Haerin Yun's Power value does not match their spent Gifts! Power Value: 34 Spent Rewards: 32
He is 22 years old, lives in the kingdom of Gehenna, and often appears as a seven foot tall man with pitch black hair, three curved horns on the left side of his forehead and pure black, soulless, tired eyes with one completely dark and another with an pupil that faintly glows red, an ethereal, boundless beauty that lingers on his visage, thick fluttery eyelashes, long flowing black hair that shapes itself around his face. He wears a regal suit with a pitch black flowing cloth draped over his stature. He bears a constant gentle and tired expression.
Haerin Yun lives in Neo-GENIS, a setting inside a digital realm of video games. His journal, The Unknown Swordsman's Travels, has 36 entries. His Questionnaire has 37 answers.
3 Alertness
1 Animals
3 Athletics
3 Crafts
2 Culture
1 Drive
0 Firearms
2 Influence
3 Investigation
0 Medicine
6 Melee
3 Occult
2 Performance
0 Science
2 Stealth
0 Survival
1 Technology
0 Thievery
3 Lordly Speak
Latest 3 of 37 answers