The Void

A world At the beginning of it's end, or the end of it's beginning, depending on your perspective.

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Latest World Events

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 4 days, 11 hours ago. Permalink

Laxentry Burns Out.

Laxentry Corporation's dabble in fossle fuels goes up in smoke, when their refinery in Neterwauk Canada catches fire. It is believed that the recent earthquakes triggered gasses that started the fire, but unfortunately no information can be found to confirm of deny these claims. 

Mr. Laxentry, when asked, only had this to say,

"When you have a Corporation as large as mine, it's hard to keep track of what all the parts are doing. I'm not even sure why we were investing in oil. My Corporation is about the future! There will not be a pursuit in this direction again."

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 2 weeks, 6 days ago. Permalink

Have you read Carter West?

Amongst the chaos of everyone trying to rebuild after the catastrophic world event, madness seems just around the corner. Famed autor Carter West, known for his horror novels, seems to have escaped from the asylum. Carter West was imprisoned 5 years ago when a cult of his fans went mad and slaughtered everyone in a book store in which he was doing a book signing. He was deemed insane and consigned to an asylum. Yesterday, Carter West was seen in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania at a book store where he was reported to be signing autographs and handing out free books that he had written during his internment, and so never read before. As before, his fans took to the streets, maiming and murdering anyone they got their hands on. Carter West has been returned to custody, and the fans have been arrested or shot on the scene. 

Latest Journals

3 weeks, 3 days ago: Sly wrote a Downtime Journal for The Untamed Wilds

Sly remembers his dreams

Sly wanders through the streets. He has enough food. But... The dream flickers through his mind. Wealth, abundance. Power.


He wants more.

Sly finds an apartment building. Older, multiple stories. Abandoned. 

He does a running jump. A foot on the wall, and a jump to the ladder of the fire escape. 

He grabs the lowest rung, preparing for the drop.

It doesn't come.

Sly holds on by fingertips, and his weight doesn't force the ladder down.

He frowns.

With a swing, a transferring of momentum Sly's feet are where his hands were.

He puts his hands out to balance, ready to grab with his hands if his feet slip.

They don't. 

The rung is slippery sly can feel it beneath him. But he is adjusting. His weight shifting quickly.

He has gotten better than he expected.

Sly continues up the fire escape.

He finds a dark apartment. He slips a wire into it. It's tricky. The lock on the mirror is rusted. Heavily. It is a struggle, and then.

There is a push in Sly's mind a bit of power flows through his body, the same way it feels when he shifts his form. His hands move just right, and the lock pops open.

Sly looks down at his hands.

He remembers the dream.

The promise of power.

He remembers Kel and Felix.

4 weeks ago: Alice Abernathy wrote a Downtime Journal for Terra Forma

More studies, more science.

I've spent most of this month working on my vaccine.  My new memory.. it's.. it takes a little bit of getting used to.  But now that I am... I soak up knowledge as a shadow soaks up light. My mind is a paradise of mirrors, in which all things are clear, even those things I might prefer not to see.

I remember all of the mistakes I've made.  And all the mistakes others have made.  What do I even say to that?  I can't forget it even if I want to now.

I've taken to trying to mediate, and maybe I'm getting a little bit about not thinking about it... but I'm still always aware of it, in some way.

I keep learning, keep working. Have to keep everyone safe.  I'm in a position to do so, so I need to do it, right?  Like Alpha.  Alpha could save us, so he had to.

And he did.  And now it's my turn.

...Ignorance was bliss, I think.

1 month, 1 week ago: Owl wrote a Downtime Journal for Terra Forma

A long drive back to Vermont

Owl had to move the car twice in the night. Luckily neither time woke her two passengers. 

When the sun rose, Owl headed out again. She'd gone without sleep for a night before. Nothing she couldn't handle. 

"Fox. Watching me. If I get sleepy, or drive weird, we'll need to take a short break for me to nap. I can show you how to drive if that happens... I'm sure that with everything going on that most cops will have better things to do than be patrolling in the middle of nowhere."

Owl scans the horizon as she speaks. Looking for signs of civilization. So, she could avoid them of course.

Her mind drifts as she drives. 

