They probably deserved it
Liam Holloway was a haunted man - the burden of the lives he could not save wore heavily on his soul. For a time, he rallied, burning brightly...yet as the Old Witch predicted, his end was never in question. Unable to escape his inner demons, he died alone, & by his own hand.
In the end, I am gone because of a simple mistake. I caution you to know that this may happen to any of you. If you are wise you may find a way out of this life. If you are not then may your fight be victorious and your death shall be remembered. Be warned grudges can be held. Honor your friends.
Wherever he is now, I hope he's got 1000s of monster movies and private jets to keep him entertained.
Penny Roberts, a product of circumstance. Circumstance that she was killed, circumstance that she lived. She was gifted a second chance, and she didn't waste it at all. She lost her family but created a new one, out of the friends she made along the way of the new life that she was gifted. She was killed, originally by a cruel and uncaring woman that she learned to forgive. She helped to heal and take care of others who would have died otherwise. And this is her legacy, one of kindness, one of family. One of protection and new beginnings. That death allows for new life, and new growth, and a reaper's job is to prune the world so that life can grow from the rot. And we hope that Penny's death and rot fuel the life of those who were close to her, for it is what she would have wanted. So go forth and honor her memory and her name, whisper it on the wind when you walk past her shrine, feel it in your heart when you eat of the milkshake stew served by Bu Fang, feel their magic in your blood when your fingers graze a mask she made. For she is not totally gone from these worlds, as she is still inside the hearts of all she touched.
The following is the last will and testament of Valerie Smith.
- My estate goes to Bu Fang, so long as he supports and cares for The Numbers, Hugo Glasgarden, and Hope Farkus. You're the only one I know who can pay the property taxes on this monstrosity, buddy. Keep them safe for me.
- My wealth shall be cut six ways, and be distributed as the following:
- One portion to Hugo Glasgarden, for the continued care of Hope Farkus.
- One Portion to Mark Collins, since apparently heroism doesn't pay.
- One portion to be gifted anonymously to the Roberts Family of the bay area region of San Francisco.
- The remaining three portions are to be gifted to Hope Farkus when she turns 18.
- To Hope Farkus, I also bestow my lucky Gothic Violin. Have ten help you to play it, and remember me fondly.
- All of my miscellaneous things can be claimed and distributed to my friends and found family. I hope to see you again before your time comes.
What happened to Alexis Veir?
In his last handful of Contracts, Alexis had been becoming more and more dangerous. Unstable, erratic, and biased against any monstrous contractors at an alarmingly quick pace. Kody was alerted to this by Bernard Tox after a Contract in which Alexis had attacked Reuben Sturgill, was warned, and warned again, and then nearly drowned by Bernard.
Alexis came home to the shop and an argument between him and Kody ensued about Alexis’s recklessness and hatred of monsters. Alexis asked to go and see Preston Vincent Astor III, who had promised a talk and the best medical attention money could buy. Kody and Alexis met Preston in Orange, Virginia. Preston and Alexis went back in forth in front of Kody about what types should be brought down, and generally monster racism. Kody was nervous but let it go, and Alexis was healed.
They return to the shop and Kody uses a warding power to listen in on a conversation that he agreed to let Alexis and Bernard have in private. Kody gathered that Alexis wanted to go after Reuben. He asked him about it when Alexis was obviously lying, and Alexis said “I don’t have to listen to you.” which sparked another argument, in which Alexis basically told Kody that he wasn’t his kid. Alexis’s desire for separation also partially stemmed from his desire for Kody to stop getting hurt over him. Kody sent Alexis home, but Alexis went to Reuben instead. Kody and Bernard followed.
Kody and Bernard find Alexis on a rooftop in Los Angeles. Reuben has already left, but that doesn’t stop Kody and Alexis from arguing one last time before Alexis began to power up. Electricity flew and Kody took 6 damage; he would have taken 11 and immediately died had Alexis not (unbeknownst to Kody) held back.
Bernard Tox climbed the fire escape after Kody and held Alexis with a Restrict power while Kody broke down and tried to get it over with quickly, pressing his bare, 1800° hand to Alexis’s throat for two rounds. He did not realize Bernard was holding Alexis. There was a crack, and Alexis Veir was dead.
Vivian, did more good than 90% of contractors in less than half a year. Yet as she often said to those closest to her, it was all for nothing in the end.
Bert will not be missed. Unless you count the creatures inhabitting his many terrariums. Even then, they mostly miss the food their foul-smelling overlord brought.
