will catch fire, and any being who takes at least 4 Damage will catch fire. Starting the Round after they caught fire, flaming targets take 2 Damage per Round until the fire is extinguished.

  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Community Artifacts

Cryptid Hunter

Created by Lucifer Inkz, given to Lanie.
“What’s that boy a chupacabra?”

By placing this vest on dog Inkz can give it one more sense to utilize while tracking. It becomes keenly specialized at hunting down Cryptid creatures.

Expend a point of Battery and spend one minute. This Effect cannot be used unless Must Be placed on a dog to be used.

You automatically detect all Cryptid Creatures within 50 feet of you for the next hour. This includes any who come within range during the duration. You have a sense of how many valid targets are nearby, as well as their distance and direction.

If no Cryptid Creatures targets are within 50 feet of you, and then one enters range, you automatically detect it, even if this Effect is not active.

Even if there are no Cryptid Creatures within 50 feet of you, you become aware of the direction the closest one is in, as well as a rough sense of its distance from you.

Any Cryptid Creatures detected while this Effect is active are “marked”. You will continue to detect them until the Effect ends, no matter how far away they move. You will also continue to detect them after the Effect ends, so long as they remain within 50 feet of you.

All Cryptid Creatures who you can sense are equally able to sense you.

While this Effect is active, you are at -2 dice to all Actions and cannot Concentrate.

Drunkard's Shin

Created and held by Cody Moore.
rusted metallic right leg, green accents.

A rusted metallic right leg, with green accents along the shin and calf resembling that of veins. An opening along the calf muscle allows for insertion of an alcoholic beverage. When inserted, the green accents along the leg glow a vibrant neon colour, returning to their dim counterpart when the alcoholic fuel is fully depleted.

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) and spend a Free Action. You must use up alcohol in order to activate this Effect.

You can run at four times your normal movement speed for the next hour.

If you move faster than your normal move speed, the world around you turns to a blur, and Perception rolls are made at -3 dice.

  • Any Encumbrance penalty to your movement still applies, but you do not suffer from any sort of exhaustion.
  • Damage from a collision depends on your speed at the time, as well as what you hit. GM's discretion, but generally moving faster than a car on the freeway and hitting a dense, solid object like a wall or a tree should be lethal. Mundane armor will not apply, but any supernatural forms of protection will.

Stellar Navy Fleet Officer's Sidearm

Created and held by Henry Armitage.
The sidearm is a slick sci-fi weapon, mostly quicksilver.

The weapon doesn't make any noise, just a flash from the barrel that leaves a blue-green afterglow on anyone's eyes, like looking into the sun for a moment.

A sophisticated piece of Stellar Navy technology, the MPKW 2-18 is the standard sidearm for Fleet Officers of Henry's rank. This one has seen Henry though most of his career, and has a storied, and in some cases sordid, history.

The sidearm has the ability to transform into the needed formfactor via integrated rapid manufacturing systems. It causes ablation of the target, and being a pure energy weapon is completely silent.

Lith has left a fragment of herself inside, and it talks to the user as they hold it, quietly, advising of tactical situations.

This Artifact can be used as a rifle. It is roughly the same size as a rifle and just as difficult to conceal.

Attack by rolling Dexterity + Firearms, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +3 Weapon Damage.

You also gain the following effects:

  • You may spend a Quick Action to change this firearm's base stats into those of any other basic firearm.
  • Shredder: If you successfully hit your target, the value of any Armor they are wearing is reduced by 2. For material armor, this penalty lasts until it is repaired. For intrinsic armor, it lasts until the end of Combat and any relevant wound is healed.
  • Silencer: Shots you fire can be made silent at will.

  • Changing this weapon's base type affects its range, Weapon Damage, concealability, and roll. Other mechanics of the chosen base firearm (such as the tripod requirement for sniper rifles) apply.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.
  • Rifles are +1 Difficulty to use in melee range. Sniper Rifles are +3 Difficulty to use without a tripod or in melee range. Setting up a tripod takes an Action.

