
A world that was like our own 50 years ago, but much has changed.

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Latest World Events

Posted by Redchigh, 3 years ago. Permalink

Sherrod Brown (D- Ohio) drafts bill, finds cross-party support.

The bill, nicknamed 'Majestic' proposes a task force between the National Guard, Homeland  Security, and other organizations in response to what's being referred to as 'Informational Terrorism', citing the incidences from the strange blue light and electromagnetic phenomena in Pigeon Forge, TN, the Philly Gobber (who caused over $20,000 in damage), and the ghastly child images haunting his hometown of Zanesville.  

"These campaigns have a psychological impact.. and whatever's going on, we'll get to the bottom of it." Brown said.


The measure is met by mixed opposition, mostly focusing on issues with financing the measure, and worries of empowering a central agency without a clear directive.


Posted by Redchigh, 3 years ago. Permalink

Ohio Crime Report: Violence has hit a peak

Assault weapon fire rang out in the west docks of Cleveland on Lake Erie at 2am last night, and after searching the area, police found drugs and 4 victims, confirmed to be members of the violent gang 'MS-13', which originated in LA. Witnesses have not come forward at this time.


After a recent spade of extrememy efficient armed robberies, it seems as though the focus has shifted to eliminating competition. Police have said that they believe this to be an elimination, and MS-13 has been known to have regular conflict with the Cleveland mafia and other local organizations due to their intense pushes into new territory in the past few years.

Sources say the Cleveland Crime Family has denied any involvement.


As armed robberies hit the eastern US like a wave, officials say the rates have dropped recently to nearly the rates before, no doubt because of the FBI and Homeland Security's recent initiatives, which include upgrading the 911 system in the area, and improving intra-organisational communication.




Latest Journals

1 year, 5 months ago: Jason Valent wrote a Downtime Journal for Standard Deviation

Sorry what?

The last few days have been a bit crazy. I dont know what to say any more. It's been a bit crazy I have to tell you. I was on an alien ship. Because of the way I was able to get us off It's affected me in a way that is difficult to explain. I wanted more than anything to work on various different tools but I can't exactly stop? Generally. I would get a snack or something. But I just keep going even if I am hungry or if I need something. Or I dunno like the bathroom? It's not the best but not the worst. I have tried to find a remedy for it but I just cant stop. I dont know what to do anymore? How can I stop what I need to start? It is very frustrating. I need to figure this out a little better. 


So after the game, I was able to communicate with my plant. Great I can say that lke it's normal. So we worked out a deal. It cna stay with me but it will need to hold my stuff. I really thought this would be much harder. I can't really surmise what else I could do. Well it could attack it could do alot of things. This is just what we talked about and instead of death this is what it agreed to. I'd rather let it be free but that at this point is not possible. So this will have to do.

1 year, 5 months ago: Jason Valent wrote a Downtime Journal for Standard Deviation

Sorry what?

The last few days have been a bit crazy. I dont know what to say any more. It's been a bit crazy I have to tell you. I was on an alien ship. Because of the way I was able to get us off It's affected me in a way that is difficult to explain. I wanted more than anything to work on various different tools but I can't exactly stop? Generally. I would get a snack or something. But I just keep going even if I am hungry or if I need something. Or I dunno like the bathroom? It's not the best but not the worst. I have tried to find a remedy for it but I just cant stop. I dont know what to do anymore? How can I stop what I need to start? It is very frustrating. I need to figure this out a little better. 

1 year, 11 months ago: Grace Cyanide wrote a Downtime Journal for Shiver

The Jailers

Dear Diary,



It seems like I don’t even need to tell you anymore that “a lot happened since the last time I talked to you”. It’s just how it always is now, it’s kind of  exhausting, but I guess it still beats sitting in a cave doing nothing   all the time. Sitting in a cave doing nothing, all the time, cause right now I’m sitting in a cave doing nothing too but I did a lot already. But it’s cold and wet and hard to sit still and catch my breath with the way the winds are making noise outside, like when you blow in the top of a glass bottle, and it makes that pretty whistling sound. But it’s not pretty and all the wood is wet and I can’t start  a fire.


How do you even make a bomb that blinds a ghost? Do you use salt? Holy water? It wasn’t like that. It was just light, literally “blinding light”, and Obedience says she still sees green spots.