You could only ever be told that you're "doing it all wrong" so many times.
All these years you've done nothing but "live", but your final two months were when you've lived to the fullest. Could you have been so wrong if you've felt happy for once?
Now, as you face the final light, remember. It's all you can do.
And may you know the warmth of your last ever embrace.
Rest well, you beautiful motherfucker.
"Hey there, kiddo... I never thought I'd end up here, feeling so scared, right now... Life is a wild ride huh? Full of laughter and dreams. I wish I had more time—time to watch the stars, time to chase the sunsets, time to tell stories... Please... Tell Task "Don’t let anyone tell you your dreams are too big. Keep fighting, Okay!? Every moment counts, and I wish I could hold onto you one last time, I really do... I love you Task... I love you Carla. Promise to have many more birthdays in the future, okay? I... Love..."
im going to say this... im done with all of this ... im not asking for money im not asking for my freedom and peace. if you want to kill me im right here . if you dont i would do it my self . all that i have done . all that i have lost my freedom my friend oscar. my everything.alll of this is just to spread freedom and equality among all npc and also people in neogenis. there was some corrupt stuff that happened in my case and i want to use that as an advantage and reason in hope to spread equality. but i think now its too late everyone is after my guyes... thats going to be all i have nothing else im able to do now i lost my guild and people and house and my freedom. i hope. i realy hope. that someone continues in my path for a better place for everyone. and stop the corruption happening among this place. you all were great and thats it for me. ***lornn says:lornn is out before cutting his throat***
shoot to death neven seeing their clone
I will Feed on the world nothing can stop us now. I HUNGER I HUNGER I HUNGER I HUNGER.
Stripped the plant matter from their flesh with fire, and struck a permanent scar into the moon’s maw itself. One last, show stopping number
new obituary in progress ;)
Fought the mirror man in the mirror world, got stabbed, proceeded to throw an infinite amount of shadow shuriken at said mirror man and they both died. His gifts have been passed on to a random dude he met today, and his good buddy Johnny Fontante.
Z went down serving her design purpose. Time to be recycled.
Sometimes you need to get dragged beneath the surface to appreciate the air
needed to live one more turn
Never fast enough
The end of everything is the beginning of something else. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Love is eternal even when life fades away.
Better to have and to lose than to never have had at all.
"Live on Son."
Things went downhill after my sixth contract. I tried looking for easy ways out, and dug a lot of graves, not just my own. Be suspicious, and remember that real, valuable things aren't just asked for, or given. They're earned.
Oliver Green, or as some called him "Slug" for his impressive handy work, died. He was a man with a troubled past, but that didn't let that stop him from trying to make the world a better place, but sometimes the world bites back. During his short time as a contractor, his kindness touched the hearts of those around him. He did his best to make sure everyone was okay, not because he saw them as an asset or because they owed him, but because he cared.
He wasn't a very popular, powerful, smart, rich or eccentric, he was just a 'simple man'...
Cercyon’s consciousness melded, and suddenly, he was somewhere else, standing in front of a scale. On one side, stood 7 different humanoids, who all seemed to converse with each other, and then nod in agreement. Then, his whole world flipped, and then he was standing in front of a short and stocky man, who seemed extraordinarily ugly. He recognized him instantly, seeing his loved Patron, Vulcan. “Welcome to my forge, my child.”
Cercyon bowed to Vulcan, prostrating himself to the God. “Thank you for your blessing.” Vulcan stared at Cercyon, and then motioned him to stand up. “You have proved yourself in both battle and the forge, you are truly my son, both by name and merit.”
Cercyon obeyed, and followed the god into a massive cavern, generously sprinkled with forges and materials, each workstation completely stocked with tools. “The God’s Forge.” Cercyon breathed, his voice and face saturated with awe.
“Yes.” Grunted Vulcan in response, who then stepped away, and then motioned to a house not too far away. “This will be your home for the rest of eternity, my believer.”
Cercyon walked towards his new home, meandering and staring at the massive workshop. Once he was inside, he stepped in. A clear smell of mint wafted towards him, and two older people stepped up to him, who were dressed in red garments. The man smiled at him warmly, and the woman rushed up to him and captured him in a hug.
Cercyon was cautious, but then recognized them; “Mother, Father?” At first curious, but then elated. “It’s you?” “It really is you?”
“They are.” Vulcan’s voice boomed in response, his gravelly tones echoing in the open airy chamber. Cercyon embraced his mother back, towering over her and then his father, a family group hug that felt so complete, so real, so right.
