Alia Aris's Journal

chapter 1 make up for attendees that left early

the beginning of the search for the world's truth.

It's been a week since i've lost everything.

To this day i still don't understand the nightmares i have every night, my sleep is plagued by visions of what looks like the end of...everything? They wont stop. If we're looking at the bright side however, i did manage to steal one of the Astral crystal telescopes, these things are... hard to find, atleast outside the citadel. good thing they're as hard as diamonds, anyway with this i think i can..i can guide my self in the right uh.. direction, I hope atleast. I dont know what im looking for. But i have this.. feeling, how do i describe it. it's like theres a compass in my chest, so i just keep following it. until i find what i'm looking for. traveling from place to place looking up at the night sky in search for whatever answer i'm looking for, if the end of all times is nigh, there has to be a way to stop it.

End of log.


It's another day, Last night i fell asleep aboard a refugee ship, it was headed in the right direction, towards the..feeling. I now find myself in the Sea of belarus archipelago, and in a really unhappy looking town called "Syndril". These northeners sure do use really weird names for things, like apparently the boat I was on is called a "Schooner", sounds like a Sexually transmitted disease if you ask me. anyways on a more important note.. It's close. I dont know what "It" is but whatever it is it's towards the.. west?" I'll ask around and see what's west.

End of log.


So i'm walking around town looking for any locals to ask, and they just look at me like i have a bear standing behind me. they were uhm.. hesitant to talk to me but one was a little less so, only 3 pieces of gold and they were telling me all i wanted to hear and more, apparently the currency we used in the citadel is really valuable here, good to keep in mind. alright now I know that the island to the west is known as Sky fire island, known for it's big..tower? I'm sitting on the shore looking at it from here and it just looks like a light house.. wait.. it looks like citadel architecture..there's no way right? 

End of log.


After getting scammed out of all my gold, I finally managed to get a ride to sky fire.. It is citadel architecture. My people made this. but WHEN and WHY were they HERE?.. It looks old, really old. and really really unkept, which is weird to see on a citadel building, infact this place looks fairly untouched, but.. what ever it is i'm looking for. it's inside. inside that very tower could be the answer.. or atleast an answer.

End of log.


I'm currently standing infront of a red.. glowing.. MASSIVE.. floating orb.. wait i think this is.. how is this here? what the fuck is a world anchor doing HERE? and why is it RED? a single one of these could power the ENTIRE citadel, actually they do use one of these for that. but like how did it get here.. more importantly.. why? either way I guess i've fou- *The ground shakes as a monstourous roar reverberates through the air* IS THAT A FUCKING DRAGON?

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