GreenAppll has played 27 Contractors in a total of 168 Contracts, earning 129 Wins, 20 Failures, and 9 Contractor Deaths.
They have survived 13 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors
GreenAppll has run 83 Contracts and 26 Moves in 7 Playgroups for 222 Contractors and 99 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 247 Gifts, failed but survived 25 times, and met with 19 unfortunate ends.
They have achieved the Golden Ratio 14 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios
Find the egg and bring it to a shrine. Cannot be destroyed or cracked.
Hunt down the monster destroying the ecosystem
"The Lord that Created Everything, The Lord who Reigns Behind the Curtain of Shadows, The Degenerate Nature of all Living Things"
Find and retrieve back a old item belonging to the Tyrant harbinger
Retrieve Artifact 1-13 The doll house
Infiltrate and retrieve a pregnant mother before she gets sacrificed
a big ol worm is on the loose, can the contractor capture it without killing it before it makes a huge ruckus?
A bishop of the aurora order has infiltrated a town. Get his head.
In the darkness lurks a creature. Capture it alive and stable, and bring it back to us.
Seems Cloudy with a chance of rain
After a failed contract. another part must deal with it now.
Theres a circus going around but people are disappearing in it.
Retrieve the Space Probe
In a temple of a fallen Goddess. Can you retrieve their artifact?
A pet escaped, Secure it and destroy all traces left behind.
Final Duet
When pigs can fly
I once had strings, but now I'm free
You have 4 nightmare mission. stay at the place for a full week and complete them.
Hunt down the escapee from a hospital and kill them.
Power of Knowledge Power of Reason God of Wisdom
Protect this woman while she tries to get her vengeance.
The contractors must go deep into the depths of a college and discover its secrets
A cabin in the woods, with 5 residents of unknown secrets
That day, except me, they all came.
Isn't nature absolutely beautiful yet terrifying?
transporting a corpse over a thousand li (310 mi)
What's wrong with a little darkness?
Stop a disaster from happening.
A lovely parade for the nightly owls
Please drop off this package at the designated location!
In a sinful area of tokyo, Shinjuku, where sins are abound, save someone from their fate.
Did you hear? The sounds of the deceased...