But right, chronilog chronological order. My head still feels messy, and everyone’s talking, which is  fine but it’s fine. We have a lot to talk about.


After the job with the Provider, and I forgot to talk to Miss Widow by the way, I got dropped off back at the Red Door. I got to see Mister Antiquarian looking more like what I think he should look like, not just an old guy with glasses- he looked like a tree, sort of, a stump? Overgrown with vines and with big roots sticking out like hands. I’m not sure if he wanted me to see that or not, but I like that I did. I told him the story of the job and we went to sleep and had dreams about The Breaker… did I tell you about him?  No. That’s who I have to find. He’s a violent, entitled spirit that got bored from not doing anything else in his life and decided to just start torturing people. I guess I get the curiosity on how far bones bend, but you could do the same test on a dead body of someone who deserves it… and yeah that’s harder to find, but you get 206 tests every time. Instead of being patient he’s just throwing himself around, being a couple cyclones in Texas, mangling trees and making awful noises.


I’m in Texas now, at a big park. In the cave.


Between the Red Door and Texas, I was in the Wanderer’s Library. With Miss Sarah? I don’t remember if I actually wrote about her and Doctor Bright and the gramophone… it wasn’t her office this time, though, it was the actual library. I was able to open the door and… oh yeah! I was on the wall when I woke up. That’s the other thing about the bones, ours were all bent, and maybe that was cause the dream but we did something new and we’ve been able to still do it and it’s super helpful and I’m really happy about it.


AND that new thing is how we got through the hallway that wasn’t a hallway, really, because it was a gigantic millipede that guards the entrance to the Wanderer’s Library- I think it’s the one the Foundation was using to get in, with the Skeleton Key, but that’s mine now- his name is the Rounderpede, and he seems like a good friend to have. I’ll need to visit him and maybe get stories. But this time we just did introductions, and he taught me “The Jailers” as a name for the Foundation. He sort of… molded the key and branded it with the library’s symbol and gave it back. I’m glad that he trusts me, and I can use that brand as proof maybe… I met the Docent, who will be harder to make friends with. And then the person that sits at the front desk, the Archivist, I think it said? It’s a person in a suit with floating hands in place of a head. The Archivist helped me get books to study the Breaker and gave me cookies at some point.


So, the Breaker didn’t have a lot of information. Mostly I found books by this lady named Karyn Harper who writes weird romance books about ghosts. Including him, it seems like. Karyn lives in Amarillo, Texas, and mentioned the Breaker living in Dimmit, Texas, so that’s where I’m headed- the Docent dropped me off in Arlington, Texas, and I’m headed North because Hope says the cyclones here are the Breaker and that it’s the right way to go, in the direction of Dimmit and Amarillo. With “Jailers” probably following me. I ran into them at the college’s library- maybe they’re following the storm, too?- and that’s where the bomb for blinding ghosts came in. They also seem to think Obedience is in control, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, I mean they have met us before… it’s confusing, and I don’t care enough to try to figure it out before we deal with the Breaker.


(-The drawings on these pages are: a set of two hazy spirals, a mangled crosshatch pattern, a broken heart, and a millipede which borders both sides and “travels” between them with a small torn tab at the bottom corner.-)

2 years, 5 months ago: Edgar Stokes wrote a Downtime Journal for Shiver

The Goat

I've said before; I got nothing against most of these moldy old Gods that keep popping up; feelings probably not mutual, in that us Contractors are always bein' sent to get up in there buisness - but for the record: I don't mind them none. Folks gotta eat, after all. I know that better than most, meep.


Speaking of a light snack, I got a taste of this last one - not enough to go join the Moonies, mind, but a taste even so. I can feel it crawl under my skin a bit, even see it some times. Freaked Mickey out a bit, lemme tell ya. Still, I don't think I can get Cancer? Far as we know, Ghouls don't get sick - s'pose time will tell.


Seems to have done a few things already...that thing could come back from almost anything - by the way that tail stab patched up, it may be that I can too - though a downside come with it, not talking about it here. Priorities, right?