Cercyon wept.
Alas for Gary Brown his inventions were all but useless, and now in Federal hands, at the end. He never did quite show the world what he had to take, or give, and he ended up just another man trying to get away from the Law. He lived by the sword, and he certainly died by it. With his death though, he's unintentionally made things worse for quite a few people... may his ghost roll on his closest friends, even in whatever afterlife his atheist-soul spirited away to.
Eaten alive once again, this time by Zombies. Should’ve followed the plan, Elvis.
Shot while riding in a gasless golf cart while being chased by seven police cars and a police helicopter with a sniper after finishing the contract.
A ex-convict/ martial instructor. Fonzie Timothy Buck, was recently found at a interstate near reaching Miami. He was found badly wounded from multiple wounds but the killing blow from getting thrown and his lower body being simply skidded across the ground and his head seemingly fractured to which lead to a fatal but quick death.
Family and Friends will truly mourn a man who tried to right his wrongs from what they have told us.
Dr. Skunk murdered Constantine due to Constantine's unfortunate condition of blood paraphilia.
Getting shot in the chest by MP5 while being Monke.
leonardo was hunter who died at the age of 21 after trying to escape a group of guards. he lived in the hunter's world and then illumination he spent his childhood with his family slaying beast and grew up to become a strong and feared hunter sadly he died before fulfilling his promise to his mother or did he?
Sought to conquer hell, probably there now. May his manor be put to good use, and his Grimoire be given to worthy hands.
Sir Peter Thomas Blackwood died in Asgard, and will be honored by the gods with a place in Valhalla. While stealing the legendary hammer Mjolnir with his old friend Edward Grimm, the Hammer punched through the wing of Aetherwing the Dragon and killed Sir Blackwood, the greatest explorer of this generation.
The wolf creature's blood-matted fur fell away, leaving a severely wounded young woman. She turned to the ginger boy, her same age, and breathed her final words.
"Elliot. If you see Reed. . . Tell her she's going to do great things."
Died younger than most, lived more than most.
khabib el enano mas fuerte de la mma
A few weeks after Mirka died, she missed her regular check in with her cult. Someone was sent to look for her, and found her apartment empty. They spoke to her coworkers, and none had heard from her.
In Mirka's true home, her mother waited for her daughter to reappear. She will be waiting until they see eachother again in the afterlife.
At least.... I took the shot.
Even though her death had come far too soon, Thia's life was still not for nothing. Events were already set in motion by her hand, ideas created and bequeathed, minds inspired towards greatness. This loss was but a testament to the dangerous world we live in, but her efforts may yet make it less so.
When negotiations break down, sometimes all you can do is pull the pin.
Hardly an hour after signing his future away, Jasper was shot through the neck. With a final exertion, he bashed his killer's head in, before suffering his allies vain attempts at first aid. He died as he lived, barely scratching the surface of his potential.
A young Konrad runs towards his father, a middle aged man sitting beneath an apple tree on a scenic sunny morning day, reading a book. The wind softly rustling the leaves as he grabs his father by the arm.
"Father.... I'm hungry... is dinner... ready y...?" Konrad whispers under his breath, as the last droplets of blood leave his mangled and torn body
A man hated by the world, but who hated it enough to keep going. Flippey sends his regards motherfucker.
Yeah no screw you man I hate you
Shot in the back by a mind controlled Antonov Andreevich.
I lived well, being kicked from so many significant institutions..medical, scientific and the like. I lived without moral, working my whole life for science..if only I had more time for my experiments.
"Yeah, looking back, that could've gone better. Whoops!"
Don't forget her, okay?
We're moving to another World. Less Go.
Gamble until you win folks
Igors sank beneath the waves, and in his final wishes he wished that his body joined back into the cycle of life. As his dead body finally reached the ground, cooked to a perfect medium rare by the boiling waters, his body is eaten up by the creatures below. His skeleton is whisked away by the currents to lay rest further away from the island, right next to the bottle of soup that used to be Stample Clog.
Parting is such
Gilryen died as a result of his wounds (and being left behind😒) He sought to build a world free of war and fear. A world where one could in a peace, a utopia. Gilryen will be remembered by his heroic actions. All hail the fallen god.
Bro has nothing to give but etleast he jad Charakter
Shot dead by a ringer.
