The Midnight Club

A world Where people try contractor.

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Posted by Eliadon, 11 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Skyscraper under construction burns down in mysterious Fire

In a startling turn of events, a towering skyscraper under construction in the heart of the city was engulfed in flames early this morning, leaving behind a scene of devastation and raising questions about the cause of the blaze.

The incident occurred at approximately 2:30 a.m. local time, when emergency services received multiple reports of a massive fire at the construction site of the ambitious high-rise project. Firefighters rushed to the scene, battling the inferno for several hours in an attempt to contain the flames and prevent further damage.

Eyewitnesses described a chaotic scene as the fire rapidly consumed the structure, sending plumes of thick smoke billowing into the night sky. "It was like something out of a movie," said one onlooker. "The flames were so intense, and the heat was unbearable."

Despite the efforts of firefighters, the blaze proved to be stubborn and difficult to extinguish, causing significant damage to the unfinished building. As dawn broke, the full extent of the destruction became apparent, with large sections of the structure reduced to charred rubble.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the cause of the fire, which remains shrouded in mystery. Initial reports suggest that the blaze may have originated on one of the lower floors of the building, but officials have yet to determine what sparked the inferno.

"We're treating this as a suspicious fire," stated Chief Fire Marshal Rebecca Thompson. "Given the size and scale of the blaze, as well as the fact that the building was still under construction and unoccupied at the time, we're exploring all possible avenues in our investigation."

The skyscraper, which was slated to become a landmark in the city's skyline upon its completion, was being developed by a prominent construction firm. The project had been in the works for several years and was expected to feature luxury apartments, commercial space, and state-of-the-art amenities.

The devastating fire has dealt a significant blow to the construction company and has raised concerns among residents about the safety of other high-rise developments in the area. "It's terrifying to think that something like this could happen in our city," said local resident Sarah Rodriguez. "I just hope they get to the bottom of what caused it."

As investigators work tirelessly to unravel the mystery behind the blaze, the charred remains of the skyscraper stand as a grim reminder of the destructive power of fire and the challenges of building and safeguarding towering structures. The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but the resilience of the community remains unwavering in the face of adversity.

Latest Journals

2 years, 6 months ago: Jekyll wrote a Downtime Journal for An Interesting Sword

1. Month

 Lorem Ipsum

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed eros mauris. Nunc mauris neque, ultrices vel interdum non, hendrerit a massa. Duis auctor ac justo non gravida. Cras arcu libero, bibendum in rhoncus non, lacinia sed dui. Nunc sed tincidunt enim. Quisque eu dolor magna. In fermentum quis nibh viverra efficitur. Morbi sodales quis turpis sed lacinia. Donec efficitur tincidunt ultrices. Pellentesque quis turpis in lorem consequat venenatis eget a purus. Integer lacinia convallis nisl id hendrerit. In vel mauris eros. Nunc porta congue elementum. Sed nec neque in dolor aliquam varius. Morbi ac vestibulum lectus, ac mollis ligula. Maecenas sit amet mauris venenatis, pretium ligula sit amet, maximus est.


Nullam sit amet magna pharetra, luctus elit vel, viverra turpis. Vivamus lectus lectus, iaculis vel massa sed, aliquet posuere elit. Fusce mollis justo at ligula cursus dapibus. Duis eleifend non mi eu porta. Aenean vel orci erat. Nunc fringilla ligula vitae nibh aliquam, at congue tortor maximus. Suspendisse eget dolor nec enim hendrerit blandit. Aliquam ultricies ante in urna mollis, eu placerat erat lobortis.


Aenean dignissim tincidunt diam, at tincidunt ipsum scelerisque at. Praesent consectetur lorem fringilla nisi ornare cursus. Pellentesque sed eros nisl. Sed condimentum purus lacus. Praesent sollicitudin ante non mi imperdiet tristique. Praesent dictum sagittis leo, bibendum commodo dui. Quisque finibus pharetra fermentum. Morbi quis tristique ligula. Cras sem sem, efficitur vitae feugiat at, fermentum quis ex. Pellentesque eu faucibus massa. Aliquam laoreet dictum aliquet.