Maybe she could find some way to let half of her mind sleep at a time like dolphins do. That might let her avoid situations like this.

She drives for 8 hours before she needs to take a nap. She stays up for 2 hours showing Fox how to drive.

Then she sleeps. Red cuddles up with her, and in her mind, Lamb runs slender fingers through Owl's hair.

They were safe. They were on their way home.

Ideas pop into Owl's mind as she dreams.

1 month, 3 weeks ago: Felix Hureon wrote a Downtime Journal for Terra Forma


It's been at least a month since my mom and dad died, its still hard, hard to think that the world is just full of supernatural stuff, but also that they world itself is probably dying. These natural disasters will probably continue, and get worse as time goes on. But what can we do about it? What can I do about it? Well...besides leaving this place for good, however, this "place" is the goddamn planet.


With my house in a sinkhole, I've recouped my losses and got my car finally fixed up, with a replacement key of course. I'll be damned if I'm stepping in there again, especially after it nearly became my coffin. I managed to at least get some of my belongings, and the rest I just bought myself, keeping in mind to actually get more things later on.


For now I'm going to work at the school still, it was one of the few places not completely destroyed and after a month they're opening up classes again. I'll focus on life right now but I have a goal in mind, find some reality, maybe some new place to transport myself too as this world isn't getting better. There is no god that will scoop us all up and take us to a promise land, there is only cold hard reality and you need to be prepared for it and adapt to it.


On a smaller note, the testing of my 'power' has given me some ideas, I never was the best artist but that doesn't seem to matter for this skill. Hopefully, I won't need to use it too much.

2 months ago: Robin wrote a Downtime Journal for Terra Forma

Closer Integration

You need to keep your eyes open more. We can't run into the line of fire like that again.

That's not fair, there was slime covering them!

Why was there slime covering them?

Well, I-

You didn't see or hear it jumping at you, that's why. I knew something was coming and you didn't let me jump us out of the way.

What am I supposed to do, just... let you take the wheel?

Yes. You take control all the time for your "hunger" and your "needs". Let me do it when I fucking hear something you don't know is there!

Fuck you.

Oh I'm sorry, do you think that's unfair? Think how I feel, pal. I told you, I have far more experience staying alive in supernatural situations than you. You barely knew there was anything other than vampires until you got here. So please for the love of god if I say "duck", duck!

Yeah. Sure. That makes sense I guess.

Don't pout. We'll get out of here, we just need to work together. Use our strengths. My brain, your brawn.


2 months ago: Robin wrote a Contract Journal for Terra Forma

Still Here.

Shoulda been faster on the draw.

Yeah, no shit. I shouldn't have let you take the time to put on that armor.

You didn't let me, we did it together. You know we're both in control now, most of the time. Don't pretend otherwise to blame me.

I wasn't in control when you decided it would be a good idea to try to drain that entire body in the middle of monsters eating it in the hall, was I?

That's different. You know what it was like, being in here getting scraps for this long. I needed it.

You could have fucking waited and fed on some poor schmuck later.

I... I couldn't.

Fine, you couldn't. Wanna talk about how that guard shooting you made you lose your head and almost got us killed?

I'm not used to getting shot at! That's not fair, I don't have your training.

You can access it though, can't you? Study up on it. We can't have you losing it in a fight like that again. If that door hadn't covered us after it knocked us out, that would have been it. The guards that found us still barely alive could have decided to put us out of our misery and wouldn't have felt bad about it.

I was just so hungry. And angry. They did this to me. They made me this.

No. You did this to yourself, by allowing this.

A long, guttural scream rings out in the cell they were thrown back in. The blood has been cleaned off the floor, by now. Spotless.

2 months, 1 week ago: Lev wrote a Downtime Journal for Beware the Assassin!


I've been putting this new power through it's paces. So to speak. Going fast is incredible. I'm getting speeds up to fifty kilometers per hour. Unbelievable really, bit faster than a slow car but I mean, *fast*. I can run away from almost all my problems at this point. I can go faster, I'm sure, with some practice. These freaky end of the world gits weren't kidding, the contract is real. Which means they probably aren't kidding about the end of the world but hey, one thing at a time.