Died due to Death. Completely natural.
one last cosmic joke to round out a sad life
Julia never got the chance to do much. Last anyone heard from her, she was going to New Orleans for some sort of job. Not too out of the ordinary, she goes out of town for weird jobs she doesn't talk about all the time. What people weren't expecting was the call from a New Orleans Hospital. Their daughter turned up dead of blood loss. Ambulance never even had a chance to get there in time. They mourn her for years, but eventually they move on, as we all do. Penelope watered Julia's plants for as long as she could, making sure they got the best care possible. She never had the chance to confess, and she'll regret it for most of her life.
Julia never got the chance to tell Penelope she felt the same way.
Mifiora's last moments were a dazzling explosion, as the hospital before her turned into a cloud of debris. She wouldn't wake up from her coma, using the last of her energy to heft the launcher. It would've been for nothing.
In the early night of July 16th, a crazy stalker broke into the estate of Lily-Rose Tragedeigh Kennedy, stabbing her to death in her sleep. According to the police, the stalker claimed that "If he couldn't have her, noone could have her."
(Marked dead to no longer be used)
Beachgoers in San Ventura found the body of Sean O'Donogue in the morning hours of the 12th of July, 2024. Coroners determined the cause of death to be Blunt force trauma. The San Ventura Police Department is currently investigating the death of the 26 year old Irishman, with one lead currently being that residents reported loud noises in the night before.
Marco was willing to risk his life to complete the mission. He stepped on a landmine, lost an eye, a hand and a foot by a shotgun. Later he lost his leg by a granate. He then got left behind under cold ice. He is a Hero. He is not under us anymore but he will stay in our hearts.
José Ramos was a loved friend. He fought for what he believed in until the end of his days. He was always willing to risk his life to fight injustice. Even though he was a wanted criminal, his morals were the most important thing in his life. May he rest in anarchy.
To all in memory, a message from the departed. Follow your dreams. Even if they’re whimsical. Or silly. Or a little outside the bounds of polite society. Somewhere out there, one old ghost believes in you.
the lord has abandoned me
Lawrence Grimble passed away from unknown paranormal events while pursuing a contract. He was the only son of Angela Grimble, who will greatly miss him. Lawrence will be remembered for his expertise in video games and his vast knowledge of Japanese animation. He had a bright future ahead of him, as he worked his way towards the position of manager of one of the local Yreka McDonalds. A strong-willed young man, he was insistent on improving himself through pursuing paranormal missions. We only hope that the Lord will perfect him in a way that he could never achieve in this life.
As Lawrence takes his final breath, he finds that he does not die. Instead, he appears before a council of seven gods. They tell him that he has great potential, and that they have a mission of redemption for him...
Quinn was a loyal and hard-working farm-hand. They died nobly, saving co-workers and strangers knowing it would kill them in the process. After taking out an entire mob in one swing, they succumbed to their injuries after a botched attempt of patching their wounds. Their last thoughts were of the farm, and the animals that they cared for. Quinn was young, too young to have died in such a horrible way. The world lost a kind soul today, rest in peace.
Freya was punched square in the chest, causing her ribs to cave in. She succumbed to poison on her way to the hospital.
The way we all expected
Died a Warrior's death
She will never end world hunger. But she helped mitigate it as well as she could while she lived.
She died doing what she loved (having a severe mental health crisis)
David fought well, slain mighty sea beasts, met gods and claimed artifacts of legend. May those who fought against him face the wrath of his sire.
The smoke-filled room of an office greets you, an aged detective sits in a room covered in darkness. a new story has begun.
the Car and all items were given to his brother. family members were notified about his missing report, the gibberson blood line ain't over friend, their blood is like mold spreading far and wide. THAT WENDIGO AIN'T DONE TORMENTING EM!
I'm sorry, Liv. And thank you, for everything.
U deserved it u annoying bitch
Survived a lot, defied expectations by dying a natural death.
Rex was a strong worthy contractor. Loyal to the highest bidder and the biggest target. The only man to ever slay a kaiju single handedly. Shoutout Rex. What a real one
Kitty Lundstrum was a freedom fighter. Rebelling against zir nature until the day ze died. The black hole of zir soul, bursting with siphoned energy and untold potential, was even less stable in death. Another was born to bear the burden of anchoring reality, and all that energy, that storm bound to the mundane empowered humanity...somewhere in the future. One good, and one evil made from the ashes of such duality.
He wasn't a good guy, but he was a cool character. I'll miss him dearly as he was one of the coolest concepts I had but he was gone too soon.
Put his all on the line, planned perfectly, and saved the others.
Went out the only way he could have, making the job go right.
