Rubin McNeil's Journal

Total Cancellation!

I have seen beyond.

Today, was the strangest day of my life. I was speedating, no avail as usual, and I was spoken to through a piece of paper? I thought I was going crazy, but it didn’t take long for me to get transported to this really strange place. They call it The Hub, and..and.

Well it has..

It’s 3 Dimensional. Something no one in my own dimension can comprehend, I have seen the direction ‘up’ and no one understands. I’m a freak for even discussing it, for mentioning it. But, I’ve got to tell someone.

But, that horrific realisation of things beyond my dimension aside. I was given a job, a job alongside a group of others, to appear on some kind of horrid TV show? A reality gameshow of sorts? I didn’t like it, and I don’t think anyone else did, especially with the threats hanging above our heads. Every word we said was incredibly closely watched for anything that could be taken out of context, horrifying really. I don’t think I’m one for the silver screen…as they say.…

I met others too, all 3D, Of course. No one like me but, well they all seemed to find eachother strange so maybe I wasn’t completely alone in this feeling. It’s odd to think of this, how many dimensions are out there? Should my people know? Should I tell them? Should I show them?


Maybe a day soon, then they’ll stop urging me to take a trip to this mental hospital..



This therapist is useless, I don’t know why I keep on coming back here, to improve or to get better… He’s the same one I’ve always had, and I’m convinced he’s only here because of the pay, it’s like he doesn’t care about his patients at all. At least not me. Not that I have had many problems in my past, I’m lucky I suppose, but I’ve come here to just rant before…

I don’t think he expected me to rant about what I told him about this time. My whole worldview, changed in a single day. I can see the sky. The stars. And no one else can. 

He prescribed me medication and supplements, they just make me feel sick and queasy, sure they..dim the stars and the thoughts of anything beyond here, but, do I really want to live life feeling out of it every second of every day? 

Unt's Drag Race

Job #2

The day came, they came back to get me. I was visiting the therapist as usual, and well, I guess if I can’t get these other dimensions out of my head, then I may as well visit them. It only seems fair. Maybe that way I can spread this knowledge? If I have more under my belt?

These TV stars really have it out for the organisation we’re with, or vice versa because they were here too, I don’t think they recognised me? Or maybe they did? You’d think you’d recognise ME of all people.

We had to put on a performance, it was a… ‘Drag Race’ in both senses of the words. We were driving cars, in drag. And, I think I did alright! The best I could anyway.

My outfit was better than my driving, but at least I was fashionable. Long hair, short jacket, high boots and gloves, tube top and very um, skimpy bottoms. It suited me? Or, at least didn’t look as awful as I thought it would.

I didn’t win, the cricket did by far, but I’m glad I didn’t win, because they tried to..put him in stasis? Thankfully, we stopped him. Mostly me and Rollie.


Speaking of Rollie, they’re a strange one..two? Two people in one. With a devout admiration for the Greek gods, I wonder what it’s like where they’re from. Maybe I’ll get to see it someday. They have more sides than the average person I’ve seen so far.

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