If I can do this, I might be able to keep ahead of all the spooky creepy stuff that's been trying to kill me. Won't get throat punched by any more fairies, or devoured by hordes of zombies. Can even zoom someone along with me if I put my mind to it. Bet I'll be beating any one of these other contractors in a footrace, I know that for sure. Some car chases too, way more maneuverable.

2 months, 3 weeks ago: Jacko wrote a Downtime Journal for Djinn Delivery

Finding inner Jacko

Jacko stayed home after the airplane. Mel took the Racoon girl away to find a thing. Jacko wasn't sure what it was, but Jacko apparently wasn't invited. That's ok. Jacko is used to not being invited to things. Jacko isn't offended at all. Not one bit. Jacko has LOTS of things to do to take up that time all alone. Jacko has Dancing to do. and Soap to eat. Jacko will eat Mel's soap since Mel's not here to yell at Jacko for it. 

Jacko does actually have something to do though. Jacko has been spending time inside Chester to think. Jacko has been looking inside Jacko to see what is there. Jacko didn't know to do this before. Jacko did this while inside He who is not Jacko before Jacko, But Jacko thought that was looking at the other... Now Jacko can do it alone. Jacko can Feel what's going on in the body. Maybe Jacko can unlock things like the New Race. It will take time, but it's a start. Hopefully Jacko can unlock the strength and healing of the new race. 

2 months, 4 weeks ago: Char wrote a Downtime Journal for Djinn Delivery


For the first time in a long time, I failed at a task.  Thankfully, the punishment is now where near the penalties of hell.  Still thought, it does hurt.  Dissection, burns, gunshots, and the like always hurt.  Here though if I die, I simply return to Hell, and I'll get to administer much worse to my torturers.

I can't blame them for their curiosity though.  A strange, alien being landing in their lap.   Though I would prefer they just ask me about my limitations rather than what they're doing here.

At least they have the decency to patch me up and put me back together again.  I wonder if they would be open to making a deal.  They look like they could use a consult in the occult, and my master is an expert in that subject matter.

Now it's just a question of if my master would be willing to do the job.

3 months ago: Winsley Herman wrote a Downtime Journal for Alpha

A will to survive

The thought of death has been plaguing me recently. It wouldn't take much to end with me dead and everything I've worked for melt away in a blink of an eye. That's why I took it upon myself to fill out a last will and testament to split my assets among my friends and loved one under some conditionals, mainly being that they respect my ambition to keep the downtrodden and societal rejects safe in a place where the world cannot harm them. 

I've also completed the bunker so I'm one step closer to finishing everything I need for the end. Maybe I'm crazy but id rather be prepared for the end and it never come than to be unprepared for it and it does come. I've stocked it with the hydroponic system, some armaments, the filter, and its a Chester so I know its safe. Hopefully it will be enough for the end.

Latest Completed Contracts

65 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup


Much like our own basic mundane life, with one exception. a shadowy organization has made advances beyond what we know today. Nothing is known of this group, or what they have accomplished, both good and ill.

Supernaturals Do Exist, but are mostly hidden, both out of fear of discovery, or because they have been captured or killed by this secret government.

Many things are slowly progressing the world into an untimely end, and depending on the actions (or inactions) of the chosen few, there may not be a tomorrow to look forward to.

House Rules

Contractors from The Void Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
The Void grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

A full Write up in progress

Full Setting Description

The pictures of Nessy, the rumors of the Jersy Devil, and Sightings of big foot are all true, But just like in our world, these "Mythical" Cryptids stay hidden. the vast majority of humanity shrugs them off as myths. Corporate tycoons and Governments are the real monsters!

The contractors are Chosen as potential pawns in the guiding of the end times. Whether they know the end is near or not is irrelevant. They may believe they can stop it from coming they may believe it is inevitable and are simply trying to soften the blow. They may be trying to end it themselves. 


Known Organizations that have impact and can be used in character creation Beyond what is in out real life world.


the Laxentry Foundation: a corporation that seems to have bottomless pockets, and a need to have their fingers in everything. From cloning, to computers. From burrowing into the center of the earth, to C.E.R.N. research into ripping holes into other dimensions. In almost any form of research, you will see the (L) brand as a sponsor. 


