Spirit of the past

This Artifact allows you to create an environmental hazard.
Used by Christopher blossom, Created by guilty.
On Legendary Artifact Wolf pendant.
(During activation, it is obvious the environmental effect is issuing forth from you. You must use this Artifact obviously when activating this Effect.)

Spirits that have been killed, and that have been wronged by Christophers past life comes back to life, and creates a field of sorrow and pain, and these blue looking entities flying in front of your eyes blocking you from seeing things, and taking away your sight, as you can barely see, and also having spirits fly into your chest, giving you extreme pain

Exert your Mind (unless you win a coin flip) and spend an Action. Select a Location within 60 feet of you.

You create a hemispherical dome of ________ originating at the chosen Location, with a radius of 60 feet, and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in the following ways:

  • Danger Zone: The zone contains constantly spirits flying around going through you. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll Body at Difficulty 8. Anyone who fails or botches receives a Severity-1 Injury.
  • Obscured Vision: The zone is partially blocked from view. Anything within the zone will have difficulty seeing anything or being seen from the outside. Any rolls that rely on sight are made at -3 dice, and rolls that would benefit from sight are rolled at -1 dice.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Community Environment Control Gifts

Take a Severity-1 Injury and spend an Action.

You create a hemispherical dome of Boiling Blood blizzard in a blood dome originating at your Location, with a radius of 20 feet. and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in any number of the following ways:

  • Danger Zone: The zone contains the blood is boiling. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll Body at Difficulty 8. Anyone who fails or botches receives a Severity-1 Injury.
  • Slippery: All movement distances are halved within the zone. Anyone who wishes to move further than their Free Movement within a Round must roll Dexterity + Athletics. If they fail, their movement is limited to their Free Movement and they fall down.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

You may end this Effect prematurely as a Free Action.

Possession of this Power grants the following Battle Scar: a red patch around my eye.

  • The Effect does not follow you after you activate it.
  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Expend a point of Battery and spend an Action. Select a Location within 60 feet of you. Choose a 3-D shape that will define the borders of your Effect.

You create a zone of Natural Disasters in the chosen shape, originating at the chosen Location, with a radius of 60 feet. and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in the following ways:

  • Danger Zone: The zone contains Any Natural Disaster that the person wants. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll Body at Difficulty 8. Anyone who fails or botches receives a Severity-1 Injury.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

Your zone blends with the environment, seeming to arise naturally from local effects. Observers who roll Perception + Alertness and achieve an Outcome 4 or higher notice that it is unnatural.

Anyone who witnesses you during this Effect's activation will almost certainly be disturbed to see It summons a inhuman creature behind me.

  • When narrating disturbing content, be cognizant of your group's tone and accommodating to those who would like to "fast forward" through the description.
  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Spend an Action and use up this pellet. Select a Location within 60 feet of you.

You create a hemispherical dome of smoke originating at the chosen Location, with a radius of 60 feet, and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in the following ways:

  • Suppressed Vision: The zone is fully blocked from view. Nothing within the zone may see anything or be seen from the outside. Any rolls that rely on sight fail automatically, and any rolls that benefit from sight are made at -3 dice.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

  • This consumable is destroyed when used and cannot be used again.
  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action.

You create a hemispherical dome of black void originating at your Location, with a radius of 20 feet. and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in the following ways:

  • Slippery: All movement distances are halved within the zone. Anyone who wishes to move further than their Free Movement within a Round must roll Dexterity + Athletics. If they fail, their movement is limited to their Free Movement and they fall down.
  • Suppressed Hearing: The zone is rendered completely silent. No one inside of the zone can hear any meaningful sound, and no meaningful sound escapes the zone. Rolls that rely on hearing fail automatically, and rolls that benefit from hearing are at -3 dice.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

You may end this Effect prematurely as a Free Action.

  • The Effect does not follow you after you activate it.
  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.

The earrings are an artifact said to be blessed by the Incan god of sun Inti. They were recovered near Machu Picchu during inofficial archaeological excavations.

Exert your Mind and spend an Action. Select a Location within 60 feet of you. Choose a 3-D shape that will define the borders of your Effect.

You create a zone of Golden Sunlight in the chosen shape, originating at the chosen Location, with a radius of 60 feet. and lasting for 5 minutes. The area inside your zone is affected in the following ways:

  • Suppressed Vision: The zone is fully blocked from view. Nothing within the zone may see anything or be seen from the outside. Any rolls that rely on sight fail automatically, and any rolls that benefit from sight are made at -3 dice.
The zone expands immediately to its full size from the chosen Location, but will be stopped from spreading in a particular direction by any barriers or cover, and can only fit through openings large enough to fit a grown adult. If a new opening appears while the Effect is still active, it will finish spreading in that direction.

  • If you select a location at the edge of your range, you will be just outside the zone once the Effect is activated
  • You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.
  • Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift's flavor.