Ricterx has played 3 Contractors in a total of 38 Contracts, earning 34 Wins, 2 Failures, and 0 Contractor Deaths.
They have survived 5 Contracts where another Contractor died.
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Ricterx has run 50 Contracts and 53 Moves in 2 Playgroups for 117 Contractors and 83 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 194 Gifts, failed but survived 0 times, and met with 0 unfortunate ends.
They have achieved the Golden Ratio 0 times.
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You've been transported to a new world, where things don't work as they should, but there is someone you need to protect.
"I'm Kick and this is Beat and we're going to DESTROY YOU!"
Craft a civilization that will stand the test of time.
Deep with-in the code of a game you find a door named 'Level ∞', with a warning to all those who approach... “Beyond this door is the beginning of the end of your journey. Are you prepared for what lies ahead?” (Must have played the contract "Maikendo")
A local cult that worships demons, imps, and other infernal ghouls are having a ‘sermon’ in the woods.
There has been local reports from some concerned citizens about UFO’s in the area, most of which has been unfounded but with the disappearances of a few citizens in a local town it could be worth looking into.