Eden Reseach: An environmental research group looking into ways to right the corruption humans have spread upon the earth, as well as developing cures for diseases and natural remedies in attempt to retake the market from Pharmaceuticals. 


World Events

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 4 days, 11 hours ago. Permalink

Laxentry Burns Out.

Laxentry Corporation's dabble in fossle fuels goes up in smoke, when their refinery in Neterwauk Canada catches fire. It is believed that the recent earthquakes triggered gasses that started the fire, but unfortunately no information can be found to confirm of deny these claims. 

Mr. Laxentry, when asked, only had this to say,

"When you have a Corporation as large as mine, it's hard to keep track of what all the parts are doing. I'm not even sure why we were investing in oil. My Corporation is about the future! There will not be a pursuit in this direction again."

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 2 weeks, 6 days ago. Permalink

Have you read Carter West?

Amongst the chaos of everyone trying to rebuild after the catastrophic world event, madness seems just around the corner. Famed autor Carter West, known for his horror novels, seems to have escaped from the asylum. Carter West was imprisoned 5 years ago when a cult of his fans went mad and slaughtered everyone in a book store in which he was doing a book signing. He was deemed insane and consigned to an asylum. Yesterday, Carter West was seen in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania at a book store where he was reported to be signing autographs and handing out free books that he had written during his internment, and so never read before. As before, his fans took to the streets, maiming and murdering anyone they got their hands on. Carter West has been returned to custody, and the fans have been arrested or shot on the scene. 

Posted by RNGrant, 1 month, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

The Damage tally continues

More reports coming in. We have had many towns sinking or flooding all over the world!

More recent updates:

On the west coast of England many cities along the cost have sunk into the ocean as the result of massive tidal waves

Many non costal cities with aquifers have experienced extreme collapse, sinking in the worse case 30 feet into the ground. (For those who don't know a lot about aquifers, they aren't always big pools of underground water, but instead a layer of permeable rock filled with water that can be stored and extracted, but since it is permeable, it can be crushed, sinking the area).

Those affected include: London, Birmingham, Nottingham and Liverpool.

There has also been some flooding in inland area around large lakes. Detroit has flooded, and sunken, with its remaining residence living in boats, or roof tops.

The rest of Michigan has encountered similar seismic events, including sink holes and building collapse.

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 2 months ago. Permalink

New world disorder

(I apologize for the randomness. It's a lot to keep track of)


News headlines.

The San Andraes fault has split. Everything west of it has dropped nearly half a mile below sea level, while the eastern side has lifted to make a cliff face 100ft tall. 

The volcano under Yellowstone and Crater of Diamonds have erupted and remain active.

All of Panama is destroyed as it seems to have collaped in on itself as South America moves north almost a mile. Cuba and nearby islands also seemed to have moved north, and between earthquakes and the tsunami brought on by the shifting of South America, are in a state of chaos. 

North East Ireland is buried in lava and ash as dormant volcanos there have erupted, while South west Ireland is recovering from flooding from its own tsunami

3 volcanos in China have erupted. 

Africa has split from Asia with a fissure just east of Cairo. 

The middle east is in ruin as a large chunk of land mass has split from the middle east and become an island inside what is now a combined Mediterranean and Red sea.

Hawaii, already under surveillance, due to the erupting volcanos, has seen a doubling of landmass, and has become one long Island instead of a series of smaller ones.

Violence has erupted in the middle east once again. But on a more desperate and farel scale as Christians, Muslims, and Jews begin flocking into the "Promised Land". People who were cowering in fear have risen up to fight back against their oppressors. While radicals on all sides are killing indiscriminately, and military is spread thin on all sides, Citizens of all three of these normally fiercely territorial people have been working together. It would seem they are stopping at nothing to be in the holy land on what they believe to be the biblical end times. Part of the reason for this belief has a bit to do with the unexplained separation of land during the world wide earthquake, creating an ever growing trench around the land mass known as Canaan. 

Almost all governments are in a state of lockdown. While millions of homeless refugees scatter to the four winds, boarders are largely on lockdown, though there's little many governments can do to prevent imagination through broken and burning defenses. 