He passes the torch to Vi
Weak attacks and strong dodges are not enough to survive the road to heaven.
Ike got comparatively unlucky in contrast to his aspirations.
*damn bird*
Jade Arrison was a youth, mute, they touched the world in ways nobody ever could. They spoke in blades, in irony, in biting remarks of blazing hot justice, but... In the end, their luck had finally run out, their words scrawled in ink forever lost to time.
Jade, in the end, was unable to fight what they prepared so much to protect.
The innocent.
Rest in Peace, Swordsman of Glass, Jade Arrison. May your anger be laid to rest, and your sword find itself into worthy hands.
Not a single accomplishment graced this ones short life, a true ruin of a person. Dirty and dingy in all. Died as they lived, in the dark.
He went out fighting for the people he loved the most, everyone was devastated back at home, Alejandro still thinks about what happened when he went to that restroom.
They thought it was ghosts.
It was a rough game of bad investigation and making a wrong move to not talk to the cops. Then, I brutally died due to a bunch of armed men with guns raiding me. I tried to start a fire but couldn't get it in time. At least I was able to tell the people, "At least I know the pigs are prettier than you!" before getting executed.
Johnny Caste was found with severe organ failure, a gunshot wound to the leg, and a blown in right kneecap in Baltimore, Maryland. Friends say he lived happily despite being homeless, and that he will be missed dearly.
Was left behind by his fellow Contractors, then finished off by a corrupt cop. Should have taken charge.
I was stabbed in the back, by a man i trusted with my life... Apparently he thought our friendship was a joke.. What a shame.. I will come back and kill him.
A hopeless debtor and gambler, fresh to the contracts and maybe just a little to trusting. Perhaps he could've done something interesting in this damned world, but instead he shall remain in the depths with the worms and roots.
A man of a sad fate, one who only wished to protect the earth and expand his humble forest dragged to hell and back by Ky Matranaga the Devil Incarnate. His fate was sad, condemned to the sewers and tormented by hallucinations the heroic mall cop Tom Snart. His final hours were spent covered in shit in middle-of-nowhere Nevada.
A saw wielding drone
Nancy was ripped apart by a reanimated corpse after suffering grievous gunshot wounds, she is survived by her pet spider Shelley, who is now somewhere in the nevada desert.
My first contractor and contract a tough game which I almost survived but ultimately was destroyed.
She tried to think of everything, but her mistake was not accounting for a mistake. caught by suprise, she found herself in the mitts of a dark entity.
Lived his life being a double-crossing snake; finally, he was betrayed by his own betrayal; and immediately got a stone slug to the skull.
Died actaully being a Hero.
A climate change activist dying in a coal mine... how ironic.
Yeah, It happened
Frikkie De'Boos was an unbeloved man with a good-heart. Slowly losing their life to their sustained injuries, he weighed the fate of the world against his own; thus under tremendous stress, he decided the former would be best.
In a moment of brevity, he inspired his only conscious companion at the time (An auto-mechanical cowboy named Alistair, of whom Frikkie despised) to jump onto a moving bus. Promising that he would somehow stop it the vehicle, allowing Alistair the chance to eliminate the threat on board. Sadly, the method of which was used to save the world: took the life of both Frikkie and the Ninja (Yuki) companion he had in the back of his truck.
Managing to swerve in front of the bus, the catastrophic crash managed to halt the vehicle from escape, securing Alistair's victory, and unfortunately, a place for himself in the afterlife. At least he has Yuki to keep him company, and the memory of his final chance of redemption instilled with the lone survivor.
A marine biologist who faced down the barrel of a gun and miraculously survived, only to plummet from a plane and watch his life end in blood and gore. You will be missed by few.
the 74 year old ghost hunter met an end by a contractor who wanted to survive. Rather than giving in, he spent his last moments ruining the contract reward for the rest of the people.
Status: Deceased
Subject was in a close proximity to an explosion, which caused a cave-in. Though he was quickly dug out, lack of proper medicine ensured his death.
It is likely he will not be missed, and his death will remain as a statistic in Pathfinder Corps mortality rate.
Maxim Markov believed himself a hero, he was in the infancy of his hero career and it began with policing two rather young men to keep themselves together... he kept them safe, or tried to, even when they wouldn't (or didn't have to) ask.
Unfortunately, he couldn't protect them from each other as he bled out next to their bloody piles.
he at least got the chance to see a weird creature.
The "Skullhead" never returned to Sacramento State Hospital... never returned from visitation... Alas, the "Undying King" (In his head atleast), was slew by plant-things... on a farm... surrounded by the only ears that would hear his screams: Corn.
