A Scenario written by ShadyTradesman
Last edited by ShadyTradesman on Dec. 20, 2022, 12:20 p.m.
The Contractors visit Bobasaurus and retrieve the source of some delta radiation.
Suggested for 2 to 5 Newbie Contractors.
Run by Shadelight in Maelstrom
Fors used an Investigate Area gift to locate the frogtipede immediately, and Annette pulled down the fire escape ladder and crushed the lock of the second-story window. The group infiltrates the apartment, temporarily captures their target, but are ambushed by a pair of thugs. Fors and Annette leave in chase for the frogtipede and, after catching it, succeed in driving all the way to the meetup point while Artemis stays behind to dump boba into the apartment's sink. Artemis then fails a Stealth check, is told to stand down by two cops, murders them both, murders two more bystanders that recorded everything as it happened, and is finally killed by a fresh infusion of police officers at the scene.
Run by athanasynt in TCTC 2025
Ran for a convention and everyone else used pre-made characters, wasn’t just a game for one guy!
Run by ChickenMcDalek in The Fellowship
Run by Bigswordsman in The Torrent
Did awesome! Rolls were absolutely evil so I had to fudge some things and balance it for a 2-man (def should run it with at least 3). Other than the driving being evil, it was fun.
Run by HumbleMemeMumbles in The Torrent
Its A-OK!
One more trauma for the trauma gods!
Run by Sadopeer in Syndicate Contract
This was the worst, they went headstrong and paid for it
Run by ShadyTradesman in Denver: Wash Park
Group tipped their hand to the triad and then tried to watch the interrogation of Frank instead of keeping their eye on the prize. Got away with a few battle scars.
Run by Author in The Goons
Went really well, until it didn't. Two of them ate the boba, in which one botched and proceeded to be forced to kill the others, or at least, until he was lobotomized via car.
Run by RosharSkimbly in The Plastics
Great! My first time running a scenario, so it was a little clunky, but overall it was a fun setting to run a contract in.
Run by praenomen in Earth-474
K used psychic powers to stun the alien. They outran mobs in a stolen Uber, and completely avoided the competing team.
Run by Mydas in GAMPU Contracts Inc.
Run by Kintou in Seventh Day Sellswords
Run by Unifel in The Illumination
Group all survived, but everyone except for one person got stung.
Run by Monday in Whims
they had a motherfucker with 5 drive named "The Chaffeur"
and an expert thief who was on POINT the whole game
Run by Frogstand in Beginners Burrow
This was pretty good my group was a little all over the place but managed to squeak by.
Run by Kelvinlion7 in Kemade
very nice the scenario's were open ended and made it pretty easy to follow. had some fun making the alien a facehugger
Run by ismirvollegal in LateNightBoís
Run by DiamondTheFox in Pennsylvania paranormal Contractors
The Contracters managed to secure the alien creature and return it to prometheus ventures without much trouble
Run by Monday in Maelstrom
One incap + 2 alarmed
One wounded (will) + frantic
Managed to clutch up at the end though
Run by TheCooler in Vintage
Run by EthanJ in Maelstrom
In game hour 1: introductions, flew everyone to San Fran., ect.
Meeting started at sunset, party takes a while on NDA. Hour after sunset party gets to Bobasaur, orders drinks to observe them. One player sneaks around back, sees a backdoor, entire party gets caught by frank in backroom when he goes to get more Boba. Team B arrive before this. Frank gets threatened by Team B into closing early and gets beaten up by them. half of group sneak upstairs, one player bothers B-team by knocking constanttly. B-team grab her, shoot her in face. She manages to escape with permanent injury, im ambulance, with help of another player. Everyone else grabs the alien, put it in pickle jar, and run until they find a taxi driver who isn't trying to hit them with their car (yellow eyed zombies in presuit). Team B is abliv., they head upstears after party. Be the time they find evidence of a break in, party has completed mission. I'm to lazy to spellcheck this.
Run by Monday in Maelstrom
Players did good in the start-- making good time in the investigation phase and reaching the apartment through high physical rolls. However, began to struggle with the retrieval of the alien, and weren't well equipped for the chase segment. Ended up giving up the alien to the SUV with Jennifer and failed.
Run by jumbohiggins in Void_Of_Scott
Run by jumbohiggins in Void_Of_Scott
Run by Popocorn in Popocorn's Personal Play Pack
All in all, when we got going, it was pretty good. Took much longer than I anticipated, but that's mostly on our party's end. I'd still recommend freeing up more than four hours, especially if you have players who haven't played the game before, haven't been introduced, etc. Only one of my players got stung, which is nice. I did end up having to push them in the right direction with the gangsters and the professor which was troublesome, but it might make a good recurring character for one of my characters. That does bring up a point I wanted to mention in that my characters often hit snags in the plot since they couldn't figure out what to do. They got a solution eventually, and I understand that the whole thing is supposed to be creative solutions to unforeseen problems, but these problems seem a little too open-ended sometimes. As I said, decent scenario, especially for starting off newbies.
Run by TheSuperChrisb in TDFC Playgroup
Run by ShadyTradesman in Maelstrom
Overall went super well. Contractors encountered the B team inside the apartment, locked themselves inside, and won the fight easily. After-capture was fairly quick.
Run by therustyy257 in Maelstrom
Run by Lemmy in Maelstrom
Other than the 6 dice for the stinger there wasn't any other guidance on stats for anything else, which was difficult as a newbie GM to guess off the top of my head, but that is just a lack of experience on my end. The imagery of trying to handle a slimy jello cat in a speeding swerving car was fun to GM for. Overall it went well, lots of exerting almost to passing out.
Run by TheSuperChrisb in Project *******
Yikes! Cock-up cascade, lost a player early, and the other team got to Frank first. By the end, the boba zombies managed to grab the the other team and keep them from leaving, allowing the creature to escape capture.
Run by ShadyTradesman in Maelstrom
Got to play the bad guys more dangerous. Also the players were really on the ball and discovered the alien super easily. The lure of other power thing didn't really play.
GM Pre-reading. Understand the situation.
Intro and Briefing
Try to finish introductions within the first hour of the session. Read more about GMing introductions here.
Objective: Retrieve the source of the delta radiation and return it to the briefing point unharmed.
Objective: Retrieve the source of the delta radiation and return it to the briefing point unharmed.