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Mr. Fox

A Newbie Contractor played by JHoneyz in Earth Unveiled

Mr. Fox is a Fox who will risk his life to become a Ruler of a nation and turn an entire country into nothing but animals.

He is 24 years old, lives in Detroit Michigan, and often appears as a fox in a business suit and tie.

Mr. Fox lives in Earth Unveiled, a setting where we learned the supernatural's real; but in the modern-day is carefully controlled by Conspiracy.













2 Alertness

0 Animals

0 Athletics

0 Brawl

0 Crafts

2 Culture

0 Drive

0 Firearms

3 Influence

2 Investigation

0 Medicine

0 Melee

1 Occult

1 Performance

0 Science

0 Stealth

0 Survival

0 Technology

0 Thievery

4 Animal Adaptation

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Mr. Fox is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Mr. Fox has no Battle Scars)

Body 6


9 Mind



Near-Death Experience


(Mr. Fox has no Traumas)



Circumstances describe your situation.

Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.

Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

From Assets and Liabilities
You are "comfortable" in the way that makes people extremely jealous. You have access to $100,000 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
Famous: Business Fox
From Assets and Liabilities
You are well-known and generally well-liked by the general public. You may easily communicate a message via the media during a Downtime, and you may receive preferential treatment from NPCs at the GM's discretion.


Conditions describe your state of being.

Examples of Conditions include curses, diseases, and impactful personality quirks.

Conditions are granted by Assets and Liabilities or by GMs based on the events of Contracts and Downtime activities like Moves, and Loose Ends.

Because Conditions may have GM-created systems, they also record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

From Assets and Liabilities
Beautiful You're quite the specimen! Rolls where your good looks could help– be it via sexual attraction, first impression, or trustworthiness– are at -2 Difficulty. Social interactions should be role-played accordingly. Effect activations are unaffected.
Jack of All Trades You are naturally capable of most things, even without any training. When making a roll which utilizes a Primary Ability that you don’t possess, you do not suffer the standard +1 Difficulty penalty, and you receive +1 dice to the roll.
Delusions of Grandeur You believe yourself to be the very best, one of the elite, superior to anyone else you meet. You must succeed a Self-Control roll in order to believe something or take an action which contradicts this delusion.
Sensitive You're emotionally fragile, and very likely to be mentally and emotionally scarred by your experiences. You have four Limits, instead of the usual three.
Nightmares: Being tortured in a lab, resulting in what he is Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
Short Fuse You have major issues controlling your temper. Whenever tensions run high or someone disrespects you, you must roll Self-Control not to escalate the situation or have a violent reaction.
Supernatural Condition You have some unique supernatural affliction or curse due to your heritage or background. Vulpine: You are an Anthromorphic fox, not much unlike the fantastic Mr Fox; you are the same height as a regular Human, and are capable of much of what a regular Human is." (Social rolls against Canines are made at +2 Difficulty and may be aggressive against you at the GM's discretion; you are a fox person and receive whatever social complications come with that).
From Earth Unveiled
14 - Animal Adaptation You have the body of a Human, but you retain certain benefits of an Animal. You may pick two specific natural Adaptations of which you have +2 Dice towards. [+2 Alertness based on sight.][+2 to dodging.]
(SC) Vulpine Vulpine: You are an Anthromorphic fox, not much unlike the fantastic Mr Fox; you are the same height as a regular Human, and are capable of much of what a regular Human is. Social rolls against Canines are made at +2 Difficulty and may be aggressive against you at the GM's discretion; you are a fox person and receive whatever social complications come with that

Loose Ends

Dark Secret: His real name is Jack Hennson and he was created in a lab.

Distant Dangerous Given by a Liability
You have a secret. When it gets out, there will be immediate and significant consequences for you.


Contractor Timeline

0 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 1 (Earned: 150 - Spent: 149)
An itemized record of every Contract, Reward, Experience change, Condition, Circumstance, and Move

Mr. Fox has not written in his journal yet.


Latest 0 of 0 answers


Mr. Fox has made 0 Moves.
Contractors must have participated in at least one Contract before they can make Moves.

Assets And Liabilities


-15 Gifted
-12 Wealthy
-3 Beautiful
-6 Famous
Claim to Fame: Business Fox
-12 Jack of All Trades


+7 Short Fuse
+9 Sensitive
+3 Nightmares
Subject: Being tortured in a lab, resulting in what he is
+3 Dark Secret
Secret: His real name is Jack Hennson and he was created in a lab.
+9 Supernatural Condition
Supernatural Condition: Vulpine
+6 Delusions of Grandeur