The dice
You could say Billy died to his own hubris breaking into a restricted hospital ward guarded by 5 gunmen
But everyone in the party took the best precautions they could to avoid this happening once the situation turned as bad as it did.
Billy even overcame his anger and decided to escape instead of getting into a fight he was incredibly unlikely to win
But he rolled a 0.005175% chance to botch both of his efforts to escape
And the guards decided not to use their stunguns but instead to turn him into swiss cheese with their guns which 3 of them high-rolled with two 5 successes and a 6
an accumulated likelihood of 0.00000492%
Billy wanted to live but multiple gods wanted him extremely dead.
At least he had only had managed to do a single contract and helped make a move, this way it hurts less that he's dead because everyone is less invested in him.
Emma Augustine Sauveterre suffered of a life of hardships. When she was young, her only adult friend in the factory she worked in was sent to New Hope in the place of her father. Her mother would die soon after, a victim of the strange wave of plagues that hit the Springlands in the early Alcalá era. Her husband perished underground as he was forced to toil until his demise as a political prisoner in the mines of Darkstone. Sooner than later she was left alone in a hostile world, that sooner than latter taught her the monsters that lurked in its darkness.
All of this, in a way, foreshadowed her death, as she found her dire end underground, just like her husband, in the middle of another war, like her friend, surrounded by darkness and monsters, caused by a plague frozen in time, part of the wave that took her mother.
Emma Augustine took part in many important events, however, she always remained a background character, the kind of face that can be dismissed in the old pictures of more important people. This is why, she would not be remembered as anything other than the casualty number 11,984 of the Miglian Civil War.
In a sick orgy with the others who died outside this city.
Their parents will never know.
His insanity, as he stood his ground while being aimed at by 24 officers, deciding to combat the infidel before death, taking down 4 of them and injuring 18.
While he died proudly, this sentiment would disappear in the first minutes on his afterlife.
shot about 3 times complained and was evicerated by ghost
Imagine a murder hobbo, but it goes horribly bad.
He got "mercy killed" FFS
He died as he lieved, in combat.
Yeah nah he fuckin DEAD
in a desperate attempt to stop the wolves from entering the cave, Ceird was standing there playing with chemicals and being ripped to shreds by 12 wolves as the mad war veteran Murdock shot his automatic as Ceird moved in front taking round after round letting his chemical containers get punctured as he went out in a blaze of glory
Today a Young Sheriff has sadly fallen to pass as he was killed by a group of Nazi's in Goshin, Indiana where he was far away from home.
Suffering from Blunt Trauma to the head, and many other things he had managed to reach the hospital thanks to the police but sadly he was killed in his sleep.
Friends and family are saddened to hear the news, especially his father and many others back home and at the workstation.
A known Christian, he will be remembered.
"A Great mind was lost that day. So long Max."
She died as she lived, fighting her hardest in the name of her God- the silent white-haired exorcist nun. Little is known about her but she was a tough fighter and a good shot.
May she rest well in the afterlife.
He died with some character development, trying to make sure some kids didn't die. Fucking pumpkins.
A humble kobold from a realm of fantasy, he was blind, helpless, and sent off in cold blooded murder. May he hopefully find peace, wherever he went.
The streets are safe once more
Karma. Helluva word, eh?
Karma's what you get when you use people.
Karma's what happens when you leave people to die.
Karma's what happened when Sasha coldly walked past Mahila, crippled on the floor, most of her blood drained from her body, while she was pleading for her life.
Karma's what happened when Mahila's dead husk got a chance to kill Sasha.
Karma is what let Mahila's staff find home in Sasha's metal skull.
they were in a chand up situation but its chill
Died as he lived in the search for ingredients
His life was short and not that fantastic. Angelo was willing to risk himself in hopes of tasting victory, but was caught lacking. Apparently it takes more than a song in your heart to survive. A lesson for every unexperienced Contractor.
Of course it was Patrick, what did I expect?
A 20,000 foot fall can kill a man. Easy enough.
rip his sister
i had a fck ton of shit in store for this girl, and i'm sad to see my first character go so quickly.. )":
Here lies Cylia Ambrose
Placed in a situation where she had to accuse another, leading to their death if successful- to survive, she refused and accepted death.
What was there to fight for, if her friends were so quick to throw her away?
