Maelstrom Prime

A world where Contractors learn how special they really are.

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1 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup


The Metaverse

Illuminated Earth is but one reflection among myriad others - unknown to most, Contractors become fluid in the Multiverse when they sign the Contract, selected by the Powers that Be to ultimately become the immune system of our tenuous reality...if they survive.

Fixed to a personal reality, they find the world ever changing with only the others of their kind a constant - in the brutal world of the Contract, meaningful relationships can only be had among their own kind - as the next day, one's family might not know you - the world may be re-written, with you unaware of the new history.

The only constant is the Contract, & the Powers that tempt you to move ever onward.

House Rules

Contractors from Maelstrom Prime Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Maelstrom Prime grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

This group will be adjacent to the Maelstrom

Think of it as the natural evolution of the fluid reality that has caused us to become over run with nekomancers & twink kitsune: The Maelstrom, a storm of potential realities, spins faster on the edges yet slower towards the center - as one approaches the proverbial "eye of the storm" it both coalesces & towards a greater objective truth while lesser truths fade away.


That Truth - our reality is dying.

Contractors are an expression of the multiverse, empowered to be a constant in a sea of constantly changing probability. In essence, all their Power, be it arcane lineage, ancestral relic, or black magic & mad science stems from a possibility among countless others that reality could have occurred - when one signs the Contract, that desired reality of ambition begins to the cost of every possible alternate version.

Regardless of paradigm (which all characters have, & MUST be able to explain more that "It's Magic lol") they are literally one of a kind. Rendered so when they signed the Contract, unknowingly sentencing countless billions of alternate selves to death. It is that sacrifice which empowers them.

Will they save the world? Or will they hasten it's end?

Ultimately, it's all a game of chance either way. The Harbingers are callous beings with no answers for such questions. The future is yours to decide.