In other news, I ran out of skin for hanging out with the locals. Shame. The Fam ain't good for conversation much, so it was good to go shoot the shit by the barrel. All good things, though. Used up a trinket to fix up lil' Maria's face - shouldn't have, that shit could come back on us, but I said to myself: "Self, there's more in the world than living to survive another day."

Guess we'll wait & see if I regret that. If I do, though, I won't be goin' down easy.

You can bet your lilly white ass on THAT, True Believers.

Soft underbelly of the world is easy to see from below, y'get me?

2 years, 5 months ago: Keith Nightly wrote a Downtime Journal for Clean up aisle four

Homecoming King

Me, Bu and Mako got back to Jules's mansion and, whaddya know, apparently we've been gone ages. Something weird was going on with that gig, man, wildest ride I've ever been on. Anyway, a few days later, Jules gathers eveybody, and I mean everybody in the mansion all together, and tells us there's gonna be a few changes to how we do things. Namely, that the mansion is gonna get transported to a parallel universe. Now man am I surprised by this, but hey, not like it matters where I go long as I got a roof over my head and an instrument in my hands, so I figure I can roll with this. Still staying at Jules's place now, but the crazy thing is, in this dimension we ended up in people apparently know all about the Supernatural. Sure hope I can find some rocking inspiration for my music, cause there's some crazy stuff out here. Other news, I'm still getting better at doing my thing, almost done with my new single, too, gonna be a chart topper, I can feel it in my Keytar. Started getting allowed into parties, too, so I figure people must be starting to recognise me, at the rate I'm going the whole country's gonna know the name Keith Nightly by the end o' the year! Sure hope I can pay Jules back for all he's done for me, real kind of him to let me stay at his place, and I sure am glad Conner invited me.


50 years in the future, a few legends from the old days still slumber and legacies struggle for superiority and a place in the changing new world economy.

House Rules

Contractors from Pilos Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Pilos grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

1. Non-gift magic (The Mythos) and supernatural inhuman (alien) technology is powerful, yet dangerous. Black tech and the Mythos can always botch.

These effects and abilities tend to be much more powerful than single gifts, or unique in effect.

2. If a PC enters a game plotting to kill another PC, they must roleplay and give their potential target a chance to notice something to arouse suspicion and paranoia: at the very least, sideways glances, sneers of disgust when they arent looking, etc. You can pm the GM your intentions and let them handle the rolls if you would like to do so without giving meta knowledge.

 Non-world artifacts and conditions must be cleared with the world leader before play, otherwise their effects can vary wildly, entirely up to GM discretion.  

  9 gift characters must pass a 'Seasoned Test' in order to achieve their 10th win- this need not be solo, but will be especially difficult and often highlander.


Characters with 4+ gifts must have something that puts them into conflict with other PCs, NPCs, or a goal in conflict with the world's status quo.


 Driving goals must be nailed down by the 4th win. Characters are expected to keep their driving goal in mind- it is what pushes them to endanger their lives repeatedly for vague promises of power after all.

Organizations play a large role in this world, with remarkable rewards and bonuses available to those with initiative. Supernaturals going public as a rogue tend to disappear and fond employment, tight lipped about their decision.  The most effective way to maintain relative autonomy, is to preemptively choose and ally yourself with powerful allies. The military and governments, large and small are constantly on the lookout for new talent, but they are by no means the only opportunity- Successful businesses have their own assets, and corporate espionage is a constant threat. 


The 'Mythos' of HP Lovecraft and other related authors are part of this world- 

Revelations that conflict with your understanding of the world, and things that Should Not Be will trigger trauma rolls at difficulty 7, as per a trauma roll. A failure causes 1 mental damage and a short lived negative reaction. A botch or -2 or less also adds a trauma.



Full Setting Description



Its been 50 years since Pilos was a location of one of the Great Games, and much has changed.

Technology has evolved by leaps and bounds, driven by international competition. In New York over the busy streets, Aerocar's fly overhead, available at the press of a button on your cell.

Biohacking, once exclusively available for the Military, is growing in popularity in the West Coast, where wealth inequality continues to climb, though direct genetic modification is more rare.