Barroth was a complete newbie to the Games. Teleported into some school in a pocket dimension and didn't know what to expect. He went into a vent and got his chest caved in, and nearly died. It was only until Aaron set off a trap concerning a book titled the Art of War did an explosion occur, and Barroth was the only casualty. May this robot rest in peace with his creator.
Hank's life truly ended in 1994, when he killed those children in a drunk driving accident. Nothing he did past that could truly be called living. Nevertheless, his corporeal form persisted 27 more pathetic years, most of them blackout drunk, until he was finally given a shot at redemption by going on missions, accumulating great power, and protecting those who need protecting. He was no better at this than he was at not driving drunk and killing two kids, and is now well and truly dead for his efforts.
In a final act of self-sacrifice, he died saving his friend and comrade, Edward Grimm. He will be remembered.
unmemorable in life. remembered in death.
"if i didn't die, i would of inadvertently blew up a entire city"
The best dog.
The worst contractor.
#RIP #PetsofTwitter #CuteDogs #DogsDoPeopleStuff #Dogsarepeopletoo
Cyprene *could* have been more interesting given the chance, but he landed himself in federal prison almost immediately into Contracting. He was so close to killing that governor... and when freed, went on a Contract with a chain smoker and a dog, flirted with a 90 year old (successfully), and then trusted that dog too much and stretched the patience of the wrong people a bit too thin. “A hole the size of an apple in Cyprene’s face...” Rest In Peace, you teal-eyebrowed dumbass.
His plants are rotting in his New Orleans apartment, and based on the flexibility of Cyprene’s morals, that’s probably the most tragic thing.
Shot, stabbed, and blown up
Very sad
Isaa was a son of a shapeshifter and a human. Born in Bahla, Oman; the city of magic! As he grew up as a child, he used to see his father hitting his mother on daily bases... In a place no woman has any rights in. At 5 years old, Isaa’s mother has succumbed to her illness leaving Isaa with a necklace and in a place where he felt not welcomed with his abusive father. Isaa grew being bullied until he was 7 years old, as he had some problems with his speech because of his inability to control his tongue probably. At a destined day in 2005, the floating rock of Bahla finally fell, and the horns of hell were finally blown. People got on their knees and tried to reflect on their acts as they welcomed the judgement day, yet Isaa who already felt like he didn’t belong there, ran as fast as he wanted... Looking backward he saw the people of Bahla extend their hands toward him as if asking him to not leave them there, and right in front of his eyes... Isaa’s world vanished with just one spark of light that wiped the entire town from existence! As he looked upward he saw a winged creature, disgusting looking, homing in the sky. With just the sight of such creature, Isaa lost conscious just outside the town of Bahla.
Waking up just to find himself in a cell, Isaa was soon the center of attention of the whole country, yet his remarks about a winged creature and his inability to speak properly have made him a laughing stock to everyone and scarred him mentally to not speak. Using caves as shelters and stealing from people to survive, Isaa could only rely on theft to stay alive; training himself to be stealthy and sneak into people’s house as survival in a modernized Middle East was very hard for a 7 years old kid.
At 11 years old, Isaa has killed for the first time, as he was trying to steal food from a house yet seen the drunk father hitting their children which brought back unpleasant memories. Overcame by rage Isaa couldn’t think clearly as he grabbed the knife that was in the table and stabbed the man on the back cutting through his intestines yet Isaa thought that one stab wasn’t enough for such a scum and thus stabbed over and over again. The dead body fell to the ground, and the abused kid backed to the corner and started crying quietly as Isaa finally realized what he has done.
Scrolling through Muscat, Isaa grew up into a fine thief, and by 13 he was used by some rich people to steal important documents from each others. His small physique and his reluctance to speak even in the direst conditions made him one of the favorite thieves of the rich. It sustained him will, and allowed him to finally start making connections, until one day Isaa was betrayed when he was 14 years old. One of the richest people in the world in 2013 was the OPEC leader who loves to use the underaged Isaa as a thriving raccoon, but it has been many years since Isaa started working for him, and the small kid probably knew so many secrets and his existence became a threat to the OPEC leader, thus he was set up for a grand scheme of sending him in a mission then giving his whereabouts to the targets which will in turn kill him, but defying all odds, Isaa who is a 14 years old managed to come back with a scary scar left on his neck, and without any vocal cords. His mission was a success, one that relieved him from his fear of speaking since he became a mute, yet it also broke him as he was forced to kill a lot of people to achieve his mission. Unknowingly to Isaa, the fact that his mom’s necklace was the one that made him “regenerate” despite his neck was slashed by a knife have changed him forever, and he will probably find out in the future.