Khaladrian Amulet

Created by Vector "Yora'tu" Kertan, given to Polamedes.
The crystal is held by some wires that can be placed on the forehead. Not really a piece of art, but nerds can find it perfect.

A blue crystal of Aqua aura embedded in a headpiece on where third eye would be. When focused on it helps user to move and otherwise interact with their surroundings with mind itself.

It slightly glows reacting on wearers thoughts and goes bright when used properly to affect reality.

A crystal popped from an old trinket for a game said to be real thing actually happened to be not that far from false advertisement. Unique way of artificially coating dumortierite quartz with gold gave the crystal potential to become functional.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are wearing this Artifact.

You can interact with things that are within 10 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them. Any rolls made for Actions taken in this way use a Mental Strength of 2 in place of your Brawn rating, a Mental Agility of 2 in place of your Dexterity, and otherwise use your own Attributes and Abilities.

Telekinetic actions have the following restrictions and behaviors:

  • Line of Sight: You must be able to visually observe anything you interact with, and any actions that you are taking will end if their target moves out of sight.
  • Unarmed Combat: You cannot deal damage through unarmed combat or thrown objects with this Effect, though you may still grapple with targets.
  • Weapons: You cannot wield weapons effectively in combat.
  • Fine Tools: You are otherwise limited to actions that a normal human could do with their bare hands.
  • Maintaining Focus: You must maintain Concentration while taking Actions in this way. If you are Injured or interrupted, you must roll Mind at Difficulty 9 to maintain Concentration. If you fail, you cannot engage in telekinetic actions for the next 6 - Intellect rounds.
  • Levitation: If you are strong enough to lift yourself, you may levitate up to within 10 feet away from the ground. Movement is limited to 5 feet per Round.
  • Multiple Items: You can only interact with one thing or take one Action at a time.

  • Any telekinetic actions which interact with Animate targets may require contested rolls at GMs discretion.


Created by Guy Webber, given to Bryan Bosch.
A simple Damascus steel ring. An image of geometric wings is etched into the patterned metal. Inside, it’s inlaid with fractal knot patterns made of electrum wire. An engraving in tiny font along the edge reads “In Hearts, not Minds.”

The initial design was the most complicated part, really. Once an object has been embedded with the complex fractal knot pattern, made of otherwise ordinary electrum wire, Guy suffuses the wire with extra-dimensional energies. Getting the right energies, and getting them to stick, can take some doing. The wire then guides the magic, which responds readily to a simple flex of intent.
When called upon, space twists into a fractal knot that expands from the wire, distorting perceptions of the object and surrounding space. As if it had always been there, one object is replaced by another, and space returns to its natural state.
No complicated on-the-fly calculations necessary.

With help from a 5-hour Energy value pack, a crash course in CAD software, and a local CNC machine, Guy was able to design the first functioning prototype, a proof of concept for one of his more outlandish ideas.

Space is locally expanded in an additional dimension, an otherwise unnoticeable effect that creates a kind of pocket space, perfect for storing items. The magic is limited in its functionality, and the spatial membrane is somewhat stubborn, so withdrawing an item requires an anchor. By pulling on the desired item and anchor at the same time, the magic can cause them to switch places with minimal strain.

Spend a Quick Action.

You may withdraw an item from your stash, or add an item that is within arm’s reach to your stash. You may only stash targets which are in your possession, grappled, or otherwise controlled by you.

You may store Objects in your stash, each no larger than something which could fit inside a briefcase (15 liters), and you may store up to 3 things at a time.

You may choose to equip any equipment you withdraw at no additional cost.

Whenever you withdraw an Object from your Stash, you must immediately Stash another object to replace it. You may only stash objects you are attuned to. Attuning an object requires one minute of physical contact.