Monsters have entered the mainstream, after the firebombing of central Nevada intending to keep the Mycoids (essentially zombie-inducing fungal spores) at bay. Occasional sightings in Oregon and Idaho result in swift, decisive action by well-armed hunters employed by Fish and Wildlife, though NorCal has been mostly uneffected due to the prevalence of private security forces (They became popular and more or less accepted after the Gas Riots of 2049, and videos of public ritualized cannibalism traumatized the nation) 

Some government-sponsored labs research and dissect supernatural entities in order to develop weapons and medicinal treatments, though there is often public outcry by a vocal 'human' rights groups like PETA and UAFF, though these groups differ in what is 'human' and what is not. 
Settlements on the Moon and in Orbit have grown in popularity and accessibility, though many areas between settlements are functionally dangerous no-mans land. 

Not all supernaturals are hunted, however. Some act as private physicians, breaking the laws of nature itself. Others yet, work in Hollywood or Business, with even a few companies seeking to have an exclusively inhuman staff.

At the latest numbers, less than 15% of the population have these previously unheard of 'mutations' or 'abilities'.

Others moved on, though their legacies still compete for control in the budding supernatural 'Gold Rush'. The DHS wields forbidable technology to quash genuine threats, but are often spread too thinly to respond particularly quickly. They prefer to be discrete, though panic has its uses and it is well-known they have clearance to firebomb or artillery areas  with very little oversight.  

The differences between states have grown, with many state governments favoring a more confederalist view and occasionally shutting their borders without warning in case of a state-wide emergency. 




World Events

Posted by Redchigh, 3 years ago. Permalink

Sherrod Brown (D- Ohio) drafts bill, finds cross-party support.

The bill, nicknamed 'Majestic' proposes a task force between the National Guard, Homeland  Security, and other organizations in response to what's being referred to as 'Informational Terrorism', citing the incidences from the strange blue light and electromagnetic phenomena in Pigeon Forge, TN, the Philly Gobber (who caused over $20,000 in damage), and the ghastly child images haunting his hometown of Zanesville.  

"These campaigns have a psychological impact.. and whatever's going on, we'll get to the bottom of it." Brown said.


The measure is met by mixed opposition, mostly focusing on issues with financing the measure, and worries of empowering a central agency without a clear directive.


Posted by Redchigh, 3 years ago. Permalink

Ohio Crime Report: Violence has hit a peak

Assault weapon fire rang out in the west docks of Cleveland on Lake Erie at 2am last night, and after searching the area, police found drugs and 4 victims, confirmed to be members of the violent gang 'MS-13', which originated in LA. Witnesses have not come forward at this time.


After a recent spade of extrememy efficient armed robberies, it seems as though the focus has shifted to eliminating competition. Police have said that they believe this to be an elimination, and MS-13 has been known to have regular conflict with the Cleveland mafia and other local organizations due to their intense pushes into new territory in the past few years.

Sources say the Cleveland Crime Family has denied any involvement.


As armed robberies hit the eastern US like a wave, officials say the rates have dropped recently to nearly the rates before, no doubt because of the FBI and Homeland Security's recent initiatives, which include upgrading the 911 system in the area, and improving intra-organisational communication.




Posted by Redchigh, 3 years ago. Permalink

Zanesville Communities terrorized

Live 33/40 News has obtained exclusive footage of a boy that matches the description of Martin Wheeler, a boy brutally murdered with his family a few weeks ago. 


This comes on the tails of the FBI evidence lab being somehow raided, bombed with some sort of IED, and the remains being reported missing. 


(Footage of a scrawny, pale child waving at a doorbell camera, pushing the button and whispering "Have you seen my dadddyyy", before turning as if seeing something down the street and running off. The footage rewinds and freezes on his face.)


Residents have been warned to not answer the door, and instead call the police if spotted. Investigator Willis in a press release claimed this is more than likely some sort of prank, and not viewed as directly related or dangerous. 

The latest in a wave of sick and bizarre crimes to strike Zanesville, sporadic protests have been planned at the courthouses and police departments, and gun sales are up- Its clear the people of Zanesville and the surrounding area simply do not feel safe.




Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 3 months ago. Permalink

Hopewell 'Five Men' cliff vandalized.

Investigators are looking for information regarding the theft of a local hillside landmark, the 'Five Men', large pieces of vertical slate that were a badly needed  tourist magnet for the area.