Integer pharetra odio ut turpis tempor efficitur. Aenean pharetra purus eget justo consectetur, ut consequat felis laoreet. Donec fermentum nulla eu metus facilisis, eu elementum lacus scelerisque. Sed aliquet neque id erat venenatis aliquam at vitae tellus. Sed sagittis felis sollicitudin laoreet vestibulum. Suspendisse quis tellus a ligula consequat semper. Nunc eget mi vel dui laoreet mattis. Suspendisse eu tortor imperdiet.

2 years, 6 months ago: Cadillac Williams wrote a Downtime Journal for An Interesting Sword

bin finkin

Cant git out of my hed that apparently the guys skin melted, so glad I didnt see it, wudda freeked me owt. 

N the gun did nothin. All I cud do was run. gud job am good at it. 

N the overs are clever folk, not shure ah shuld trust um. 

The tingly feeling feels gud thugh, not like after jumpin Noshawns monster truck . 

3 years, 7 months ago: Starling wrote a Downtime Journal for An Interesting Sword

This stupid ankh thing burns

Well it's been a few days since the first Contract. 

I've mostly spent it trying to figure out what this stupid ankh thing is. All the books say it's some key to life from some egyptian god. 

I miss living in a world where this kind of crap was fictisious and the rules of physics governed the universe. 

Now some dumb bit of metal burns me every time i touch it and I have to live with the reality that there really might be a bird headed man out there that makes the sun rise. Or not. No one seems to know what to believe anymore. 

I don't feel any different, the Harbinger said I'd get powers, although that trollop Marcia at the lab did seem to react to me telling her I thought she was a sad and pathetic individual more strongly than I was expecting. So I guess maybe I should investigate that. 

I wonder what Cadillac is up to. 

Latest Completed Contracts

4 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup


This is a version of the Illuminated Earth, it is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Posted by Eliadon, 11 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Skyscraper under construction burns down in mysterious Fire

In a startling turn of events, a towering skyscraper under construction in the heart of the city was engulfed in flames early this morning, leaving behind a scene of devastation and raising questions about the cause of the blaze.

The incident occurred at approximately 2:30 a.m. local time, when emergency services received multiple reports of a massive fire at the construction site of the ambitious high-rise project. Firefighters rushed to the scene, battling the inferno for several hours in an attempt to contain the flames and prevent further damage.

Eyewitnesses described a chaotic scene as the fire rapidly consumed the structure, sending plumes of thick smoke billowing into the night sky. "It was like something out of a movie," said one onlooker. "The flames were so intense, and the heat was unbearable."

Despite the efforts of firefighters, the blaze proved to be stubborn and difficult to extinguish, causing significant damage to the unfinished building. As dawn broke, the full extent of the destruction became apparent, with large sections of the structure reduced to charred rubble.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the cause of the fire, which remains shrouded in mystery. Initial reports suggest that the blaze may have originated on one of the lower floors of the building, but officials have yet to determine what sparked the inferno.

"We're treating this as a suspicious fire," stated Chief Fire Marshal Rebecca Thompson. "Given the size and scale of the blaze, as well as the fact that the building was still under construction and unoccupied at the time, we're exploring all possible avenues in our investigation."

The skyscraper, which was slated to become a landmark in the city's skyline upon its completion, was being developed by a prominent construction firm. The project had been in the works for several years and was expected to feature luxury apartments, commercial space, and state-of-the-art amenities.

The devastating fire has dealt a significant blow to the construction company and has raised concerns among residents about the safety of other high-rise developments in the area. "It's terrifying to think that something like this could happen in our city," said local resident Sarah Rodriguez. "I just hope they get to the bottom of what caused it."

As investigators work tirelessly to unravel the mystery behind the blaze, the charred remains of the skyscraper stand as a grim reminder of the destructive power of fire and the challenges of building and safeguarding towering structures. The road to recovery will be long and arduous, but the resilience of the community remains unwavering in the face of adversity.

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