  • "Equip" refers to drawing a gun, putting on a piece of armor, etc.
  • Containers which hold multiple things may count as a single item so long as the things within are generally packaged together. For instance, you may stash a clip full of bullets, a medical kit full of medical supplies, or a box of crackers, but you cannot stash a backpack full of miscellaneous equipment.
  • You may only attempt to store Objects which are free-standing and disconnected from other things. The use of this Effect will not allow you to sever any connections holding an Object in place.
  • The Maximum Object Size parameter is intended to roughly capture the weight / size restriction of items and isn’t intended to restrict shape. GM discretion is advised. A human being is level 4 in the Maximum Object Size parameter.

Stock Legendary Artifacts

This Effect activates whenever combat begins. It does not require an Action or Exertion.

You automatically detect all people wielding weapons within 300 feet of you for the next hour. This includes any who come within range during the duration. You have a sense of how many valid targets are nearby, as well as their distance and direction.

  • When triggered, the Effect activation resolves immediately after the triggering Action. It is not Reaction speed.

This Artifact can change its appearance. When not transformed, it is roughly the same size as a passport and just as difficult to conceal.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action to activate. This Artifact changes its appearance into an Object within the category of forms of identification. This lasts until you decide to end the Effect, which may be done as a Free Action.

The new object's appearance can mimic specific items (such as a particular painting, a certain person’s ID, etc), but must be of a similar size and weight to this Artifact.

The new appearance is illusory; it will hold up to scrutiny, but its composition is not altered and it gains no new functionality. Any attempt to use it for a function which it cannot perform (for instance, making bread look like a knife and then trying to stab someone) will cause the illusion to fail or allow a Perception check to see through the illusion, at the GM's discretion.

You gain the following benefits as long as you are not at all wet and you are wearing this Artifact.

You are obscured in one of the following manners. You may Spend an Action to change the way in which you're concealed.

  • Sight:You are partially obscured from being noticed by sight. All attempts to detect you using sight are rolled at a -3 dice penalty, and all attempts to detect you where sight would assist are rolled at -1 penalty. Anyone who detects you cannot determine any visual details about you beyond your general shape.

While this Effect is active, any Effect that would obscure you from other, additional senses fails automatically. If someone discovers you, this Effect will not help you hide from them for the next minute. This Effect does not end early when you activate an obvious Effect, attack, or receive an Injury.

  • GMs should use their discretion when determining the exact impacts of this Effect, particularly in conjunction with environmental factors. Standing still against a complex background may render you impossible to detect, and footprints in snow may make it easy. A chance to detect you is not guaranteed.

The Skeleton Key

At first glance, this appears to be a standard, modern house key made of ivory. A close observer might compliment its skull-shaped head or usual material. No one would suspect it to be one of the Thief's most prized possessions: The Skeleton Key.

Spend an Action.

You may lock, unlock, and/or open any number of doors, locks, or locked targets within arm's reach of you. Cannot be used on Alien technology.

If you successfully operate a lock, you may choose to destroy it, rendering it inoperable.

  • Any door or restraint that is fastened or shut with a mechanism may be considered locked, at the GM's discretion. Can be used on control panels or other electronic locks, but not computer security systems.
  • If you operate a locking mechanism through this Effect which has some other secondary effect (such as the ignition on a car causing the car to start) you may cause that effect as well.
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Winter Fang

A massive bow made of solid ice.

This Artifact can be used as a bow. It is roughly at least twice as large as a bow and cannot be concealed on your person or disassembled for storage.

Attack by rolling Dexterity + Athletics, Difficulty 6. Successful attacks deal Contested Outcome +4 Weapon Damage. The target's Armor is fully effective against this Damage. Attacks do not require a successful called shot to do damage.

You also gain the following effects:

  • Infinite Ammo: This weapon never runs out of its standard ammunition.
  • Leave No Trace: Your projectiles crumble or vanish after impact, leaving no meaningful trace of your assault beyond the wounds they leave. If your attack would kill or incapacitate your target, they make no sound, even incidentally, for the next Round.

  • This Artifact cannot be disguised or morphed with other Effects like Shape-Changing object.
  • Reminder: additional Weapon Damage granted by this Effect does not stack with any other bonus to Weapon Damage. Instead the largest bonus is used.