Estimated between 1-2 tons each, the vertical stones left explorers amazed on its discovery, and signs point to it being venerated by the Iroquois.


The tourism board is offering a reward of $30,000.

Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 3 months ago. Permalink

Nat'l Guard eases Emergency stay at home order

With 0 deaths the past few days and only a few reported injuries by the Nat'l Guard, , the governor of Ohio has lifted the emergency mandate and declared the Columbus and Zanesville area reopened. 

Fish and Wildlife has confirmed it was rabid bears, kept as pets and unafraid of humans. They have been put down and a rapid site test confirmed rabies.

"The people of Ohio are strong. We'll get through this, and we've initiated several aid programs to help get everything back to normal. I'd also like to announce the design of a memorial, here in Zanesville." The governor said at a noon press briefing.



Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 3 months ago. Permalink

Zanesville/Columbus area confirmed death count hits 51

With 8 dead found this morning, the death toll for this incident has hit 51. Victims are found ripped apart, though Ohio nat'l Guard and Ohio Fish and Wildlife are investigating, due to signs that these may be wild, dangerous predators. 

Evidence suggests strong jaws, and the power to end fights quickly. Citizens are urged to stay indoors, and call 555-5555 if they have any sightings.


Rumors abound, and parallels are being drawn between the current incident, and the wild animals that escaped in 2012, though human casualties were mostly avoided then.


Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

BREAKING NEWS 16 found dead in campsite in Zanesville, near Columbus

The region around Columbus has several channels reporting breaking news, 16 dead found at a campsite near Columbus. Police are investigating. Citizens in the area are advised to travel in groups, and avoid rural areas. Report any strange animal behavior to local police and the Ohio Animal Control number 555-5555.


Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

Physics world mourns death of Dr Stagg of UC Berkeley.

There's been a shake-up in the physics world as reknowned physicist Dr Morris Stagg PhD was found dead in his home this morning, but police do not suspect foul play. Morris is most known for his long storied career at UC Berkeley and recent fall from grace when he was fired a few months ago for unauthorized use of equipment and began spreading ubsurd claims about a recently discovered object in space regarding extraterrestrial threories. NYT was thankfully granted access one of his most recent papers: his most recent submission discredited his own 'alternative' theories, instead affirming that his actions were wrong, and confirmed he had accidentally recorded radiation reflecting from a solar flare in his study, while apologizing for the distraction that it was.

His death seems to coincide with the departure of trans-Neputian body 2011PF, the subject of his research.  It's fun to imagine what the state of human technogy will be when it passes back through our solar system again in 811 years. His funeral will be held at Mountain View Cemetary, Oakland, CA on June 4th.

Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

Prank of naked monstrously mouthed man draws ire of scientists.

Videos have surfaced of a naked man in downtown Philadelphia, that seemed to have a toothed mouth in the center of his chest that he was covering with his arms, an ru The man bears an uncanny resemblance to one of our own photographers, Sahir Hah. NYT is investigating, anyone with any information is asked to call our NYC office. The event has widely been discredited as a hoax, and local police are investigating it as a sexual offense. Remember, if anyone is in danger, call local emergency services first. 

Police urge the public to not get involved, and that this is being investigated as a prank, prosthetics and makeup, nothing more. Despite official's best efforts, one clip of the footage in particular, has hit 2.1b from tiktoker @lab_shenanigans has ravaged the platform with it's "Philly Gobbler" video featuring the man. 

Philadelphia police are offering a $300,00 reward for information.

Posted by Redchigh, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

Car thief goes missing from police custody.

Local Pigeon Forge residences may have been awoken by a loud collision that happened extremely early in the morning Tuesday. Police have said it was a stolen vehicle, and the driver was taken into custody. The vehicle appears similiar to the one connected to the murder of a motel 6 attendant in Mississippi,  details are yet to be released due to the ongoing investigation. The FBI is expected to arrive soon, to assist PFPD in the cross-state investigation.
In a chilling twist, the suspect from the car theft that was mentioned earlier, has vanished from police custody. Anyone with any information that leads to an arrest, is encouraged to call the local FBI office. The FBI has put up a $500,000 reward for any information that leads to capture. The suspects name is believed to be "Alexandra Lee". A mug shot is shown up on the screen.


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