Tragedy unfolded in South Eastern Utah this past Wednesday as the town of Bluth was completely consumed by a sudden fire. Crews on the ground report that it originated from a faulty city gasline which caused a massive explosion. This combined with a wind ripping through the valley spread faster than firefighters were able to respond.
Individuals from surrounding towns are shocked
"It's horrible, I've never seen anything like this, if it could happen to them it could happen to us."
Flags have been lowered to half mast around the state and memorial events are being planned for the weekend in the towns neighboring Bluff.
We swear to secure our people against the wickedness and evil of the invisible world.
We swear to aid the afflicted.
We swear to stay ever vigilant and seek out the abominable witchcrafts committed in this country.
We humbly pray to be blessed by God to hold all those who consort with the Devil accountable. Amen
—Opening and closing prayer for Sons of Salem meetings.
The Sons of Salem is a loosely-organized conservative populist movement in the United States that preaches violent opposition to anything they perceive as witchcraft, demonic, or monstrous.
Blowhard podcaster Ted Gundy and former general of the mercenary group “Hognose,” Roland Rush, founded the movement in 2010 after a series of violent werewolf attacks and unexplained, supernatural murders in Tennessee. Memberships grew quickly, stoked by Ted’s fiery doomsday rhetoric on his podcast "Truth Seekers" and the aspiration of the masculine power embodied by Roland.
Although they speak of duty, honor, and maintaining the “natural order” of things, the Sons of Salem are driven by fear. They collect guns and appear at protests en-masse as a way of easing the all-consuming terror of their powerlessness. At the same time, they have conditioned themselves to respond to fear with “strength” (read: violence).