With Isaa becoming mute, the OPEC no longer felt threatened by him being interrogated and didn’t even want to spend the time hunting down the 14 years old who just murdered many people and completed his quest. They didn’t want the kid to know that the plan was devised by them, thus kept him on a leash as a hunting dog. A 14 years old Isaa started developing an obsession with daggers and knives, as they were the ones that were used to make him mute, and they were the ones that were used for his first kill, and they were the one that protected him from being killed, in Isaa’s mind it was the daggers and the knives that always have been sincere to him, when everyone else was cruel and mean.
A life of independence soon followed as Isaa reached 16 years old, and OPEC losing a lot of market shares to both America and Russia who started producing more oil and also the revolution in Libya that decreased the oil production Saudi agents used to produce from there. With two new powerful competitors entering the market, the demand of Isaa was higher, and like an item he was offering his service to the highest bidder. At the start he wasn’t very famous, yet his ability to assassinate people was much better than anticipated and he always got his hirers the results they wanted. Thus one day Isaa was hired by the American companies to steal a very important document related to a scandal of the leader of OPEC from a location. The mission was meant to go smoothly as the OPEC leader and his wife were supposed to be outside of the mansion, yet once Isaa bypassed the cameras and sneaked inside, he have seen a scene that he never saw before.... The brother of the OPEC leader, and the OPEC leader’s wife, yet what infuriated Isaa the most is the fact that there were so many underaged girls who have been tortured and used as toys. So without any warning, Isaa threw a dagger killing the wife who was riding her husband’s brother. The proceeded to torture the fat pig for hours to come. He freed the underaged slaves, yet he didn’t know at the time that he just signed their death sentence. As he completed his mission and returned, he downplayed the situation as this wasn’t the first time he did something without thinking as he raged.
On the other side, the OPEC leader have thought that Isaa have found out about their past plot to kill him, and have declared Isaa the enemy of the people. Hearing the news Isaa continued to work as an assassin, yet everyone he met was like a predator looking at Isaa like weak prey. As Isaa became 18 years old, he has already killed half of the well known assassins of the world, and he was very efficient with his daggers and knives. But as he reached 19 something in him snapped as he learned about the truth of the OPEC plot and how everyone has pretty much betrayed him except his daggers and knives. Thus he asked the Americans to make him an alias, in which he used to ask the Russians to give him an alias, in which he used to ask the Saudi to give him an alias, and this is how Master Assassin Isaa became Naoh.
Living in Switzerland with the money Naoh collected back when he was Isaa was very thrilling, yet there was two wishes that always came to Naoh’s mind, to destroy OPEC and to know more about the winged creature that he saw at the time.
This character was supposed to develop special body traits with every power suiting its shape shifter bloodline. I might have assigned the wrong limits because of my misunderstanding of the game, yet I was going to edit them. As Naoh awakens his first power, he excels at using his best friends the daggers and the knives, and for his second power, he runs very fast but the hands of those who once lived in Bahla chases him from the ground trying to grab him and dragging him down but to no avail.
The character was designed to show the beauty of how Isaa descend into the darkness as his body changes and become monstrous for every major traumatizing event he encounters, until one day the innocent kid Isaa that exists until now fades away, and it is just a sequence of unfortunate consequences that lead him to become a monster (NPC). I was thinking of a cool epilogue like killing harbingers or so once he gets very strong as he starts thinking that one of them is probably the winged creature or related to it. By instinct Isaa is aggressive against winged monstrous creatures as they remind him of his real hometown and his regrets.
The big kitty was not looking for pets.
he was a loving husb- nvmd just FUCK SPORES!!
A particularly fancy gravestone in a nice graveyard in Scotland, paid for by a fellow contractor, Belle, reads:
Dr. Benton
"Trusted Friend, Honored Surgeon, Paid the ultimate price to protect the innocent."
"I've Got A Plan!"
The truth:
Esteemed travelling doctor, mostly residing in southern mountains of California, USA
Lived 130 years, harvesting many organs from others to sustain his curse of a life.
Died his first game, with many of these... 'parts' on his person, and a long path of connected crimes, though he did leave the 'donors' alive when possible...
A book, that included the secrets of his formulae and many alchemical processes, the secret to the curse of unlife, respectlessly looted by the vampire hunters...
Funnily enough, Belle ensured he had the hero's treatment in the end.
Last Words, in the clutches of Anna (NOT Buffy) villian wanna be.
"I got a plan!"