Most of the refugees fleeing Hawaii to the safety of California found themselves cast back into the ocean and to their deaths as the San Andraes Faultline ripped apart. Like the lost city of Atlantis, the city of Angels has fallen into the sea, its dead now food for the aquatic life there. While citizens scream for recovery efforts, there are simply no officials able to offer aid as the entire country tries to dig itself out of the rubble. It will be some time before the full extent of what transpired this day is known, but until then, the question on everyone's mind is simply.... Why??

Posted by WaterInMilk, 2 months ago. Permalink

New York in shambles

New York has become a smouldering, lawless, hell-hole to put it lightly. The metro has been completely destroyed after an earthquake struck. Electrical fires sprouted all over the city, setting over 3/4th of New York ablaze. The 'Blue Rose' Russian mob took the opportunity to take out the police force while they were stretched thin and they effectively own the city. All the bridges to the mainland have been destroyed and all local hospitals are either full or destroyed via sinkholes.

Posted by SeedofEntropy, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Environmentalist Shut Down.

The Democrat Republic of the Congo has denied all access to the rainforest of the Congo due to new Environmental Laws to preserve this national treasure. This has brought the government under fire from other governments who have scientists and researchers inside the jungle currently, but the DRC assures everyone that the civilians will be found and returned unharmed. (As much as one can be in the while jungles of the congo.)

Posted by RNGrant, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Massive Volcanic explosions all over Hawaii! Hundreds of thousands dead!

It started small. The water was warmer than expected. There were a few tremors.

Then all at once, the volcanos of Kilauea, Hualalai, and Mauna Kea went off all at once with eruptions greater than has been observed in living memory.

Rivers of lava flowed down to cities, while ash blotted out the Sun. 

Over the course of hours, all Volcanos previously dormant, or minor began erupting with enormous force, both on the islands, and in the ocean around Hawaii.

The coast guard, and United States navy has been called in to evacuate the survivors, as the eruptions seem to only be growing more intense.

Owl made a Move (WaterInMilk GMed) 4 months ago. View Move

Small Texas sheriff's office the target of explosive jailbreak.

A reporter stands in front of a partially destroyed sheriffs office in a quiet town outside of Dallas. The sun hasn't come up yet and dark, heavy circles round the reporters eyes. Dallas police, the local fire department, and paramedics crowd the scene behind them. The sheriff can be seen being transported on a stretcher into an ambulance which quickly speeds away. 

"Just a few hours ago 2 armed assailants blew open the wall to the holding cell of this local sheriff's office. This was all in order to free one 'Denis Borchov' who, alongside their armed partners, are currently the subject of a multi-state wide manhunt. The Sheriff who was working late into the night was hit by gunfire but is expected to make a full recovery. More as this story develops on channel 7."

Posted by Nacilion, 4 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

Bloodbath by Vlissingen

The news from Netherlands came in with one reportage:

Cas Bakker, the crane worker, who didn't come home on events of the night. His family called the police for missing man. They found him unscathed, shivering in crane cabin.

Police found numerous dead bodies in the docks by town of Vlissingen. One survivor speaks about group of individuals going in and talking about some kind of artefact.

"Yeah, there was a little guy who borrowed my knife, and then an old man with suitcase. They wanted were talking about sharks and artefacts and then I had to wait here until morning." - Cas Bakker

"We are going trough evidence. Owners of warehouses agreed on centralised camera system under police control to secure safety." - Police speaker

On the spot were found many military grade weaponry, but army denies involvement. What lead to that? Who were the mysterious group? Stay tuned. 

Posted by WaterInMilk, 5 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

38 people dead, many more injured after mass murder at Mob owned nightclub. perpetrator missing.

Authorities are shocked this morning as a night club in down town Miami was attacked by a John Doe. Video from the even shows a man shooting electricity from a guitar into the crowd before throwing a knife into a waitress. in the ensuing panic 35 people lost their lives due to being trampled. The suspect claims a "Ranger Dan" coerced him into doing it and he appeared to be having a mental episode.

Police are still conducting a full investigation into the matter however we have gotten reports from a anonymous trusted source that the suspect escaped police custody and a nationwide manhunt is underway. The parks and wildlife service are conducting an internal investigation for this "Ranger Dan" though nothing has been reported so far. more after this break.

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